PAGE 6,WEDNESDAY JAN UARY 4,1984, WH ITBY FR EE PR ESS- Br&1 lin Byines ~ÂJ. by BETTY-JEAN BLYTH Cmli 855-3679 wit Items for titis colme. Twas the night before Christmas and haif of the town's Out having a party over at Downs. The pine boughs are hung from each lamp post with care (The Junior Garden Club's been doing its share) The stores are all closed, flot a shopper in sight The diii at the Legion is reaching its height. The glow of new street lights made it appear That an election is probably coming next year, When out on main street there arose such a clatter e we JANUARY.< CLEARANCE UFSHIBR= Try = Before Buy S FVH515 Fisher VHS Vîdeo Cassette Recorder OUp tf08 hours recording and *VHF/UHF eiectronic tuner piayback (T-180 cassette) .12 preset channeis $ 9 01-day, 1-programmable timer wlth *8-function (6-button) remaf e everyday f unction contrai (RC 51 A) eAutamatic pIaYback swtching *Auto rewind systemZ= eCue and rsvisw at about 10 fîmes .4-digit AMIPM dlock $ 599 normal Speeci <EP mode) *Electronlc tape caunter $= *Sftfochcotris*Dew protection systemZ es.oft*eject system VHS & BETA MO VIE RENTALS C 93 Winchester Rd. (At Anderson) C Brooklin = 655,4229 Cali to reserve. Q Q -QQQ000009QQQQQ QQ9QQQQQ000qo - z , 1 ý 1 Val ran out on her porch to see what was the matter. And what to her wondering eyes should appear But an old fashioned sleigh pulled by a John Deere With a lively old driver so dashin' and darin' She thought for a moment it was Bob Heron!1 It raced past the bank then eut through Grass park Like some local teenager having a lark. It tore past the church, down Pearl street it flew Took a shortcut through Short's and the IGA too, Careened by the Post Office, flot slowing a bit And on through the subdivision lickety split. Over the Winchester, Queen and then James, While the driver was shouting and calling it names. Mostly unprintable so I heard it said Not what you'd expeet from a gent dressed in red. Why, Doc Grant, who was out walking his dog Said the air was so blue we even had fog! But as something hurled past him at incredible sped He heard a voice say "If Medlands will supply me with feed V'II go back to my reindeer, those reliable critters These newfangled contraptions just give me the jit- ters. So settle down Brooklin, you've nothing to fear 1,11 be back again, Lord willin', next year If I get over this trip and I think I just might Sunce Norm Bailey left me a nip to help ini my flight. To ail you good people and those you hold dear - Have'a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. As 1984 dawns, the tradition of making resolutions for the comung year is in full swing again. One thing that I've noticed about this particular custom is that everyone seems to have plenty of ideas for ways that I can improve but very few for themselves. Last year I sorted out ail the suggestions that came my way from my family and well-meaning friends Out of these I came up with some that I feit FIôppy Disks by 5/" OISKETTESh N97803 Pit-lotnati!I Pus 5.65 ea. m N97575 lotApple Il & RadioSha lkTRSB0 N9785bo Wanqw i iei 6.50 ea. BDISKETTES N97525 for IBM Systtrn 32 4.85 ea. N97523 for Watcr Sysîrmn 25 &t 30 5.85 ea. N97593 foi Xrrrx 850 &i 8605.95 ea. N97840 foi AES 90& 100 6.95 a N97838 foi AES C20 MuitîPlus 6.95 ea. SOLD ONLY IN PKGS. 0F 10 DISKETTES FOR OTHER SYSTEMS AVAl LABLE ON REQUEST programs to choose from at the Durham Region Family YMCA. For those side-line toe- tappers, our Social Dance classes will make social outings. more en- joyable. If the Christ- A unique gif shop featmlng handiaafis for the discrfrn1nùg abopper -Browsem Welcome - ANNU AL MEETING BROOKLIN AND DISTRICT PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION BROOKLIN COMMUNITY CENTRE CASSELS ROAD EAST, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1984 ai 8:00 P.M. Guest Speaker HON. GEORGE ASHE, MIN ISTER 0F GOVERN MENT SERVICES EVERYONE WELCOME' mas Dinner outdid itself again, our Positive Ac- tion fitness class is for you. Participants must be at least 25 pounds overweight, and exer- cises are tailored for maximum effort and minimum discomfort. Men's pick-up Floor Hockey wilI get you moving, or Karate may be more of your, choosing. The Men's Basketbil League is ini progress, but can always use some new blood., Other choices available are Yoga, Tennis Lessons, Dance Aerobics,' and Dance Fitness. . Programs begin the weekof-Jan. 7 and registration is avallable now. There will be evening hours during the week of Jan. 2 to- 6 for your con- venience. For f urther infor- mation, please caîl the 'Y, office, 668-686. -, - ____ I I could reasonably expect to keep. At my age, I should know botter!1 No. 1 was not to yell at the kids. (Guess where that came from) Well, after haif my china was smashed, the car dented and we needed a shovel to get into their rooms, they got their wish. I didn't yell, I didn't even speak for a whole week - I was in shock. No. 2 was to quit nagging. (Ever notice that when you mention something more than once, it's nagging, but when someone else tells you something more than once, it's only a friendly reminder.) Well, when hubby forgot to pay the fuel bill and we ran out when one kid missed a job interview and another missed a dental appointment and suffered with a toothache ail weekend, they begged me to start "4nagging" again. No. 3 was fromn hubby, suggesting that I get more organized sothat we could find things in the house. That sounded like a great idea. So I decided to make a place for everything. Well, I did and now everything's there and we stiil can't find anything. This year I'm going to make one resolution - not be make any Period. PC ANNUAL MEETING The Brooklin Progressive Conservative Association is holding its annual meeting and elec- tion night on Jan. il at Community Centre begin- ning at 8 o'clock. The Honourable George Ashe, munister of Government Services- wil be the speaker. Ail party supporters are urged to attend. Coffee and refreshments will be served. Police sumrnary Durham Regional Police report the thef t of $100 in cash and an estimated $1,500 in damages as a resuit of a breakAm at Catch 22 Restaurant, 301 Byron St. S., Whitby, On Dec. 26. Entry had been gained by smashing an antique leaded glass door on the southwest side of the establish- ment. A cash register also suffered damage and four 40-ounce bottles of liquor were stolen. Police found and seized a Cedrick's mat- ch cover, two iron bars, and an iron gas heater piece at the scene. The incident is under further investigation. Recreational sports and fitness classes Let us help you over- come that 'Christmas to New Year's' Binge!1 Start 1984 on the right track and enroîl in a recreational sport or fitness class. There are a variety of