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Whitby Free Press, 24 Aug 1983, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WEDNESOAY AUGUST 24, 1983, Wl-fITBY FREE PRESS Whltby's Most WIdeIy Road CLASSIFVIED ADES2 ANITED TO * ARTICLES ACHILRCARE HL CARE PETS & ' RTENT/ EBIC U'RE ENT SL SERVICES SERVICES SUPPLIES 3 CONDOS FRM FOR RENT RUG cLEAING HaeSPECIAL Hae Your Living-Room, Dinlng-Room And Hailwmy 0f Any Bize Cieînsd For $40.00. Bedrooms Are $10.00 Extra. Al Work la Guirantoqd..For Appointment Cmii: 668-1465 Do YOU HAVE RUSTY HARD WATER? Ci Gary Young Piumb- Ing and rent a watsr eaftOner or Iran fliter. FREE INSTALLATION. Rentai îtays the same forevor. Brooklln 6554936. WANE, * 'D * e.. *CE SE VICESI TEXT BOOKS f iret yoar Business 9 .Administration. Durham Collage. "GIRAMMAR for people wha hate Phono 668-4089. grammir" le tho Ideal pockot ______________ reforenco book for business people. $395 par copy and avii- able et Dcksan Printing & Office E ~B0ATS & Supplies ln tho Aax Plaza. Deaer SUPPLIESI onqluiries invted 683-1968. R FREE. Drap Into the. OIckson Printing & Office Suppiy store In the Aax Plaza and pick up a free copy cf their 1983 Mstric Ciien- dar. PrInted in two calours, It mîkes for handy raferonce. 683. 1968. ANNONCENTS FIREWOOD'NOTICE The fâmily of the lato Rudy Raka wauld Ilke ta notlfy mii of aur customors that the Firewood Businoe which Rudy ham bulit up ovar the lest 19 yoara wilI continui. wo mp- preciato your support during these limas. 728-682 Mrm. Roka. CONGRATULATIONS on your farthcoming marriage. Pleaso view aur samplos cf ongrived wedding, Invitations at your loi- sure ln our Ajax Plmz store. Dlck- son Printlntg & Office Supplies 683.1968. OPEN HOUSE SMALL WORLD NURSERY SCHOOL St. Andrews Presbyterian, Church Cochrane ST., Whitby Wednesday, August 31 2-4 p.,m., 7-8:30 p.m. WE-BUY and SELL USED APPLIANCES WE RECONDITION AND GIJARANTEE WANTED car magazines any kInd, any year. 1 I w pick themn up and pay cash for themn. Cai Chuch 282-6760. WANTED aid Ontario postcards. Any quantity. To buy or trade. Phone 579-9695. PROP and skeg repaire. Fast ser- vice. Fibergiase and aiuminum boat repairs,. Fibergiase sup- plieos. Plastic sheots, tubes and rode. Oshawa Glass Fibro, 341 Durham Street, Oshawa, 579- 1433. ARTICLE ~~FRSA.ESALE LUMBER FOR SALE 1000 ft. dry Spruce and'Hemlock, $35 par M. 2000 ft dry Pine, $380 par M. Rough lumber, deiiverod (705> 292-9900 -10 ovoninge. SKYLAR chosterflold and chair, spoon rack, siectrahome record player, triller tire, now, 2 burner hot plate, glass -door fireplace enclosor. Phone 728-2968. "«HEROES of the Bibis" coiouring, book availabie Bt, DIckeon Print- lng & Office Supply, Aax Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer Inquiries ln- vted. CAPTAINS BED Aiea dinstte set, 4 chairs and table. 'Phono 668- 7813., MATTRESSES and box springo at haif price. McKoen Furniture, 524 Slmcoe Street South, Oshawa. -725-5181. FOR SALE OR TRADE Back and tan Dash Haund pupplos. Phono 668-8842. OFFICE DESKS $45 oach. New wooden shed8x8 $50. 4x8 pool table, 0-rack, etc. $175. Phono FOR SALE one heavy duty Engiish dryer, wood stavo and pipas. One, artitle painting. by Selwln Owen. 'Assortmont of skates. Cmli 6864782. VISIT aur used tumniture ware- houes by appointmsnt. Big savings on deeke, chaire, fiing cabines, etc. Cali Dickean Print- ing & Office Supplias ta arrange an appolntment ta vlsw. 683. 1968. RE-CONDITIONED Electrolux vacuum clomnors for sale. From $99.W and up. One yemr warranty. Cmii Electralux Canada, Oshawa 723-4163 for a no obligation demonstration. MATTRESS, boxspring, frime, castors end oak headboard. Queeri. sîze Seare Orthopodic $700 new wiii ssii -for $300. Cal 668k3265. GEOTYPE prosse-an ettering now In stock at Dickson PrIntlng & 0f- fice Supplies In the Aax Shop- ping Plaza. Large 'selectIan of styles and sizes. Why pay mare for a emailer sheet of Iettering? 683-1968. DROP LEAF TABLE for two plus twa, chaire. Perfect condition. Beef affer. 