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Whitby Free Press, 13 Jul 1983, p. 16

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pu . WSEAY MDLV 13% lmI, WmTv FM MMI 1 PEU.. i Emporium Ads wiI only be accepted subject to the followlng conditions, o- ARTICLESMTILS QýFORSAL£EFOR SALE I BUSH HOC, 5 foot, dits new.. Aekipg $490. Phono ovenlngs 655.3142. CAMPER CAP, suidsIn unit, fit. ful aize PU., sink, tove & le box, excellent condition, $750 or, neaeset offer. ô h.p. outboard. motor, new, never used, wanaty, $050. 2 h> outboard motor, new, nover used, warranty, $39. Cail 985.3m6. CANOPY with framo and match. Ing bedspread, pastel print, 39", $35. Roctangular coffee table, pecan, $50. Goodyear radiai tires,, one on rim, 75R14, $75 pair. Five asaortod 14"1 tires, ail on rime, $15 each. 8track ployer for car, no speakers, $30. Caii 668-1063 momings oniy. COLLECTORS RIFLE, Winchost- er Masterson 3030, $400. Phono e55-4917. COMPLETE set of men's right hand golf clubs, bag Inciudod, $30. One pair of mon's Etonic golf s hees, brown, sizo 9, $75 Oné 2pleco pool cue and case, 17 ounces, $40. PhoneO 686.0257. DUNCAN Fyfe table, two leavos, centrai podostai, $125. Old dling room table $75. Phone 683O.668 FOR BALE vîntage radio, $125 and grama phono, $250. Phono 8&2436 ovenings. FOR SALE - Boy'a or girl's bicy- cie, 2011whoel, Canadian made, ln excellent condition, $60. Cali 68 MO7ferOap.m. FOR SALE - Mandolin banjo $150. Sun iamp $25. Cail 655- 8000. FOR SALE - 1978 Honda XR75, mînt condition, $400. 1976 Honda XR75, gond condition, 8350. Phono 655,3977. FOR SALE - One chosterfild and chair $186. Two end tables and coffse table $50. One rocker 82". Ideam for cottage or mec room. Phono 606-3M9. G.. HUMIDIFIER $75. Baby crib $20. Yogurt maker $15. Portable bIlîlard table, 38" x 71", $5. Phoneo 66872. GRANDFATHER dlock for sale. A lttIe ove( 6 foot tell, sold cherry. wood, Wstmnstor cdock, Lyre 6%' pondular. Flnlshod te yeur requiramonts. SON). Phono 655. 4097. HEAVY duty car jack $60. Camp stove $20. Iron trame old ochool destk $40. Largeolod crock 8$5. Phono 6834638 INTEEVISION, lncIudlng 9 gamis. Asklng $M0. Phone 579. 9m2., JUVENILE chîffrobe $50. Change table $20. Ceuch and chair $75, Al ln gond condition. Phono 668. 7253. MENS 10SPEED $85. Trl-levoi chose set $12. Lamp $5. Oid Viking etee $20. Phone 668. 3712. UOVING SALE One record player with AM/FM radio 840. One sofa - and chair $125. Al Items ln ex- cellent condition. PhoneOô668 0776. ONE heavy duy eset of acotylene torches, by llquld air, complote uNit uttlng tip and ho@oe, 820= New hemvy duty air hammer 4M Ftico08-4874. ONE Kirby vacuum cleaner wlth upholstery and rug ehampocor. Just 11km now. Only usod once. Golng cheap - $50. Cali 6Oô& 9042. ONE triple dresser andmirror, $60. Oneoekaso bed $30. Cal 668-0m ONYX CHESS SET&, Aztoc style, aseortod colora, $55 each. Frîgi. daime automnatlc drier $100, Hoover spin washor $100. Rocord collection, 500 albums, $1,200. New 8 man tent $160. Baily race- way plnbali machine, needs somo work, $350. Phono 985. 9258. ONE 12 foot catamaran, Aqua Cat, boat and traller, $975 or boat offer. One wood steve $100. One Tyco Nte Glo complote wlth lots of extra track $25. Two flouras- cent llghts $25 each, 4x4. Four twln windows, insulated, 4'x', $50 each. 1980 Moeury Caprl, a cylinder, automatlc, lght blue, excellent condition, 47,000 km.,' $4,500 or boat offor. Cemplete sot of snow tiras. Phono 655- 4533. SIX fluorescent ights, $10 each. Phone 683-319M TWO AR-14 bookeheif 2-way speakers rated et 150 watts each $225. Two Shure SM-57 micro- phones complets with desk stands, low Impodanco, $150 for pair. One large Lazy Boy reclîner, loather, siightiy wom, $75. Phono 668.395. TWO MOPEDS, ondas, ike new, $M0 for both. Phone 066&1367. UiLi7Y TRAILER, 4 x 7 foot box wlth vinyl covor. Asklng $175. Phone M8313 THE WORLD IS YOURS ... IF YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE... Wherever you move the Wel. come wagon hoessolathe right person te h.ip you find a place In your new conimunly. Cal 668-8943 WOOD latho $150. Six vinyl- covored chairs $17 oach. Phone 6834638. WOOD STOVE, Fisher Mama, $280. Dinlng roemn suito, Formica and woed tablo with extension, 4 wood and cioth chairs, $95. Cali 855-3546. 