Vol. 14 No. 2 Wednesday, January 11.9 1984 20, Pages Family funin the wiinter Sun These Mozart Court familles certainly had fun on this Jeffrey St. hili Iast Sunday afternoon. From left:Lia Sm ith surveys'the terrain while husband Barry launches their daughter Katy, 3. Dale Duke readies daughter Heather, 6, for a turn, as wife Janet looks on. The Duke's family dog, Honey, keeps a watchful eye on Sara, 9 months, who is well protected f rom the cold. Free Press Staff Photo Incident at Whitby Pyh under investigation John Vazan, a 49- year-old voluntar patient at the Whit by Psychiatrie 'Hospital wandered off the groun- ds on the afternoon of Dec. 22 and was not found 'until late the following morning. However, by the time Vazan had been located, he had suffered severe frostbite, which necessitated the loss of both hands and feet by amputation. The Hospital had organized a preliminary search on the first evening of the disap- pearance .and ,had registered Vazan as a missing person with the Durham -Regional Police. The police im- mediately- dispatched N ew adminiïstrator for Ruddy Dr. Josepb O. Ruddy General Hospital's board of governors an- nounced the appoin- tment. of a new ad- ministrator last Thur- sday. Jim R. Miller, 51, wbo for the past six, years bas been administrator for 'the Charlotte Eleanor Englebart Hospital in Petrolia,-Gn- tario, and bas- ac- cumulated 14 years in bospital administration, wil assume bis new post on Marchi 5,1984. John Kunetsky, ad- ministrator at Ruddy since 1973, 15 retiring but plans to remain in the area. Regional Councillor Tom EdWards, who is the mayor's designate on the hospital board, believes Miller is well- qualifled for. the position since1 he bas mucb ex- periencé, especially in employee relations. Miller and bis wife bave been'scouting the Whitby area for a new home and are excited about the move. He bas said they will enjoy living here and feels the community bas sometbing for everyone. Fundraiser ini Whitby Bill Mole, wbo 18 walking across Canada to raise money for a disabled Mississauga teenager, passed tbrough Whitby via Higbway 2 last Tuesday. He, left Vancouver, B.C. on Oct. 13, and bas managed to raise $220,000 in support of Barbara Turnbull, a milk store employee lef t paralyzed when shot during a robbery last September. However, the,35-year- old.former civil servant bas added an extra 100 miles' to bis .walkathon in aid of Jack MeLellan, an Ajax man hurt in a diving accident. Donations for MeLeilan will hé accep- ted at any Royal Bank of Canada, branch in Wbit- by, Oshawa, Ajax and Pickering. Mole plans to arrive in Montreal by Jan. 25 then fly to Kenora and walk down Higbway il to Toi*onto in time to run for a seat in the. Marcb by-election. He will resume bis walk from Montreal to St. John's, Nfld., after the cam- paign.'ý two constables to the hospital where tbey conducted an' unsue- cessful search along the Lake Ontario shoreline and ail roads in the vicinity of the in- stitution. The' hospital staff had agreed to search the grounds. On the morning of Dec. 23, police resumed the 1 search and discovered the missing man. Vazan was then transported to Dr. .J.O. Ruddy General Hospital. The severity of bis condition prom- pted an immediate helicopter transfer to Toronto's Sunnybrook Medical Centre* where it appeared he would recover. However, a sudden relapse oc- curred and gangrene, began to develop in bis hands and feet. On Dec. 29, bis limbs were amputated below the elbows and knees.' Colin Patey, ad- ministrator for Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital explained that since, Vazan had not- been found after the first.day 0f the search, it was believed the patient had lefi the grounds on unauthorlzed leave. ý1 ýA volunteer patient is not, required to notify staff wben leaving the hospital as is a patient who has been commit- ted involuntarily. In eacb case, different types of searches are organizes. William Vazan, brother of the patient, bas claimed the hospital either acted negligently in the searcb for bis brother, or a fault exists in the system. Vazan remains in critical condition in the intensive care ward at Sunnybrook and bis recovery is expected to be a long ordeal. Doc- tors are discussing the possibility of fitting John with electrical bands and. feet to help bhimmaintain a normal 11f e. Meanwbile, the Ministry of Health bas appointed Stephen Hueker, a Toronto doc- tor with the Clarke In- stitute of Psycbiatry, to investigate the case. The report, whicb wil consider the- introduc- tion of a more extensive recovery program and examine the- criteria used in designating a patient voluntary or otherwise, wiil be com- pletedbyFeb. 15Î~ r:- f W7'. 1,4 f--, e 4ý-- rIeý t ý,:e t 1 -