1975 Kenmare doluxe etave. Used ans year oniy. Ex-' cellent condition. Sacrifice S40 or neareet affor. Realistic four track 'storso, recarder, two speakers and mic. Excellent con- dition. Beet offer. Phono 579.8309 or 668-4096. FOR SALE two ses of tires; H78x14 beiteci tires an rim, $50 Good condition. B78x13, 4 ply on rim $25. 668-940. CHESTERFIELD suites, love- eate, sectianale, oese than lok prîco. Large selection. McKeen Furniturs. 524 Slmcas St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... CAMERA MEN - WOMEti, part. time, fuli-time. Wili train. Persans with «wn'portable home videa equipment preferred. John 1-.787. 1001. BABYSITTER needed for 8 year oid boy affor school. Three days a week and every other Saturday. Ash & Chestnut arsa. Phone 668- 0507. SALES HELP, WANTED People nëeded. We train. Car necessary. Cali Electrolux Canada at 723- 4163. MATURE PERSON requlred ta caro for three chlldron. Agas 9, 6 and 1 year. Preforable ln my home. From 3 p.m. ta 5 p.m. Monday thru Fridmy. Calil 68 2396. VANTED: Rellable part time help ta wark ln Pickering area, ail day Mondays and aiea Tuesday even- Ings. Must be able ta lift furnl. ture. ideal for healthy, retired or seml-retired persan. Cali aven. Ings - 416985-8161. BABY8ITER NEEDED for two echIool age chlld ren. Monday to Frlday. Starting Septembar. close ta Westiynde Public Sohool. Phone 8668206 after 6 pm. CARE CENTRE sInfante-B veare e Goarment Liconsad elEarly Education Program -»Hot Balanced Lunches *Individuel Attention & Instruction Oshawa 571-*0031 332 Elgin W. ic contre St. 1>Whîtby 309 Bosch St. Kent St. 4 4 4 4 4 T t 'q. --p.-. DAYCARE In my home. Mon. ta Fr1. Noir WestIynde Eismontîr School. Refarences availablo. Cii666-3068. DAYCARE ln my home. Acrose Kathleen Raws School. Phono 668&3209. EXPERIENCED home daycare. Pull or part-time. Hot lunches, snacks, piîyground. Davadale Drive. 668-085. EXPERIENCE DAYCARE avaliable ln My home. Any mgo. Fuil-timne or part-tims. In the Manning Roadend Brook Streete area of Whitby. 666-2752. DAYCARE AVAILABLE Westiyn- do. Any age weicamo. Rospon- siblo and iaving tmosphsrs. Full or part-time. 668-3385. DAVOARE provIdod Pringie Croek. 7:30 tI 5:30. Orgmnizod actîvities: music, craft, etc. Rocoipte given. Four yemrs Toronto Agsncy experience. 668- 3455. - DAYCARE AVAILABLE my home.. Pre-echool children. Apprax. houri 7:30 a.m. ta 6:00 p.m. BROOKLIN: Wantsd rolimble lady for 5 hours every two woeks for genoral houses cianing. PMase phone 655-3223 betwsen 5 and 8 p.m. EXPERIENCED DISHWASHER mais or fomalo. Day timo. Ex- plorer Restaurant 668-0316. PART-TIME TEACHER requires rolimbis sittar taca me In ta my home aftornoons. StartIng là September (Collae Downs, Whltby). Rfrences' plies 666- 1263. INrEOKINWG UBRICK WALK-WAYSI gDrwing Provided~ RDROSE IlLANDSCAPING I 57-2565441 FREE KITTENS ta gaad home. Phono 655-4434 or 655-406. TYPEWRITER rentai, manymakea end modale, by the weekond, weok or month. Dscaunts avili. able. Diokeon Printing & Office' Supplies In the Ajax Plaza. Caii us for business machine repaire 683-1968. PPRDICEDUCE POLLOCK ORCHARDS WHITBY NOW OPEN Featuring crop apples, pears, cider, honey, corn, tomnatoes. Every day low prices. Firsi entrance north of Rossland' on Highway 12 east sîde. GARDENING AND SUPPLIES»»-i HOBBY GARDEUER has trees and plants for sale. Very resonabie. Spruce, Maple o ear, Oak, Dwarf Apple trees. iris, Pooanies, Llac, Forsythia, Hors. Radish, Raspberry plants. Mare Information &654525. FLRIDA A. ACATION 'W RENT ALS ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Laundry facilitios, tennis court, pool, games room, dishwaiher. Caii 571-3522 before 6 p.m. or 579-3392., TWO BEDROOM APAR- TMENT In esmail Whitby, Aduit building. Centrally Iocated close to Go & local bus stops. Utilities, hydro and parking ln-, cluded. Avaliable Oc- tober lst. $400 per mon-, th. Cali 668-6372 bet- ween 9:30 a.m. and 5, p.mn. Monday to Friday. COUJNTRY HOME'10 miles north of Whitby, hie room for ecoiogicaily.'minded people, $210., monthly, Includes utilitios and green houe@ use. Phono 655-, 4035. FOR SALE Village Gardons, 3 bodroomn condo. Two bilconies, swlmming, squash, fitnoes, beautifuliy decorited. 