The Church Speaks'he 'ponsored byth WHITBY MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION BY REV. G.A. HUNT Whltby Baptiat Church Clergymen on holiday have a chance to hear other clergymen, and sometimes laymen, too. We went to a church wbere a deacon was leacling the service in the pastor's absence. The surprising thing about this deacon was that for years he bad wrestled with a kingsize stammer. At times under pressure he could flot get tbrough a sentence witbout stuttering. George bad worked bard to overcome bis problem. Once ini a wbile he amazed people by rat- tling. off a funny story he had carefully memorized. But most situations were tougb and talking on the telephone was sometimes murder. About ten years ago George began bis journey of faith. He became a Christian and was baptized at the church where bis wife's family attended. There were awkward and embarassing moments. Other stammerers would have. stayed far from public gatberings. But George feit etat is loyalty to Christ, meant geting involved in the work of the cburch. He was asked to be treasurer. That meant gomng to business meetings, making verbal reports and an- swering questions. The stammer remnained deeply Brownie and'Guide regis tira tion Whitby District Brownies & Guides wil be holding their registration evening on Wednesday, Septem- ber 7, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at E.A. Fairman Scbool. The registration fée is $10.00 plus weekly dues. The agegroupe are: Brownies, six to nine years; Guides,, nineto 12 years; Pathfinders 12 to 15 years; and Rangers & Cadets 15 years and over. There is a need foûr aduit leaders, without suf- ficient help units cannot function.' At the present time there are Brownle units at: AUlSaints Churcb ýWed:. 6 to 7:30Ã"pý.m. St. Jobns Catholic Thurs. 5:30 to 7p.m. Cnurch St. Andrews Pres. E.A. Fairman Scbool Otter Creek Salvation Army Hall Palmerston School Guide UntsAt: E.A. Fairman chool Otter Creek Scbool Salvation Army Hall Palmerston School Ail Saints Church Pathfinders Units At: E.A. Fairman Salvation Army Hall Wed. Wed. Wed. Tues. Thurs. Thurs. Wed. Wed. Mon. Mon. 5:30to 7 p.miý. 5:30 to 7p.m. 6 to 7:30 p.m. 6:30Oto8à p.m. 6 to 7:30 p.m. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tues. 7 to 9 pa. -Rangers & Cadets, arranged tbrough District Commissioner - Mrs. Janice Slaugbter at 668-2645. If anyone bas any old books, flags etc. or anytbing pertaining to Guiding past or present, please cail Mrs. Janice Slaugbter 668-2645, or Mrs. Nora Puckrin, 655-4328 and we will arrange to pick it up. WELCOME!, THE CATHOOLIC CHURC& and ITS TEACHINO Initiation, Formation and Spiritual Growth for Aduits. Septem ber l3th at 7:30 p.m. Knights of Columbus Hall, Whitby CALL 668m3676. 'DRIVELUNE AUTO-PARTS 1016 Brook Rd. Pickering 686,0856 1Power Steerlng Driveshafts I Vibration Problems entrenched. In bis job at the accounting department of a daily newspaper George bad to deal wltb the public and answer the phone. Callers just had to watt for hlm to get bis tongue on track. But be persevered. As people got to know George they were more un- derstanding and prepared to be patient. Ms sense of bumor covered many awkward moments. As time passed Georges responsibiities and pressures grew. A new Job with the shcool board, new duties at cburcb along witb the blrtba of two ac- tive daughters and a fair amount of slckness in the family - tbere was a constant need for com- munication and verbalizing. A few weeks ago we satifn tbe congregation while George conducted tbe worshîp and brought us a sermon without besitation*. It was a deligbt to bear bis free flow of speech. How did be do it? Wbatever the specialists may say about curing a stammer, I believe a major factor in George's case was bis sense of Christian vocation. Not only was bis job necessary for income and family security, but it was God's calling. The workplace was the setting for Cbristian service. The stammner Mad teIg»a&W graduaily it did. SAt noon after lunch George would t". tu& with feilow workers.and discusa vital quWe life with answers form the Bible and personal