3 .P. air comproseor, 4 monthe oid, 30 galion capaclty, $85. Air file 88M. New foathor duater $75. Impact gun 86. Torches $150. Phono 686-4874. 3 .P. three phase eloctrIc motor, 220 440 volts, $150 firm. Cali 655- 3838 b.twsen 4 and 6 p.m. and ask for Paul. W0 ALUMINUM haavy duty TrV tower, six sections, gond for Ham adio operator. Asklng 8$M. Phone 570%1353. -PLEASE READ - When the advortlsod Item le eold, disposed ef, or unavailabie for whatover roason, the Item Ilil bs doomed to have beon soid and a commission wIll b. chargsd baeed on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as iilustrated bolow, regardiose If prîce laestated wlth "Ibeet offer". If thie Item la NOT SOLD, or disposodof, tho ad ilîl bo run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $8.00 wIli appiy payable ln advanceo f publication of the fîret ad. Othorwiso a 87.50 charge will ap- piy If bIlliod whlch muet be paid upon rocsipt of bill. The abovo minimum charges wiII be applied te the fin)l commission due but In any case the highsr amount wIl bo chargad. Minimum charge: 86.00 pro-paid; 87.50 biiled. Maximum commission: 8100.00. Alil advsrtissmsnte muet b. placed on an ex- clusive basewith the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atieast one morith If net sold. 5% cf advertlsed pMce up to 8400.0 RATES OIf article la sol«): EXAMPLE.' Sold Item advertlsed for $120.00. Commission due $8.00 (minimum charge la 86.00). Private advsrtising onlyl Pllease notify the Whitby Fr.. Prose Immodlatoly when Item laseoid so that ws maybioleto h t ram the followIng Issue. Ail ade net fitting the Emporium guldelines wMillb. treatod a6d- chargod par weok as rogular ciassifiled ada on a pre-paid basis such as: services, help wanted,. clothing, rosi estate, and porsonal message type ado, or ada not quoting prîco or quantity. Private ciassIfied ado may appear 1in the Emporium section underappropriate holdings. AIL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED, SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 WhItby, LiN 581 If In doubt cail: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brook St. N. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE IFRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. m [~!iIe!LJ1iE'7 Order 10 or mors beautiful colour reprints from the samo size and type of colour noga- tive, and you'Il save 25%1 This offer appies to our regular size or larger 4"1 studio sizo prin- ts oniy. No cropping available. Offer valid un- tii the end of this month. Avallable at: M.BUM. PUBLISHING& PHOTOGRApHY 131 Brock Street North Whitby Oust north of the four corners) ~ Wei-use BENIJAMINI' QUAsLITY PH0TOFIMISHING Fitness is a ntoal issue. %~ cail it Body Polities. I 1< -y PflTimcia lTie )BY3EEDS 000D CRIS complote) 815. Baby carnage (Jui sizo) $15. Car b.d $2.50. Tennis table $25. Coleco Telstar $5. Shelf unit (steel) $5. Mor»s 2.Caili668-7317. ONE Gendron Infant love seat $25. One Gondron chlid love seait $50. Both ln goed condition. Phone 655-3575 atter 5 p.m. and wookends. FORMSL E Goo 6 6CEDAR 4x4's, 8 foot I.ngth, $5 AT MU8KIN 8WIMMING POOLS, » ech. Phone 655.4200. lo~i v*1. b. - 1 I96. EVlNRUDE 25 h.p., $125. Standard typewitor $25. Three 5x7 vInyl covored room dîviders wlth loe, $15 each. Four floor polishers, $Z5 Sach. Phono 576. 0769. MULES 1977 GRANADA, standard ator- lng end power brakes,,2 door, 200 engins, 27 miles te the gallon, 718 tralier hitch on It, 81,000 f irm. 1971 Mercury Marquis, Colony Park, 4 door, station wagon, 430 engins, automatlc, 718 traloer hit- ch on It, $90 or best offer. Movlng, muet oel by Auguet 30. For more information cail 655. 4407 or ovonIngs 284.139. 