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Whitby Free Press, 22 Feb 1984, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1984, WHITBYFREE PRESS Mm.. M9<lp~ I Emorim As wII nlybe ccetedsubject to the f ollowing conditions. FRSLE ARTICLES ARTICALES FOR SALE COLLECTOR PLATES, $2,500 andi Royal Douton figurines, $2500. Phono 5764808. LONG BROWN' leather coat, ladies, size 13-14,4$75. Aimost new condition. Men's Lorredo cowboy boots, suze 5, black and size 6, brown,, $85 each. 571-0957 TRAIN SET FOR SALE 8x4 outiay, 12 Atlas switchoa, remote con- trol. Price $30. Phono 571-2212. ONE 4'xS' POOL TABLE On. sot of oight bail. One set 0f enookor. Matie In Bolium. cue rack. Asklng $3W. Telephono table, $10. Eioctric fan, $15. Phono 728- 7927. FOR SALE living room suite, Roxton, oarth-tono colours, yoar anti a haif old. Asking $2,500. King size bed, $300. Combinetion tining room ktchon suite, $250. Muet b. seen to b. approciatoti. Phoneo 686.026 aftor 4:30 p.m. FOR SALE two 68"1 Electromodo tieluxe serles eioctric base boarti heaters. $50 each. Fireplaco ln- sert heator wlth turbo fan, $350. Bicycle 22" rlm, $35. Phono 655- 4040. KITTENGER WINQBACK down- filled chesterfieid. Walnut carveti arme and faciaboard, $400. Oel before 9 p.m., 723-8751. COMPLETE SET of- hockey equipmeflt. lncludlng skates, sizo 5 for boy 11-13. usod onesésason, $75. Excercise boti, $25.. Phono 666-2677. FOR SALE wooti stove, $200. Cal aler p.m. 68954. ONYX CHESS SETS, Aztoc stylo, assorted,.-colore, $55 each. Frigidaire automnatlc tirier $100. Record collection, 500 albums, $1,200. New 8 man tent $160. Baly raceway plnball machine, needa morne work, $350. Phono 98&.9258. OLD BUTLERS secretary desk, china cabinet on top. Unumual place. Gooti condition, $495. 728- 4849. FOR SALE 5 pace dînette suite. Sot Includes: 4 chairseand table %With W' thick amoked flass top. Like new. AskIng $300. Phono 68&3068. ANTIQUE' quIlt, $80. Sunboam onowblower, $85. Boekamp Radiant heater, $45. China mInk fur jacket, -large, beautiful, $85. Brown suetie full length coat, fur trim, size 12, $75. Ladies leather jacket, brown, size 16, $25. Judo suit, M, $20. Hockey skates, size 7, 'Jelinsk", $15. Hartihet, $5. Soliti front door, 34x84, $50. Bathroom slnk, white, $5. 2'x4' arborite sheet, $5. Ahi tems liko new. Cali 86687404. KIMBALL ORGAN, $800. 0f fe table anti 2 end tables, $200. Living roomn chair, $50 Phono 668- 4780. BEAUTIFUL LIONT PURPLE tuf- ted headboard wth soliti walnut framo for King size b.d or, twin betie together, with matching betispread and drapes. Ail In vory gooti condition. $225. New ver- tical blintis, beige, lOft witie x 45" long and 5½hft wioe x 45" long. Coat $875. Seil $275. Phono 655- 8764. TABLE à CHAIRS 42" round glass top with brass colour legs and four tiark brown uphoistoroti chairs. Like new. Paiti ovor $600. Asking $400. Please cali 668-8178 anytimo. CAMPER FRIDGE 12 volt, 3 cubic foot, Ilko now. $100. Oeail 668- 1770. I One ati ln the Whitby Free Press Empori- um Section wlll oeil aimoat anythlng. Cail 668-6111 to place your ati. Whon the advortisod Item le solti, disposoti of, or unavailablo f',r whatovor roason, tho Itom wIll bo deomod f0 have boon solti anti a commission wil bo chargeti baeod on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Illustrateti bolow, regartilose If prIce le tateti with 'beat offor". If the1 Item le NOT SOLD, or dieposed of, the ad wlll bo run for 3 MONTHS anti a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 wili apply payable ln advanceo0f publication of the f lrst ati. Othorwiso a 37.50 charge wiii Sp. ply If bilioti whlch muet be paiti upon rocoipt of bill. The above