92 Church St., Pickering, 4984M87. FOR SALE 10 acre Bush Lot. 900 ft Hyway Frontîge ln the Hun tavillO District. 10 acres ueed for cottages or commercial. Facilities close by. Phono 668- 2368 for information. Price $22000. BARN FOR RENT three box stalle, one standing, wîter, hydro, $200 monthly. 334 Garrird Rd., Whîtby. Avalîabie Sept. 1. Phone 66-9915.F ORD ,i r Ciearwstsr - Three bsdroomM mobiles homes. Pools, tennis, I~~HMES ,oc~ AUTOMOBILES close ta beaches and major 'F RE T FUOROSALES attractions,- chîidron wol-FORIN came. $225.00 U.S. weekiy (les. thîn motel room). LAKE FRONT COTTAGE to rent FOR SALE 1974. Ford Cauriar 83-50in Bancroft. Goad flshing -& pickup truck. Good condition. e 63 3 * swîmmîng. $250. Phono 571-20è1. $700. Phone 668-6750. 1970 VOLVO driven- daily, automatic, radio. $375 full price. Phone 668-9521.- ENCLOSED UTILITY TRAILER bike tracks bulit ln for dirt bikes. Aking $450. Ciii îftor 6 p.m. 666& 1645. LOST goid bracelet an Thurs day, August 11. Whitby area. Roward. Phone Rosie 668-1878. ORANGE à WHITE long hair cat wlth blue cailar. LostI n Dublin St. ires on Friday nlght. Ploms cmli 668-8341. CDSORENT APARTMENTS/ OFC PC ~~7FOR INT BLUEWATER PARK APAR- TMENTS 101 Kathleen St., WhIt- by.. One bedrooam apîrtments avaliable October let. Inside - colaur co-ordlnited fridgs, stove & dlshwasher, en-suite starage, broadioom, drapas. Outeide - tennis court, swimming pool, oxercisa & psrty facilitios. Cai 571-3522 for further Information. ONE BEDROOM îpmlmsnt in ormiii Part Whitby bulding. Ad ultea nly. $350 per month In- cludes fridge, stove, hydro and parking. Cible TV and iîundry fîcililes avîliable. Phonoe68- 6372 betweon 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. APARTMENT FOR SUBLET two bedraom. $425 a month lnciuding averythIng. Availabie September 1. For mars Information cmii 66&- 9M69. WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for rent on profession floor. Would be sultable for, lawyir, accountant etc. Ront Includesalal utlîties and la negotlablo for an approprlate tenant. For further Information cali 668472 botwoan 9-30 &.m. and 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. DELIVERYS CARTAGE Specializing in Moving: O f fices *Apartments *Planas *Appliances 728-7158 Anytime ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors,on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors ini publica- tion beyond the cosi of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves'the right to classify or reject ail advertise- ments. Ads must appear ln the paper one day before they can be changed or canceiled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; 1lie each addition- ai word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classifieci Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready when calling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12e each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f irst 50 words; 12c each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 34c per Une. (No word ads ailowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are availabie at an additional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wili make every en- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no liability regarding loss or damage alleged to arise through failure or deiay in forwarding such replies. We wili not be responsibie for box number replies flot calied for within 30 days. DEADLIN ES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111i _____ f. AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIO Licensed mechanlo wanted. Must have years of experience and good references. Excellent working conditions and benef its. CENTRAL AUTO CARE BOX 2176 HUNTSVILLE., ONTARIO 705-789-9121 1

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