United Way Campaign j The United Way fund raising campaign le ap- proaching an end, with only two weeks left to go. The campaign has been going extremely well this year, says Bill Henry, campaign manager for the United Wayfund raiser. "The volunteers who have helped out, ap- proxlmately 500, are happy wlth the amount of enthusiasm the com- munlty has shown, and everyone wlll be estatic when we reach our goal at the end of the mon- This goal of $1,566,6W0 je not far from being reached, with 71 per- cent, $1,139,000 already collected. The GM' employees have succeeded last year's amount by 9 per- cent and are hopeful of reaching their target of $778,400. So far $730,467 has been raised.' The high schools -are etili actively involveci with their fund raising. Anderson to date, has raieed $2t200 while Henry St. will be holding a dance-a-thon Nov. 15 to collect funds. Haîf the proceeds "I go to the United Way with the other haîf going towards the sçhool activities. Trafalgar Castle will be holding a garage sale smon. The residential areas of Whitby have raised $1,672 of their objective of $5,500. Personal gifts have amounted to $6,400 of a projected $10,000. Henry commented that although the cam- paign ie coming to a close, there je still plen- ty of time available to make donations to this community project that will help fellow mnankind. "I encourage everyone to make a con- tribution to this fund raiser which serves 37 agencies throughout the Whitby/Oshawa area. R2000, Jean Chretien, Min. of Energy, Mines and Resorces, officially opened the Westney Heights R200 homes in Ajax, Tuesday nigbt. Chretien, whose ministry sponsored the $6 million projeet, said he was very impressed by the work that has been done. 'II arn pleased with the initative that has been brought into the program and it is en- couraging to know that in the future homes, we can reduce the cost of, heating." The Westney Heights 2000 homes are super energy efficient homes, co-ordinated by the Housing and Urban Development Associa- tion of Canada (HUDAC) and are bult by JDS Investments. These homes are designed to save energy through a unique masonry structure, which is heavily' in- sulated to produce an WHITBY FREE PRESS, WESNESDAV NOVEMBER 16, 1983, PAGE 3 Homes, of the Future air tight living en- vironment. The unique Wall construction mininizes heat loss, reduces the transfer of noise and dust and elliminates settling that occurs in Wood framed houses. Each home- is also equiped with a hydromce (hot water) heating system which provides an even, radiant flow of heat throughout the home. Other energy eaving features include careful positioning of double- glazed windows to miaximize the use of solar, energy, energy- efficient appliances and lighting systems. These R2000 modifications at West- ney Heights will resuit in an energy savings of 80 percent in heating and '50 percent in hot water heating, elec- trical appliances and lighting each year. An extimate of $6,5W0 would be saved over a five year period. This planned com- munity le designed especially for family living. The primary goals for this project are to transfer this new and advanced technology and training to tradespeople and those who are involved in the industry. and then to monitor the effec- Sev eral in attendance atthe opening of the Westney Heights R2000 homes. Carol Collinge, Chairman of Fund Raising for Durham Region, Cecil the Sensible Seal, and Gary Herrema, Regional Chairman officiate the Christmas Seal Campaign.' Christmas* Seal Ca mpaign The Christmas Seal Campaign officially began last week for the Durham Region, with a visit from Ceci the Sen- sible Seal to kick-off the campaign -with the delivery of the Cam-, paign Flag and the first sheet of Christmas Seals.. This year's campaign wil focus on raising an objective of $115,00 an increase over last year of $17,000. The funds will be used towards hospital treat- ment of breathing probleme in Durham~. The money is also used for the continuation of local programe the Lung Association provides, which work with preventing and elleviating lung deseases. The Lung Assocîation's com- munity programe are reaching more people each year. Astham programe and' Better Breathing Courses, aid and support those who suffer from chronic respiratory impair- ment. The Lung Association's echool program ile'in great demand with its message of a healthy life-style and smoking prevention. These Christmas Seals have been ueed since 1908 to raise funds to help victime of lung disease, as this annual campaign le the only means of suppÃ"rt for the Lung Association. COMMERCE INSTANTTELLER COM<ES ¶0 DUNDAS & BROCK WH ITBY CANADIAN UMPERUAL BANK 0F COMMERCE