PAGE 12, WEDNESOAY MAY 4, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS, HOME IMPROVEMENT SECTION -~WHITBy FE NCE COMPANY -O 5IM tEfWOODENGATE IJ~IÃ"1F/ D AND INISTALLED Wilf E VERT 125 LINEAR F117 0F FENCINB INSTALLED AND PURCHASED FROM THE WITOY PENCE COM- PANY, WREN TRIS AD 15 PRODUCED AT lIME 0P ESTIMATE. WOODEN GATE INCLUDES: *woodon gato wiII bo constructed i wth the samo matorlal as the-installod fonce. *wooden gate wiII be up to 4 foot wldo and tho holght of the lnstalled fonce, If doslrod. hingos and Iatch also Included, company choice. *offor good only durlng May 4 to May 17,1983. PRICES ON WOOD FENCING, SEE THE WHITBY FREE PRESS, APRIL ISSUES OR CALL FOR A FREE WR177EN ESTIMATE WHITBY 666-140 Contact your local utility val GOING OUT 0F BUSINESS SALE ALL STOCK UPTO 50% OFF " PLUMBING supplies " BATHROOM accessorles " STOVE PIPE accessorles 'IIANDTOOLS PAINT Shorwln WIIlams-Kem STAIN 25% off 25% off 30% 20% 30% off off off 50% off e*SEEDS 20% e.GARDEN TOOLS 20% *GARDEN TRELLIS 50% " 50% "*INSECTICIDES 20%1 " FIREPLACE 25%, accessorles 01 oi ol of of 0fi OTI-ER SPECIALS meinot 600 . el.U- S'anbeam t4ali'b- glass Quartz Heatersre.7111Nw 59 Kerosene Heater sj119)go Fireplace Screen reg. ,9.9 'NOW$9O Brooklin Pro Ha rdware 58 Baldwin St., Brooklln Althoughý the -bark " of' the energy crisis has abated somewhat, ils "bite" is stili painful: Horncowners will be paying more to heat and lighî their homes in the years to corne. Consumer electricity rates alune increased 14.8 percentin 1981 and are ex- pected to continue to rise annually ai a rate of 9 per- cent, according to Data Resources, Inc. The cost of natural gas - which jumped 20 percent last year - is also expected to increase as is the cust of home heating ail. Probably the single, mast effective means of saving on the cosîs of heat- ing and cooling a home is 10 add adequate insulation in walls, ceilings. and floors. Insulation is rated in R- values. These "R-values" measure the maîerial's ability to resist heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer. The higher the R- value, the grealer the insu- lating power. Insulation G should'therefore be chosen bl by R-values and flot si inches. Generally speaking, R- 30 or R-38 insulation in at- tics, R-Il1 or R- 13 for walls and R- 19 for floors above cold spaces are the recommended levels for most parts of the United States. However, even higher R-values may be economically justified by fuel savings in colder sec- lions of the country. be .Savings vary. Find 'out i n why in the seller's' fact Th sheet on R-values available rar from building material (en dealers and conîractors. upý rolîs of insulation with or without a vapor barrier; batîs - similar 10 blankets but sold in four and eight- foot lengths; and poured wool - loose -fi11 insula- lion that can be poured or blown into attie floors. ly accessible, adding insu- lation 10 the allie loor is a relatively simple do-il- yourself projeet. For more difficult installations, however, the job mighî bet- ter be lefI in the hands of a professional insulation GLASS BILT FIBER GLASS ROOFING SHINGLES tram Bird & Son achieve a roughhewn look that Ilends naturally with surrounding shrubs, trees and terrain. Featuring random edges an-d subtle ;hadow toues, the shingles carry a pro-rated warranty for 20 to 25 years. t Asphait'Shingles Riseto New Height The terms improve, autify and madernize are rten used interchangeably ihome remodeling. hats b%-cause c<)nlempo- y building materials of*- n allow homneowners lu )grade the eye appeal and lue of' their home in a igle remadcling pruject. ReroIing is one examn- !Il wusn't t<)o long ugo ia new roof l<)oked ýtty much like the <)ld e. But limes have inged. A new genera- u f asphalt shingles of*- sdistinctive shadow -s that give the roof' a i. rugged appeurance. gWEE DSPRAYING Want a weed f ree h Iawn? Lou's Lundscuping 728-3589 IGovornment Lcensed, Guaranleed ~Resonabe Rates si n thai pre I one chat lion l'ers lineý rich. ff if ors. these three-dimen- sional asphaît shingles en- hance the root's vis ual prestige. A .longer de.sign life, low maintenance and fire resistance top off the new r(>afing*s atîributes. The Asphaît Roofing Munufacturers Association says the long amortization period makes mulîi-lay- ered asphaît shingles an ecanomical choice for homeowners who want lunglasîing, goad-looking roufs. Amortization is the cost of the rouf per year of service. that is, material and !dbor costs divided by the years in the roof's de- ally cusis the sanç regard- less of the design life of the shingle., Since asphaît shingles frequently- can be applied uver the previuus ruofing, tear-off costs are eliminaîcd. Afler durability. mosî homeowners base their choice ut' shingles an at- tractive color'and design. To gel the mast from Ihese benefits, ARMA suggests the tolîowing: Coordinate the house and it. sute. Earthtone shades ut brown and beige help to blend a home wiîh its natural surruundings. Correct any architectur- aI tlaws. A dark roof visu- ally lowers a too-tail house. A light rouf', on the <)ther hand, adds height lu a squat-looking hume. Give the house curb ap- peal. Top il with a distinc- tive looking rouf in.,an eye- appeaîing color. 1ARMA utters these cau- tions about culor, don't use more than three l'or the rouf,. siding and trim and chouse a rouf color yuu can Lve wirh for a guod many peurs, THE LIFE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM WE#LL INSPECT - WE'LL DO - WE'LL GIVE O AIl Shingles 0 Roof Structure 0CoCuîkîng Repaire O Wrltten Report CI Flushing IlO Donnera I0OMnoiAdjustments IC Discount O Coulklng I0OVente O Brush.out on Reroof " Valsys 10 Eavestroughs of Eaveatrough, C10& More - NO CHAIRGE AND NO OB1LIGANTION - Were woi*Ing harder go gain your trust...- WON'T YOU LET US BE VOUR HOME"$S PERSONAL UMBRELLA? ;kCALL TODAY 433-4090 Instail Insu lotion E E c- 1 available as blankels - contraclor. Because 'Ihe attic is easi- 10 find out the recommen- dations for your area. Although Ihere is' a vani- ety of insulation materiais on the market loday, the most widely used type is minerai fiber - either rock wool or fiber glass. Minerai fiber insulation ,is