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Whitby Free Press, 13 Jul 1983, p. 18

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Whltby's Most WIdeIy Read CLASSI FII1ED ADS ~~IC~ ~~SPPLIS &ES LD CARE cO> SERVICES FOR S PROP end skeg repaira. Fast aer- WANTED: Reliable part lime heip- DAY CARE available with relable 0Ti-IEVHO'-5 vice. Fibergiaseanmd aiuminum to, work In Pickering ares, ail day moîher, ref. available Monday to FAMILY RUG CLEANING boat repaira. Fibergias sup. Mandaya and aiea Tueaday even- FrIday. Cmli 666-2984 ATTEND ONE THIS WEEKEND pilies. Plastic aheeta, tubes and Ings. Muet be able to lift furni. SPECIAL roda. Oshawa Glass Fibre, 341 ueIdafohalyrte r Have Vour Llving-Room, Durham Street, Oshawa, 57 ur9.ei orhaihyUrtreTo ________SALE_____ omsemi-retired persan. Cail even f uwv"uw . - I A C INS L DInlng-Roomn And Hailway 0f 1433. [A ny 8-1z e Cl1ean ed F o r $340.00. Bedrooma Are $10.00 Extra. Ail Work la Guaranteed. For Appointment Ciii: M-81465 lj SCUGOO COTTAGE RAISING 668&7808. Fric estimîtes. 411 work guaranteed. " Top Qualty " Fast ServIce * 8lhxl " or 81/2x14pt SICEVCESJ5 "GRAMMAR for people who hîte grammar"leathe Ideai pocket reference book for businoe people. $3.95 per copy and avil- able at DIokeon PrInting & Office Supplies ln he Aax Plaza. Dealer enquIrlea invted 683-1968. FREE. lrap mb the Dckson PrInting & Office Supply store ln the Ajax Plaz and pick up a free copy of their 1963 MetrIc *Cilen- der. PrInted In two colours, It makea for hindy referme. 083- 1968. ARTICES SFOR R~ENT- TYPEWRITER rentel, manynmi< and modela, by the weekend, week or month. Discounts avali. able. Dickson Printing & Office Supplies In the Ajax Plaza. Caii us for business machine repairs 683-1968. <WANTE:Drf WE BUY anid SELL 5DUO FL5 mErLlNu WE RECONDITION £iANNONCEMENTSI AND GUARANTEE 11 VACATION RENTALS CONGRTULAIONSon your forthcoming mrliage. Plesse viewour smples of uigravd wedding invtations et your li-i surs ln our Ajax Plaza store. Dck- son Prlnting'à Office Supplies 653-190 PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY on West Lake - 1 mile from farmous Sandbanks, 2-2 bedroomn cot- tages, 12 fest spart, with 3 place baths. IdWa for 2 congenlal couples. Availibis for Auguat. No pets. Phone 613-393-3013. FLRIDA Cieawwitsr - Throe bedroomn mobile homes. Pôcise, tennis,' close bo beiches and major attractions, children wai- come. $225.00 U.S. weskly <isu than motel room). 1 BEDROOM CONDO, unfur- nlshed, St. Petersburg Fia. lg. swimmlng pool, tennis, ciubhouse, fishlng, asiplinces, 6 mths or yeariy rentai. Calii 608 MU Safter ôp.m. DO YOU HAVE RU8TY HARO WATER? dili Gary Young Plumb- ing and rm à a wter soflener or iron fltsr. FREE INSTALLATION. Rentai stays the mrne forevor. Brooklin 65-493. RE2OTS ýRES0P: LAKE ROUSSEAU Lakeside%Odg MUSKOKA e 3 rexcellent meus daily e Entertainmient e Cottages - Fi replaces e Tennis, canoes, fishing a Chiid supervision e Try ou r 2, 3, 4, 5 day specia is For Reservation Cal: Bob & Caroline Burns Box WH, Minet, Ontario POB 1iGO 705-765-3380 mnga - 416-9ff5.86. n1 1 i IL.i y Daycare Centre No. 2 Open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. QuaiIf led Staff Chiidren From 18 Months to 2 Years Hot Meais German Lessons 309 Beoch St., WhItby 68-8927 OR 571-0031 ARTICLES FOR SALDE AATET/ CH5EFIELD suites, love- oais, eectionia, lesa thon V% oses*sM oou ýapfm In pruce. Large o ection. MoKeen ~ Poit wi*ty buidin. Fumiturs. 