PAGE 10,WEDNESDAY 0DECEMBER 14,1983, WH ITBV FR EEPIRESS Soviet Veteran coach Konstantmn Loktev receives a bandshake and a pat on the shoulder from Whitby Mayor Bob Attersiey at the recep- tion and buffet prior to the match. Loktev and At- tersley bad met before when theyplayed against each other in the 1958 worid championships. The visiting Soviet Veterans and the Toronto-Metro Oidtimers, together with coaches, team officiais, and referees, gather at centre ice for a post-game photo. Freas Pres Staff Photos Two of Canada's finest aise attended the game. Acting as escorts for the Russian consul did not prevent them from becoming involved ini the action. Representatives from the Korean-Canadian rCultural Association and Korean-Canadian Amateur Sports Association -quietiy protest the presence of the Soviet team outside the arena en- trance. SOVIET VETERANS 1 - Eugene Poieev 2 - Alexander Gusev 3 - Ivan Tregubov 4 - Victor Kuzkin 5 - Edward Ivanov 6 - Yuri Lyapkin 8 - Vachesiav Starshinov 9 - Victor Tsyplakov il - Veniamin Alexandrov 12 - Viadmir Shadrin 13 - Alexander Sapeikin 14 - Vadimar Smagin 15 - Valentine Kozin 16 - Valentine Gureev 18 - Viadimir Orlov 19-- Igor Ramishevsky 20 - Alexander Kulikov 21 - Gennady Zygankov 25 - Valeri Kuzmin 28 - Pavel Zhiburtovich Coach: Konstantin Loktev TORONTO-METRO (N.H.L.) OLDTIMERS 1 - AI Smith 2 -Steve Hunt 3 - Dale Rolfe 6 - Bill Speer 7 - Bryan Tompson 8 - Bill Crawford 9 - Norm Ullman 10 - Dave Kosoy il - John Hall 12 - Harold White 14 - Bill Lecaine 15 - Bob Lindberg 16 - Mike Walton 18 - Jin MeKenny 19 - Dennis Hextal 20 -T'erry Clancy 44 - Bob Brinkworth 30 - Bob Nevin Ron Dickey Darryl Edestranci Coach: Doc Lyons G.M..- Frank Reynolds Trainer:- Dave Harding M THE" DAY THE RUSSIANLS LANDED IN WHITBY Soviet Veterans vs. Toronto-Metro Oldtimers Iroquois Park Arena December 7, 1983