minimum 'charges wiil bo applioti to the final commission duo but ln any caso tho highor amount wiii b. chargod. Minimum charge: 36.00 pro-paii; 37.50 biloti. Maximum commission:$310.00. AIl ativortIsomnente muet be placod on an ex- clusive basis wth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atoaset one mô!ith If not sold. RATES If article i. moiti>: 5% of advertised prIce up to $M0.00 2% of balance over 400.00 EXAMPLE: Soid ÏIbm ativertiseti for 3120.00. Commission due SOM0 (minimum charge ls 36.00). Private ativortising onlyl Pleasa notIfy tho Whitby Free Pross Immodiatoly when Item le soltisa, that wo may doloto It from the following Issue. Ail ado not fittIng the Emporium guidolinos wlll be treatoti and charged por woek as rogular ciassIf lot ada on a pro.paid basis such as: services, holp wantod, ciothing, rosi ostato, and porsonai message type ado, or ado not quotlng prIco or quantity. Privats claseifiod ado may appoar ln the Emporium soction undor appropriato hoadinge. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM PO. Box 206 Whilby, Li N 551 If iri doubt cail: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. INTRMTS FOR SALE Hoover spin %waaher/Idryor. Savon montha olti. StIli Ilko new, has warranty. Aeking $300. Phonoe6834104. FOR SALE Mof fat Flosta stove. Oven abovo, tirawor elomonts, Lazy Suzan beiow, good con- dition. Asking $250. Phone 668- 42lOafterS e.m. 3jBNEEDS HARDWOOD CRIB maple finish, $150. Mattresa, $25. Comforter,* $10. Bumpor pada, $15. Harwood dresslng table, maplo finish, $85. 65>4271. 35FT TRAILER, Corfaîr. Two* tip- outs, 3 place bath, broadioom throughout, fuiiy furnisheti, patio doors with loxie coder tieck. $12,000. Phone 655-8885. FOR SALE a box trailor, 4 x6', $325. Oel 579-4212. THOMAS ORGAN Two yoars olti, mint condition, two keyboartie, lit koys, many functions. Bonch and shoot music inclutiet. Gooti Christmas proment. 31,500 or beot of fer. 655-3536. THOMAS ORGAN for sale. Two keyboard, excellent condition. Includes b.nch, light and sheet muslc. Asking $950 firm. Phone 668-2725. ANTIQUE PUMP ORGAN Gooti worklng condition, $325. Phono 668-0245. FOR SALE LOWERY ORGAN "Dabut' with "Magic Gonle", double keyboarti, full rhythm sec- tion, bench and books. Vory good condition. Asklng $1,200. Phono 655-4995. THINiC MONEY - Thlnk the Whi,- by Free Prose Emporium Section. ,~One ormait ativortisement le ail tl takes. Place your.article for sais n the Whltby Free Prose anti get Immotilato rosuits. This Fr.. Prose le rai by' over 70,000 , potentiel buyors eech w.sk. Think about what we cen do for you ... thon doi us. Whitby Free Press 668-6111. THE WOR LD IS YOURS ... IF YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE... Wherever you move the Wei- come Wagon ilosteas je the right personi to help you f md a place In your now communily. Cal 668-8943 ~TO~BILES OVOIVE ~,~OR~AI.E U~REPAIRIPARTS]T 1980 LADA vory good condition, many oxtras, block heater, Micholin tires, rust proofoti. Asking $1,600 as le or bost offor. Cali 668-7976 attor 5 p.m., aftor 8 p.m. Monday anti Thursday. 1975 BUICK CENTURY 2-door, 6 cylindor, automnatic, powor stooring, power brakos, 6 0,000 miles. Excellent condition. $3,150 or best offer. Phono 579- 9419. 1978 OLDS ROYAL P.W., PB., P.S., velor seats, 4 door, tilt wheei, AMIFM aterso, electric trunk, new tires - radiai, tinted windows, rear defogger, 400 km per tank. $3,700. Phono 668-1232. 1976 FORD ELITE $500 asela or good for parts. Phono 655-4407. 1974 SCAMP mochanIcaiiy gooti but body le poor. 60,000 original miles. Any reasonabie offor. Woult i 1ke $300. Phono 668-1760. 