PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY JAN UA RY 11. 1984, WH ITBV FR EE PRESS Whitby's Most WideIy Read, 'C ]LA.S51.]FID ALSÈ CMMRC AL COMMERCIAL S ~'~R0P RTY V 'CR PE TI SNOWMOBILES RVICES :300 SALES/REÉNTALSq ALOW:MlèIS FO: FOj R SALE/RENT el FOR SALE/RENT rnn u LifEl HaeSPECIAL H ve our Living Room, DinIng-Roomn And Haiiway 0f Any Size Cîsaneci For $4000. Bedrooms Are $1000 Extra. Alil Work ls Guarantsed. For Appointmsnt Caii 668-1465 PRIVATE PIANO or argan lessons - Conservîtory or Popular. cail Sandy Kazak, 66&- 0346. PIANO LESSONS >Beginners preferred. D. Goodman, A.ROCT 668-3056 EDUCAIGNAL SERVICES ,'GRAMMAR for people who hats grammar" isa the ideai pocket reference* book for business people. $395 per copy and avii- able at DIcksan Prlrinting & Offie Supplies In the Ajax Plaza. Deaer enquiries invited 683-1968. ANNcNCENTS CHESTER -AND FLORENCE PETIT are very pleassd ta an- nounce ths engagement of their daughter, Catherine Rase ta Phlip Clifford, son of Ida Dexter and the late Clifford Dexter.ý CONGRATULATIONS on yaur forthcamlng marriage.. Please view aur samples of engraved wedding Invitations et your li- surs In aur Aax Plaza store. Dick- son Printing & Office Supp9lies FREE noede craft kits and ac- cessorles, when you hast a creative circis party. Ciii Linda 683-8719. FREL' Drap Into the Dickson érînting & office Suppîy store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up a free capy of their 1963 Mstric Cean-, dar. Printed ln two calours, t maks-s for handy reference. W83- 1968. LICENSED PLUMBER with ysars 0f ' experience plus Veli developed Meille ln ail the con- struction trades. Caii John M&6 1452. DRESSMAKING ,Experienced seamatresa wilii creats the f it and style you desire from the pattern and materiai yau choose. Cali Zelda 7234781, NEEDLE CRAFT LESSONS kits and accessories, wýhsn yau'hast, a Creative Circis party. Caii Lnda 8M.719. CHID CRE1 ~ ATICESARTICLES SERVICES -FOR SALE FOR SALE Hard Maple Weil Seasoned 15 Months Oid Drywood $45 a single cord (705)454-8260 GEOTYPE press-on iettering now ln stock at Dickaan PrInting & 0f-' f lcs Supplies In the Aax Shop- ping Plaza. Large selection of styles and sizes. Why pay more for a emailer sheet of letterlng? 683-1968. MATIRESSES and box apringe at huif price. MoKeen Furnîture, 524 aimcoe Street South, Oshawa. 725-5181.- FOR SALE glss tier chandelier, 8x12 new beige carpet. CB radio and aeriai, AM/FM radio and tape dock, kitchen nook. 666-1392.' CHESTERFIELD suites, love- seita, sectionils, lsas than 'h prias. Large selection. McKeen Fumiture. 524 Slmcoe St.' S., Oshawa. 725-5181. "1HEROES of the BibI." coiouring book avîliable at Dickson-Print- Ing & Office Supply, Aax Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer inquiries In- viteci. GE TALISMEN - ROYAL freezerlfricige. 3-door, black and chrome trim, 6 'montha aid. Original cost $1,450. Aaking $750. Hatpoint waahing machine, 6 montha aid. Aaklng $300. 655- 8885.' FOR SALE loveseat, two end tables and coffee table. Phone 668-7132. VISIT aur ussd furniturs wars- hous by appaintment. Big savings on deeka, chairs, f iiing cabinets, etc. Ciii Dickson Print- Ing & Off ice S upplies, ta arrange an appolntmsnt ta view. 68n 1968. Snowbiower Now On *Sale* ALL STAR MOWER 1015 King St. E. 571-2400 s.Vvuuu ARE or your cniio ln my home. $S0lweek or part-time rates. Any age. Pickering Beach Raid and Range Lins area. Ciii 686-1701, Aax. RELIABLE MOTHER wiahss ta do day cars ln my home. Agea 2 and up, part or full time. Hot lun- ches, daiiy autinga, large play ares and yard. Thornton and King. 579-9968. BUTTERFLY Daycare Centre No. 2 Open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Quallfif ed Staf f Hot Meals Age From 6 Weeks To 6 Years Oid 309 Bosch St. Whltby 668.8927 OR 571-0031 RELIABLE MOTHER wishes ta do day cars ln my home. Agas 2 and up, part or ful time. Hot lun- ches, daiiy outinga, large play ares and yard. Thornton and King. 579-9968. EXPERIENCED MOTHER of two wili give iovlng Daycars ln her home of any age. South Ajax. 686- 1701. SALE WANTE?: loas purchae plan NEED A RENTAL? Ciii the Expor- tai Ws carry houss, townhouses, duplexes, apar- tments, flatal Al areas, aizes, onveningines UI[U. Locations aoffeelsoft drink. 725-7418 after 7 p.m. pricesi 579-4500 Homelacators, CHILDREN STOP wlth new end AUTOMOTIVE f** cansignmenl Unes. Estîblisheci ARTICLES e REPAIR/PARTS _____________ location ln downtown Whitby. FOR R NT ~Reasonable priced. Cali 686-1133, Mondîy ta Saturdiy, 10-5. ONE NEW engine holat, one and w '5 TYPEWRITER rentai, manymakes a haif ton ram, boom extenda, \79 CCOMMODAION~ and modela, by the weekend, can b. dismînteileci. $600 firm. FIE-PC week or month. Discount* avil- Phone Bob 723-8624 or Rab 688- TWO PRIVATE ROOMS avalîable FORRENTI abie. Diakuon Prlntlng & Office 0336. In Ashburn. Share hous. $210 Sunnle n Inthe Amy Pin,.fCali ... - us for business machine repaire SIPISPPLIES] FOR SALE Jipaneae Spaniel mixeci Chihuahua. 