WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1984, PAGE 11 Jox 'x is Durharn s newest diningf and danc ing place PICKERING - Durham'a restaurant scene 15 becoming a lit- tle brlghter wltb the grand openlng of. Jox'x in the Baywest Plaza here. .Owned by> .Tony, Polera,, Jox'x. (pronoun- ced.Jock!a) opened last week as Pickering's newest dining and dan- cing establishment featuring inexpensive meals and top 40 music. The 26-year old ex- football athiete was born in Rome and la striving to create a family atmosphere at. Jox'x that will "bring a taste of Toronto at suburban prices. " The elevated dance floor la designed to hold 40-50 people and is ifiminated by rainbow lights and ia surrounded by brasa railinga.. The muaic' la ce- ordinated by Q107's ciac jockey "Ail Night"y An- dre and is played over a $40,00 Beta stereo system. Polera b as also devoted as much energy to bis 186 peraon capacity reatuarant as he has to bis dance floor. Managing the kitchen la Bill Melnychuk, a graduate of George Brown College with seven yeara experience of working in such places as the Royal York Hotel, Toronto and the Banff Spring Hotel. "The kitchen staff do a great job," Polera says. adding that the moat expenaive thing on the menu is $8.95. For that the patron will receive a T-bone steak done to order and ac- ABILITY FUND companled by fried mushrooms, the vegetable of the day, 'a baked potatoe or rice or french fries as well as a roll and butter. Jox'x also boastsaa Kingston of Klngland Designs ini Pickering as well as two other special features. One is a giant (6 by 8 foot) video sereen and a celebrity -bartender decor ful of plants that mnght on Thuradays. were co-ordinated' and Polera bopes to attract choosen by Kelly famous sports per- sonalities and othera to perform the duty for the deligbt of his customers. People are> what Polera'puta first and to *prove it everyone arriving at Jox'x will be greeted by a smiling, friendly doorman and feted by equally pleasent waitresses and hostesses. Jox'x la located ln the Baywest Plaza at the corner of Westshore Blvd. and Bayly St. W. An ?-qickerlng. A- warmi welcome awaits, those who want to give this new place a try. NOWV TONY POLERA GREAT FOOD -'GREAT ATMOSPHERE GREAT LISTENING & DANCE MUSIC BAYW EST PLAZA PICKERING (Westshore1 BIvd. & Bayîy- St. W) 839el1625 I Tony Polera *SUN DAY NIGHT SKI PARTIES> -Spec.ial off er for Su nday skiers * MONDAY NIGHT WING DING -2, for 1 on chioken wings ail night *TUESDAY NIGHT IS LADIES NIGHT -It's a ladies choice *EVERY AFTERNOON -Watch your favourilte SOAP STARS on our giant screen À