1976 ]DO1)dGEDART, 8 cyl. 3 spd. Standard, needs repire, parts -lncluded, $65. Phonoe655-337. 1975 BUICK LE SABRE, 4 door, hardtop, mechanicaily sound, noods body work. As le 8650. Cail 8688543 aftr 5p.m. 1970 DELTA 88 OLDS, 4 door, hardtop, 454 CID. Ail power op- tIons. Oood condition. $1,850. Phono 655.4003. 1973 FIREBIRD "ESPRIT"', needs body work, 81,100 in now parts. Wi Il ufor same. Negotiable. Cail 728.605 attor 5 p.m. 1973 PLYMOUTH FUAT, 318, automatlc, power brakes, power stoorlng, hoavy duty, runs gond, n9ods somo body work. $250 as le or trade for air compressor, sand blastIng equlpment or paint equipmont. Cali668-8785. 1978 TOYOTA, asile, good for car parte. Asklng $200. Phono 668. 0303. 19721 NOVA, 6 cylînder, auto. matlo, AM radio, new carburotor, radiator, exhaust $6M or boet of. fer. As le. Phone 668.038 1971 MAZDA 616, replaced motor, rocondItIoned brakes, oaslly certlfled, rodone body, good'tiras, ateroe. $495. Phono 68346M. 1971 OLDS DELTA 1114,V8, auto. matlc, ln gond condition. $W5 as. le. Cali 66&1400. ATOME AUTOMOTIVE PARTS FOR SALE - On. new eîectronlc Ignition conversion kit fer ail GM V8'e 1969te 1974 and American Mors V8's 1963 te 1974 wlth Delco distributors $50. Phono 579-2352. CUSTOM bulit pick-up seat with fold down console, rod crushgd velvet, excellont condition, $275. Phono 655a6787. 1973 STANDARD. VOLKSWAGEk for parte. Gond bedy parts. Tires on rime and 4-spood transmis. sien with swing axlos. Parte $5 te $75. $150 for aIL. Phone 282-8760. 1972 TOYOTA 1900, Ideal fus gond parts, $200 complote. Mind blower speakers for cars, com- plote, just 1ke new, $60. Phono 655-3006. 10 il. M Ouve grOunu, uStèf sand fliter. Ail ln gond condition, no liner$275. Cali 723-3940. ANTIQUE bureau, drosser, mîrror and night stand $M5. Quson size beproad, drapas and sheers $100. Phono 668&2551 affor 4 p.m. woekdays. Ail day weokonds. 8 PIECE Anltque Oakc Dlng Room Bot. Excellent condition, Asklng $4,500. Aise, walnut china cupboard $350. Cali M-80495. FRENCH Provincial buffet, hutch and dinling table wlth six chalis. Vory gond condition. Asklng. $1,500. Phono 839-3731. FRIDGE and stove, 7(N/pair, gold, 1k. new. Automatlc waaher, $30, 1 yoar old. Dryer, $100, .workds weu. one round table, $20. Two wocd square taibes, $10 each. Old steve, $55, worka good. Fireplace scren $10. Big mirror $M. French Provincia chesterfleld and chair, Nlue, $30. Gao heater for tent traler $25. Campetove $M5. Suspended drc ceilng, 1,000 foot $150. Movlng, mut sel! by Auguat 30. For more Inor- mation ca 655.4m0 or eveninga KITCHEN CUPSOARDS: top and bottom, approx. 9' longths, slnk and arborlto countor lnciuded, $175. Phono 623-3519 after 4 p.m. MOVINa - Complote living room st, new, custom made te match, off-white veivet. Large Sofa, love. seait and two swlvel chairs. Exqui- site. Paid 83,500. Asklng 82,500. Cali 6682395. HARLEY Sportster oxtonded chrome tube front end $25. 2W0 Ducadi front end $75. Harley rear whei and sprocket $225. Used Yokohama tire $20.1977 Con Am 175 cc, 1,900 miles, $600. Phono 985-92m. 1981 HONDA CR0110, excellent condition, aaking $M0. Phono Andrew Glles 655-4271. 1051 YAMAHA, 1100 speclal, great shape, l0w mîleaglex- ceses, Asklng $3,300. Cali 579-1787. 107 HONDA 5601, four cylinder, AM radio, excellent condition, 7000 kilometera, $1200 f irm. Cali 655-3M0. STUMENS YVAMAHA86700 guitar, simitar to 200, excellent playing condition, $425. Cali 65-3791. IROQUOIS TENT TRAIER, sloops 4,$350. Cali 668.191 atter 5 p.m. 196 TRILLIUM, model 333, new canvass, sofi top, nowtirge, large box for etorIng extra., eleepe 4 or 6, 718 trailer hitch on It, weighe approximateiY 500 Ibo., SM0 or bost offer. Moving, muet »li by Auguet 30. For mors information Cali 655440l7 or eveninge 284- 4139. 1903 BOX TRMLER 4 ft. x 8 ft. x 30 Inch sid», 3m500Pound cap&. clty, 14 Inch tires, $575. Phone 65~223 Mm.. il Fý m 2% of balance over $400.00 r- mil. 1 >

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