524 Simca. St. S., èAdulte 0* $310 per ntii Nb- Oshawa. 725-5181. cludma 1,1dm. itove.htri* MW 44HEROE5 of the Bibis" colouring book avaliabis ut Dickson Print- Ing & Office Suppiy, Aax Plaza, "83-198. Dealer Inquiries i vited. FOR SALE G.E fridge end atove, ivocado green, Ilk new, $700 a Pair. Caii 68-8839 after 4:30 p.mf. CLARKSON CUTTIER GRINDER saking $M0 or beat offer. Phone 723-4562 (Osawa)or 4548237 <Headiake). VISIT aur uaed furniture ware- hous by appaintment. Big savinga on deaka, chairs, f iiing cabinets,, etc. Calii Dckaan Print- Ing & Office Supplies ta arrange an appaintment ta vlew. 683- 1968. MATTRESSES and box apringa at haif price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simca. Street South, Oishawa. 725-5181. WALNUT D;NING Room suITE, bedroom furniture, 2 cheaterfieid suites. Caii e668. GEOTYPE Press-on lettering now n stock et Dickson PrIntlng & Of- fice Supplies ln the Aax Shop. pinq Plaza Large soiection of styles and sizea. Why pay more for a smiller sheet of iettering? 683-19". FOR SALE Duncan Fyfe wainul dinging room table & four chairs, buffet end French Provincial Chesterfield, chimpaigne shede, &Hi like new. Beat offer. Cali 723. 2109. OFFICE DES $4, Wiaher& rYer $150 a pair, 8 f1. divIng board $1W. Alec tires. Phone 608-104 .FOR SALE- varetrict mips, Whitby, Pickering, Ajax, Oshawa and West Hii. Dickson Prlnting -a Office Suplies Store, AjIx Shoppinig Plazs,683-1965. Deiler Inquirles Invited. ~IturmLS FOR SALE MONTE CARLO parts for maie. Gaii 433-895. 1974 0MEV. TANDEM DUMP TRUCK, 05,000 miles on a new 427, VS, 613 transmission, 15 fi. diesel dump box, 25 ton halaI. Asking $7,500. Phono8606-3291. FOR SALE 1978 Buick Skyhawk 3,000 certif isd, Brown, 6 cylin- dora, 4 spsed. Ciii Dawn W2- 6491 aflor 6 p.m. GARDENINO AND SUPPLIES ___ peul<ng. Cible TV md lsundry facilitles a"M"bi. Plme m 6372 between -30 *.m. ubd 5 *LUEWATER PARK APAR., TUENTS 101 Kathleen St., Whitby. 1 & 2 bedroom ipt. avaliabie. uinsds - colour co- ordinated frIdge, slave & diah- waaher, en-suite storage, broadioom, drNae. Outaide - tennis court, swImming pool, exercise &-,Party ficilities. Cai 571-3522 for further Information. ROOM for reit In hou»s ln Brookiln. Plhone 0666700. ROOMMATE WANTED ta share 2 bedroamýapt. In Pickering Village by Hwy. 2 and Church St. Cali 686-4260 Eveninga. SIPIISPPLIES ONE WHIT, large femile cet, spayed. Strictiy house cat, houS trained. dCii666-3226 iter 3p.m. A- NOTICE TO CREDITORS & OTHERS ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE 0F MAY TAYLOR (ALSO KN OWN AS MAY JOSEPHINE TAYLOR AND MAY MARY TAYLOR,) Late of the Town of Whitby, ln the Regionai Mun- cipaiity of' Durham, Wldow, Deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of March 1983, muet fil e par- ticulars of the same with the undersigned, on or before the 28th day of JuIy 1983, after which date the executor wiii distribute the assets Of the estate having. regard' only to the laimns Of which he shall then have had notice. Dated at Toronto, this 4th day of Juiy 1983. Albert Guriant, ALBERT GURLAND, Executor, 20 MadIson Ave, Toronto, Ontarlo M5R 2SI SATURDAY, JULY 16 12:00 NOON In Aurore Ares Antiques, f urniture, giassware, old telephones, iawn fur- niture, oid tools and numerous other articles. Terme cash. CLIFF PERTHRICK & EARL GAUSLIN »AUCTIONEER 640-3079 DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-788-2183 3 miles