PAGE 10, WEDNESOAY MAY 11, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS REGUSTER, 'CONTINUOUSI CARBONIZED & MUSC. A CUMPLL I RtINT UN<.ISER1VICE 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax Shopping Plaza, Ajax Tlephone 416.-683.1968 and 416-683-1970 FREE CONCERT On Thursday, May 12, the Music Department of Anderson C.VI wil be presentlng a free con- cert featurlng the Con- cert Band and Choir from Kingavle District Hlgh Sehool, under the direction of Mr. Norman Buchanan ahd Mrs. An- ne Dresser. Admission for this event is free, hewever donations wil be ac- cepted after the per- formance. For more information cail Anderson Coilegiate at 668-W89. Betweeén You and Me By RUTH COLES Rain rain go away and corne another day. Anon. There is nothlng more lovely than a flower nor more essential than a plant; breathing, living, communicating. They are living things and are a part of our ives. Wlthout green plants.we would neither breathe nor eat; they devour carbon monoxide and expel oxygen, the act of photo-synthesis, produclng oxygen and food for animal and man. Plants are splrltuaily satlsfylng to man and haire always been used as tokens of frlendshlp and love. Flowers are used at Urnes of celebration and'at times of bereavement. The next few weeks will be plantlng Uirne and a Urne te renew our thoughts about gardenlng. In the summer doyou ever sit in the garden on a warm evenlng and marvel at ail the wonders around you? The magie and mystery of colour, scent and texture te, be looked at, touched and enjoyed? For many and most probably ail poisonous plants there is an antidote growing close by. Did you know by plantlng certain vegetables by other vegetables you can prevent grubs and such from destroylng your crop or even just damaging Wt? Hundreds of years ago in Europe, certain plants were planted for different reasons beside each other. Vegetable beds were bordered by varlous flowers which were known to improve the heaith and quality of the vegetables. Companion plant, plant symbiosis which is the ability of certain plants to help each other by their mere presence. The opposite, plant antagonism where both do poorly. A plant which needs plenty of light may make a good cempanion to one which like partial shade. Somne plants dislike each other se much that they grow away from each other, that is lean away from. the offending plant. Others die when planted side by side. I bave been teld that carnations and roses do terrible jhings to one another when grown side by side. Certain plants repel inseets; mosquitoes hate marigolds so, plant themn around your patio or beside doorways. Mint oiù or, sprigs of mint around door- ways they say wiil repel fies and fleas. Put some mint near or on your dog's bed or a piilow stuffed with winter savoury wiil send the fleas away from your pet's bed too. SA strong tea of chamomile flowers after it cools, sponged on your body will encourage the inseets to give you a wide berth. A piece of sponge dipped in spirits of camphor and hung in a roomn disposes of mosquitoes. Melon leaves are extremely rich la calcium and should be put in a compost heap and the calcium content of the compost will be increased. Lupins also add calcium to top, soil especiaily if the latter is poor and sandy. The heurs trying to, eradicate the common dande- lion in North America is wasted time and not 10oOur advantage. A native of Greece, this so cailed weed grows in northern climates ail over the world. It is belleved to have been brought over by the Pilgrinis >on the Mayflower. -For some foolish reason, its, usefulness was for- gotten. Nowadays we see people, generaily Euro- peans, digging up the roots and coilecting the leaves. However, one must be careful not te pick anything which has been sprayed. IJsed as a medi- dine, a pot herb and as salad greens this highly nutritious plant is held'la high esteem in many parts of the world. A single cup of dandelion greens is a source, a very bigh source of iron, calcium, potassium and vitamin A. The vitamin A content rates hlgher than thà t of any comparable quantity of any other vege- table on the food chart. Maybe one could say that -the motte of the dandelion could be, neyer say die!1 We bave written before about garlic and onions, their usffs,. their antibiotic qualities and repeilant qualities. Pianted in the garden with flowers or vegetables, garlic repels _pests, both lnsects and small animals such as moles or mice. Tomatoes,, corn, fruit trees, apples, pears and peaches benefit from, cloves of garlic being planted close by. Garnishes and toppings are important too and give food an appealing look and an appetizing taste. Herba can be added to salt. Herb bread is delightful and again wbatever flavour appeals te yeu can be added. Many people add lemon te bread and I. bave been told beer bread goes awfuily weil with herbed bread, sounds awful to me!1 Herb jeilies wbicb could include mint or lemon are so easy to make. We always added a geranium leaf to apple jeily and it gave it a lovely flavour. Attractive bouquets can bo made with herba, flowers and weeds. I England, cushiens are made with herba, 0f ten small pillows te use when having a riap. They have a lovely scent which 1 arn told helpo te relieve a headachâe. MABIGOLD FESTIVAL Don't forget your marigold seeds and start saving for the gala festival,. kids of ail ages. Soon we'Hl tell you more, fun and srrss J [Badge Truck,15