PAGE 12,WEDNESDAY JAN UAR Y 4, 1984, WH ITBY FR EE PRESS Whitby Iroquols Swiniming Club competition 8/under girls Peggy. Hefford: lst. 50 fly, 50 free; 2nd. 50 back, 50 brst., 100 free. Colleen Leswick: 5th. 100 brst. l/under girls Jili Morrice: lst. 50 back; 2nd. 200 I.M.*; 3rd. 50 free, 50 fly; 4th. 100 brst., 100 free; 5th. 50 brst. Laura Mark: 3rd. 50 back; 3rd. 50 brst., 100 brst.; 5th. 50 free. l/under boys Matthew Cook: lst. 100 free, 50 free; lst. 100 brst., 50 brst.; lst. 50 back, 50 fly; ist. 200 I.M. Darren Smith: 4th. 50 brst. James Ar- mîtage: 2nd. 50 fly, 100 brst.; 3rd. 50 back; 4th. 50 free, 100 free. 11/12 girls Julie Leswick: ist. 50 brst., 50 fly; lst. 50 back, 100 brst.; 2nd. 200 I.M.; 3rd. 50 free, 100 free. Heather Armitage: 2nd. 100 free; 3rd. 50 back, 200 L.M.; 4th. 50 free, 50 brst., 50 fly. Charissa Morrice: 6th. 100 brst.; 6th. 200 I.M. Patti Mac- Donald: 4th. 100 brst.; 6th. 50 brst. 11/12 boys Jay Lee: lst. 50 free; 2nd. 50 fly, 50 back; Sth. 50 brst. Brad Moore: lst. 50 brst.; lst 100 brst. Stewart Smith: lst. 50 back; 3rd. 50 brst. Neil Mark: 4th. 50 brst.; Sth. 100 brst. 13/14 girls Michelle Ratchford: .2nd. 50 fly, 50 br- st.; 2nd. 50 free, 100 brst.; 3rd. 50 back. Andrea Cook: 3rd. 50 fly; 4th. 50 brst., 100 free; 5th. 50 back; 6~.50 free. Joey Lynn Cook: 4th. 100 brst. Snior Girls Donna Goulding: lst. 50 fly; 2nd. 50 free, 50 back; 2nd. 100 free, 100 brst. Senior Boys Dave Goulding: lst. 50 fly, 5Ã" free; lst. 50 back. 100 free. Randy Bulkowski: lst. 50 br- st.; 2nd. 50 free; 3rd. 50Ofly; 4th. 50 back. The undisputed champ at the Oshawa sprint meet at Donovan Pool on Dec. 18 was Whitby Iroquois swimmer Matthew Cook. Competing in 10-year-old boys events, Cook dominated byfinishing victorlous in every event entered. He captured firsts in 50/100 lI meter freestyle, 50/»00 breastroke, 50 back and 50 fly as well as 200 1. M. Cook and his W.IS.C. teammates gave strong performances in the competition with clubs from Trent, Markham, Port Hope, Pickering, and Oshawa. Back pain seems to hit everyone at one time or another. Maybe it is due to poor posture, general health, heredity, or height. Whatever the reason, solutions seem few and far between. Research shows that 80 percent of back pain, is due to muscle tension, and/or atrophy. ABILITY FUND F 1PCOMIN GEVENTS CALENDAR~ GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY MEETING The Whitby-Oshawa Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society will hold its next meeting on Jan. 3 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. in the auditorium of the Whit- by Public Library, 405 Dundas St. W. Our guest speaker will - - - a Clip and Save h, - Prosent this coupon wlth your favourie negative or silds any day durlng the month of Januairy to PICTURE THIS ln the Whltby Mail and v recelvo 1 8x1 0 colour onlargoment for only $ i QEXPERT I i a9 9 (N Crppig)PHOTOFINISHINO L.Limit 1 enlargement a coupon. Coupon must accorî,pany order. 183I JANUARY> CLEARAMCE w1imý MITSUBISHI- ' VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER .14S.3l4U R * 8 Function Remote Control *1l2 Position Tuner * 5 Motors & Direct Drive * Front Load * 14 Day 1 Event Timer Lk; NEW $649 Try Before You Buy HS-70OU R * Semi-Portable w/ 3 Way Power SL * Camera Input * 3 Function Remote *12 Position Tuner *5Motors *New Front Load System - VHS& BETA MO VIE1 N- )UP.PlY NEW $799 DEMO $639 RENTALS aWINCM ESTER (at Anderson) BROOKLIN F55*4229 Cali tb reserve. be Miss Norah Herd, Archivist of the Oshawa and District Historical Society. She will talk on some of the early families of the area and also give us some In- sight into the holdings of the Historical Society. Our meetings are