east. of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsayon the Lindsay Li ttie Britain Road. China cabinet,' (with curved gias> Victoria Gibson 2 door ref ridgerator, oak buffet, ardmore prose back rockers, antique dressers, waiking spin- nlng wheei, china cabinets, co-oil lampe, oak rocking chairs,, banquet lamp, parlour tables, 2 wheel box trailer,, mahogany book case, chest of drawers, bicycles, quantity of 78 records, 14 ft aiuminum boat with 25 h.p., Viking motor and tralier, quan- tity of tools, china and glass. CORNEIL AUCTION BARN FRIDAY JULY, 15 6:30 PM DNEROCcN BRICK WALK-WAYS Drawing Prvidsd RED ROSE LANDSCAPING 579-285 655-4749 CORNEIL AUCTION BARN TUESDAYJULY, 19 6:30 PM Admirai air conditionor, Tehabia portable colour TV, chest of drawers, crame kitchen suite, chesterfields, tappan & Gurney brown fridge, and 24" stove, 3 h.p. lawnmower, coffee and end tables, Console colour TV, quantity of odd wooden chairs, Mof- fat 24"1 eiectric stove, table lamps, modern dressers, Hoover- spin washer, comportent set, humidifier, quanity' of tools. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-788-2183 BA KE FRESH GARDEN PEAS A apeclal varlety of young pes. Shelied, washed, biînched and In- dividuaiiy flash frozen ln 101b boxes for $7.75 or 501b bags ut $3675. Avîliablo now. MacMilian Orchard, Whitby AUCTION SALE SAT. JULY 16, 1983 6:00 PM At Pearce Auction Cen- tre on Shirley Rd. 4 miles south of Port Perry with 7 ft x 7 ft tent, 1972 Chev ¾V ton, cernent mixer, 2 wheei sport Une marker, G.E. green fridge and stove, craftsman radio, arm saw mortar mixer, antique table, phonagraph, picture f rames, coilectibies, press back chair, new counter tops and doors,- finish lumber cupboards shelving and brackets, hoover twin tub washer, smaii Kelvinator frldge, fold out couch, dressers, eiectric motors, water skies, new laundry ham- pers and garbage cans, twin bed spreads, bum- per jack, windows, spray gun, seaiers, drapes, and many more Items too numerous to 'mention. We take Visa, Master Card & Cash. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 985-7492 ADVERTISING SALESPERSON REQU IRED Chaîîenglng, exclting work and frIendly atmosphere. Experence flot necessary The difference bween you and a person who's fit is that anything you can do he can do better. PaRTricipa 7in w The couudsi onnforousona ftpem PHOTO'COPYING OR L SS M.B.M. PUBLISHING 131 Brock Street North Whltby 668-6111 '~ THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY CHOO COUNTRY AUCTION Sat. J uIy23, 1983 PREVIEW: 9:00 arn W. wili be seling: Furnhture - Tables, chairs, dlnlng room suites, desks, washstands, aide- chairs, cupboards, rockers, settees, parlour tables, etc. Home Accesories: rugs, lumps, mirrors, dlocks, paintinge, prînts, mips, baskets, gramophones, oak waii telephone, etc. Coilectabies: books, musical Instruments, brasa, copper & silver, a varlety of glass and china, iUns, crocks, art objecte, primitives. To consign any of the ubove Items, pieuse phono auctioneer EarI MucKinnon at 655-3528 or If you have any linquirles Refreshments - Bar Facilities.- tb.hId et IROQUOIS PARK ARENA, 5W0 Vic- toria St. W. Whitby, Ontario. THANK You On behaîf of the Brooklin Spring Fair Board, most sIncere thanka t6- the many people who contributed thetr time, work and donations to make the 1963 Pair a torrifice success. John T. Woodward Secruery Manager or m ý m

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