1974 MOB convertible. Alil boots lnciudod, 4 epeeti, 1,800 CC Micholin tiros, ail arounti ex. collent condition. 27,000 original miles. $3,000 firm. 655-3006. 1973 FORD COUNTRY SOUIRE Wagon. V8, power stering, power brakos, powor windows. Runs weli. Wintorizeti. $570 un- certIfiod. Phono 579-9074. 1973 DODGE DUSTER for parts. No motor or transmission. Body in gooti shapo, $100. Phono 579- 7673. FOR SALE 1972 Ohevollo. 6 cylindor, autometic. $400 as le. Phono 668-1130. 1972 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS $30. Body has been dons. Neetis onglno. Phono 655-4407. 4 FOUR No. A78x13 GootiYsear polyester belteti tires on Toyota rime. $20 each. 655-3006. CORBEAU RACINO STYLE bucket sat high back fixeti position with bulit ln headreit finisheti ln black nylon with von- tiiating hoies. Atjustable track. V.ry nice condition. $175. Ccii chuck 282-8760. FOUR WHITE SPOKE steel wheels. 14x5% 'to fit: Datsun, Ford courier and Mazda trucks, $125 set. 282-8760. 1-800-268-362 Beautîful al-occasion greeting carde. personalizeti statîonery and unique gift ideas .. ail of these await you in our f ree colour brochure featuring the new UNICEF collection. ror a FREE BROCHURE caiithe loit tre number and asic tor Operator 5U0. In TORONTO: Fof troe brochure and saies' intormaion cati 947-1565. Send a UNICEF card lodoayand help a chid to a beller future tef PHOTOCOPYING High quality photocopying while you walt. WHITBY FREEPRESS 131 Brock Street North, Whltby 'CON FUSED? Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- tions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your ply because you* find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't questions - if not, do eall 668-6111 and we'11 be pleased to explain the miss out on our low advertising rates just because you have ques- Emporium Section to you personally. If you: " are a private advertiser; e have an article to seil; and, " have a specif ied asking price for your article then you can advertlse'under the Emporium sec- tion (see g uidelines ab-ove for more detai ls). VOUr ad wlll run -each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months). A minimum charge appîles to each Emporium ad: $6.00 If paid betore the f IrstIinsertion of your ad; $7.50 if you are billed after your ad has appeared once.. If your article does Nu i seIl within three months, you pay only the minimum jharge. It is unfortu- nate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will selI, but, where else cou Id you get three mon- ths advertising for only $6.00? When your article seils, a commission Is charged, based on the advertlsed price. Commissionls: 5% up to $400; 2% of the'ba lance over $400; LESS the minimum charge descrlbed above. I ave read' the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the follow- ing advertlsement placed under this secti on of the Whitby Free Press. don't forget to include your phono number) El 1 enclose '$6.00 to cover the minimum charge. El Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. El Bill me for $7.50 after first publication of my ad. Card No. Exp. Date Marne please pri nt) Address Cty Postaif Code MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whltby Li N 5S1 i Below are some examples of what you wouid be charged if your article sold wlthin three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. . I ________ IUp to'$120 $ $1300 $ 400 $ 300 k $ 600 $ 700 I $ 600i $ 700 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 I$5,000 and up Total Amount $ 60 7.50 10.00 15.00 20.001 22.00 24.00 26.00' 26»00 30.00 32.00 52.00 72.00 92.00 .100.00, N ~ ,, I U PR... Dm'..m -1 V=2&6" mjýý Or.ot -%

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