free and open to the public. For further information please caîl Stephen Wood at 668-1362. CONSUMER HEALTH ORGANIZATION MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Con- sumer Health Organization of Canada, Whitby Chapter, will be held on Jan. 4 at 7:30 p.m. in the Programme Room of the Whitby Public Library, corner of Henry and Dundas Streets, Whitby. The subject will be "Touch for Health". Please dress casually as part of this workshop will be active par- ticipation led by Nancy Lowery. There will be a $2 charge to cover expen- ses. THEOS FOR THE WIDOWED The January meeting of the local chapter of Theos will meet on Sun- day afternoon, Jan. 8, at 2 p.m. in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Cochrane Street, Whit- by. Ahl widowed people are welcome. For more information cal 668- 2648. BLUE GRASS JAM SESSION The Pine Ridge Blue Grass Club invites SPECIALS Mondays ½/2Price (These of fers apl Cal 1 now for yc 68 LA COI HAIR q llPGreer Wednesdays Cuts ½ 2Price pply to Susan only.) ýur app.plntment e9262 NTES-SA SALON n St., Whltby pickers and listeners to a music jam session to be held a t Camp Samac, north entrance, on Jan. 8 at1: 30 p.m. to 5p.m. SAnyone needing fur- ther information may cail Doreen Squelch at 655-483. CESAREAN SUPPORT GROUP MEETING The Cesarean Section Support, Group will be meeting Jan. 9, 1984 at 8 p.m. at 755 Cobbler's Ct., Pickering. The topic for discussion wilI be "VBAC - Vaginal Birth After Cesarean". The Support Group has been established to meet the needs of women who have had, or are planning to have, babies by cesarean bir- th. For further infor- mation, please contact: Cindy Barrett at 571- 1834, Oshawa; Anne Hill at 839-3366, Pickering; and Penny Kobrynovich at 571-0265, Whitby. Time to Quit Statistics indicate that smokers have a better chance of beating the smoking habit, when they quit with help. So, Health and Welfare Canda and the Canadian Cancer Society have developed "Time To Quit", a self-help smoking cessation, program. Smokers can develop their own program using free self- help guides. A three part television mini- series, to be broadcast in January, will help spur them on. And, for those who need it, in- formation on follow-up and maintenance programs will be available. Contact your local Cancer Society for more information.. The 'Y's Way to a Healthy Back program has been designed by Dr. Jans Kraus and en- dorsed by Dr. Hamilton- Hall, (Orthopaedic Surgeon, Director of the Toronto Back Education Unit). This program is for people who have ex- perienced periodic or chronic back pain or discomfort,' (not of a pathological nature) and would like to strengthen their backs in order to avoid muscle atrophy - and relieve tension. Participants are appraised, taught the proper way to do the exercises needed, and given a supplemental home program. Back pain does not necessarily have to be lived with! Do your ut- most to aid yourself. The 'Y's Way to a Healthy Back will be commencing on Jan. 9 and will run on Mondays and Wednesdays in the evening, for six weeks. For more infor- mation, please cal- the Durham Region Family YMCN, at 668-6868. r Roman Catholic Churches ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST ST. LEO'S HOLY FAMIL 1 I903 Giffard St., Whitby Baldwin St. N., Brooklin 91 Ribblesdale Drive -668-3676I 668-3676 (at Manning Road> MASES576-2098 Saturday, 7 p.m.MASSASE I Sunday, 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m., Saturday, 5 p.m. Saturday. 5 Da. *12:15 p.m., 8 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m., 10:30 a.iîi. Slo 9 a.m., 10:l1b a.m.. 11:30 a.m "Kowtht a wthyo awas;ye t te ndottime.*"Matk2t$:2U j f YMCA Healthy Bacek program r