e«. perience, verbalizing continuaily. I'm sure George would give full credit for support- and encouragement to bis loving wife and the caring cburcb. In the cburch tbere were small groups for feilowship and discussion, where the pressures were off and persons could work together at their bangups. None of tbis tberapy was by experts and ail of it was free of charge!1 Many bandicapped persons will neyer overcome as George did. Many will ask if there is any joy or victory- witbout relief or cure. Or if God really cares. One answer I bave beard is "ýGod ailowed me to keep my disability as a permanent souvenir of bis love." Few may find that kind of reasoning ac- cpetable. If there is a God of tbe universe, bowever, and five billionof us, it is surprising that be should pay any attention to an individual's problem of speech. Today we bave so mucb profession belp. There is a society for every kind of ailment. We are grateful THÊOLDEN GATE, 107 Brock Street South, Whitby, 068-8321. This -popular -Oinese Restaurant bas been in Whitby for 30 yrs. The Bo-Bo platter recently introduced bas gone over well The Golden Gate alsr, offer a wide, selection of Canadian dishes from roast beef to veal cutlets and gork chope. Fairly new to the menu is juicy delicious chicken fin- gers served witb borne made plum sauce. Per- fect for lunch or dinner. Open until 2 a.m. daily. Fri and Sat. until 3 a.m. Sunday 11 a.m. - il p.m. Fuily licensed and fast home delivery. Promote Iast year's skiats, pants, sweaters and outerwear, to second semester use! CLANE-Ri $4n99 75 WHITBY FR EE PRESS, WEDNESDAY AUGUST 31, 1983. PAGE 16 for ail of them, I hope, and glad to use resources available. Among those resources la love and prayer. Witbout them we are only baif trying and only part, belping. Tbey are so niuch of wbat George needed to be an efficient leader and member of society. What he added .was persistence and per- spiration. God gives resources. He expects us to work out our solutions and to belp one another find wholeness. TOAST- MISTRESS CLUB An invitation is exten- ded to ail who wisb to enhance or develop More thon 20,000 their speech and CanadiCins oftected by listening skills enabling musculor dystrophy or them ta become better one of 40 other nerve and muscle disorders communicators. are asklng for > .The Wbitby Toast- -orhep mistress Club prides it- Yourco help self in providlng mem- o hl sharpen their speaking skills; become better The Muscular Dystropi listeners; learn how to conduct a meeting; un- sensureGLu aLhteLjeVSIte% derstand the importan- o h LBLTLVSO ce of communication; study and apply * organizational tech- niques and, develop bidden talent. Why flot join us, Tuesday, September 6, at 100 Blair Street, south entrance, in Wbitby, On- tario. The meeting wiil commence with Fellowship at 6:30 p.m.. For* more infor- 4fRF/A1 mation, please caîl 668- I~ sumi 4817 or 668-2092. 30 t SODA SCRUB, Starch stuck to the bottom of an Iron is removed by rubblng the bottom plate of the Iron with a damp cloth, sprinkled witb bakng, soda. tunds for reseorch and yfor tralned speciallsts rusing new and botter equlpment and telent. Fght musculor dystrophy wlth us ..I. we can't Wnwlthout you! y Association of Canada wis Muscular Dyslrophy Telethon MNETWORK September 4 & 5., -I Same Day PRFSSIONAL» Alterations Service Uand. Repairs "A Cleaning Service for the Ent ire FamilY" 112 COBORNEST. w Mon.-Thurs. 7:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. 112OLORN - Frlday 7:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m. WIHITBY 668-2831 Sa. 8:00a.m.-5:00P.m- - 'i'" - THIE PRINCE RFSTAURANT AND DINING LOUNGE 1009 DUNDAS ST EAST WHITBY 666-2811 Wed., Thurs., & Fr1.' SOU VLAKI Served with: potazoes or rwce Greek< salarL roll & butter or garlic bread SAT. & SUN. ALL STEAKS & RIBS Inoldes: FREE SALAD BAR Served with: choice pot atues vegetables, roll & butter or garlic bread MON. & TUES. V EAL CUTLET Inoldes: FREE SALAD BAR$ Served with: choice poit uoes .$'5 vegetables, roll & butter or garlic bread DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIALS fo 1 from 2 3'9 91