10 weeks. Black and white, tiny dog, shots. $65. 683-0254. REBUILT TRANSMISSIONS, Most modela, $185.001 Cali Bob 683-0811. M.B.M. Publîshlng 131 Brook St. N. WhItby 668-6111 manthiy, Includes utilites. 655. 4035. PICKCERING VILLAGE dlean fur- ished mramafor rent. PhoneOn63 7875. WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for rent on prafessionai floor. Wouid be aultabis for iawysr, accountînt, etc. Rent Includes ail utlities and la negotiable for an apprapriate tenant. For furthsr Information cail 668-6372 between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Manday ta FrIdîy. INSTANT CASH For Late Model SNOWMOBILES Phone-686-2553 1974,ARTIC CAT Puma 440. A-i shape. $850 or beat offer. 655- 3879. ont AUMOBILES WFORSASALE 1970 HONDA CIVIC FOR SALE New home saught for peppy f ire ongine reci, 5-spesci hatah back. Four brenci nsw steel-beiteci radiais, AM/FM aterso cassette, sun-roof, certifile. Bableci since birth. Sadiy asking $3200 for this fmthful friandi. Cmii 579-9214. WE BUY and SELL USIED APPLIANCES WE RECONDITION AND GUARANTEE WANTED ON' CONSIGNMENT: downhili and cross-country ski squipmsnt and outfite. Ail other sports squlpment accepted. 58. Baldwin, Braokiin. 65-8079. CASH FOR Jewellery, furniture, coins, antiques, ans Item or a housefui, or even the house. 728- 4455. LICENSED ELECTRICIAN wiliing ta do smail jobs. Reasanabie prices. Caii 576-488. NURSING CARE W. specialize ln cars af patients ln their own homes. Our carefuily scrsensd, insured & experienced nurses, companions & homemakers are available for fuli-time & psrt-time nursIng cars. Avalabîs 24 haurs. COMMAE 571-3501. WOMAN wiii babysit ln your home. or mine, lys iln or out. Telephane 571.0082. SPACIOUS ONE BEDROOM for rent ln heart-0f Whitby. South- faclng windows. Quiet, neigh-_ borhood. Ciii 683-6430 betwsen 9- taS5. CARS WANTED for scrap, top prias. Ciii 576-9644. WANTED, TO BUY antiques, Wood furniture andi oid doule. Phone 655-3526. WANTED FOR consigniment sale, snowmobiies, ln running order, fat turnover, customers waitIng. Cali 725-8898, 8 a.m.-7:30 p.m. 7 days weekly. Become a carriet today. Lemrn ta be a business person wlth responaibillty -whlia sarning money. Become the outstand-, ing carrier of the month and became a wlnneri Taik ta aur Circulation Manager. Caii 668-111 Todayl1 WHITBY FREE PRESS PHOTOCOPYING High quaiity photocopying whiie you walt. WHITBY FREE PRESS 131 Brook Strbe North, Whltbyj ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS IPlease check your advertisement for errors on the f irst day of public ation. The Whitby Free Press will not be hiable for Ffailure to pubiish an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the f irst insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject ail advertise- ments. Ads must appear in the paper one day before they can be changed or cancei led. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; 1lie each addition- al word If pre-paid. You may charge your Classified Ad to your Chargex or Visa acCount. Please have your Visa card ready when calling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irsi 100 words;_12ç each acditional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 words; 12c each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 340 per lune. (No word ads ailowed.> BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are-available at an additionai charge of $2.00. The Whi tby Free Press will make every en- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no llability regarding loss, or damage aileged to arise through failure or deIay in forwarding such replies. We wil not be responsibie for box number replies not caIied for wit hi n 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication t'o insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668.6111 ATTENTION: Landiords, Lase Holders Or Roui Estate Agents We are local franchise hoiders for Mary Browns Fried'Chioken. We are looklng for a prominent location ln downtown Whltby preferably on Brock or Dundas Streets. We require 1500 to 1800 square feet with«ample easy access parking. We offer a long term lease from a triple A tenant or we wiii purchase existing location. Please Cmli R.W. Bilsky At 725-2744. OPEN.HO0USE SUNDAY 8th, lSth, 22nd & 29th Januar, from 1:00 to 4:00 pm at the north-east corner of Rltson and Taunton SNew 3 & 4 Bedroom Townhouses E ORMOND WOODS CO-OP - IAM ... Tomorrow's Lîfestyle Today. Featurlng: Suec or French Baicony. Patio. Waik-out Basement@Eat-ln Kit- chen and Dlning Room*Cable*Range & Fridge*Gà aage Laundry Faciliiese Piayground and Community Centre.' IMMEDIATE OCCUPAN-. CV $525 to $570 per month plus utilities. For'in - formation cali 886-4787 between 9 & 5 Monday to FrIday.j CHECK OUR LOW EVERYDAY PRICES On netv chesterfields, bedroom sets, colonial dining rooma, and kitchen suites, beds, etc. ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St. -E. (At RItson) Oshawa 72 473 TO BUY ~BIIYIRTENT< i la if