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Whitby Free Press, 29 Feb 1984, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WEDNESDAy, FEBRUARY 29, 1984, WHITBYFREE PR ESS Whltby's Most WIdeIy Read C 1JSSFVEDDAD5 __ __ __ _~j C ECSICAEARARTLELES ,SRISSEVCE EVICEJ SUICES 1AR ATILE FR0AL SEVIE FOR SALE HANDYMAN TO DO* ODD JOBS. Renovatlons, ktchens, bathroams, coramle tule, rec. roama, cedar decks and drywall. For free estîmates caîl 655&3176. FACTORY PRICES Vanities and- marbie tops, any size or colour, ln stalled at 10w prices. Free estImates., Goodman Plumblng 725-1044 WAYNE'S PAINTING, Interlar, exterior. No- job too amal, guarantsed. Basement floore, ceillnge, gel ready far sprlng. 576-7422 anytîme. CONGRATULATIONS on your farthcamlng marrage. Please vlew aur s 'amples of engraved wsddlng Invitations at your Jli- sure In aur Ajax Plaza store. Dick- son PrIntlng. &-Office Supplies 683-1968. CRAFTSMAN CONSTRUCTION 30 Vears Experlence *AENOVATING & REPAIRS *REMODELLING & RESTORING Speciallzing ln Custom Wark "OUALITY PAYS, IT DOES NOT 0051" FREE ESTIMATES- 723-0833 ACCOUNTANT (Freelance>, seeks 1 or 2 day per week position. Exper. In aIl phases. Reas. rates. Henry, 723-9762. OSHAWA REFINISHING Antique and modemn wood furniture. Hand strlpped and professlonally flnlshed. Free estîmates, free pick-up and delivery. 585 Wen- tworth St. E., Na. 34. Open 9-5. 723-7479 or 728-6071. K< à B CONTRACTING draftlng, renov's, decks, rec. roome, free est. Caîl 683-6132,579-6207. PSYCHIC MEDIUM la avallable for private readlngs and also numerology charte: For Infor- mation and appolntment cail 579- 6523. CARD OR PALM READINGS. Private orparty. For appolntmént caîl 6835575. DELLARIE'S LANDSCAPING AND GENERAL C ONTRACTINO Man wlth truck willlng ta do odd jobs, landscaping, fertillzing, garbage removal and snowplowlng. 839-7979. DUSTY DOLLIES Qual1ity Cé>aigWt A Différence ~3jj~J ~j~ONA ONALJ FREE.- Drap mb othe Dlckson PrIntlng & Office Supply store in the Ajax Plaza and pIck up a f ree, -ER O N TO OOPY Of thelr 1983 Metrlc Calen. P R O dar. Prlnted in two colaurs, itI makes for handy reference. 6n3 1968. I PERRON J M.CEUAI0NAL SERVICES "1GRAMMAR for people who hate grammar- la the ideal Pocket reference book for business people. $395 per copy and'avail- able at DIckson Prlntlng & Office Supplies in the Ajax Plaza. Dealer ~~FLORIDAI COMMERCIAL WU VACATION I ' PROPERTYI W RENTALS FOR SALE/RENTI MM I WHITBY - STORE FOR'RENT on 1~ ORREI*NTFLORIDA V Main S.aet Main Intersection, 18 hundred sq. ft. Cail 1-787-7308. Cîearwater - Three bedraom _____________ TYPEWRITER rentai, manymakes mobile homes. eated pools, and modela, by the weekend, tennis, close ta beaches and FOR RENT 2 door garage. Down- wee ormonh Dacantsaval- major attractions, chlldren town Brooklin. 20' x 40. Ideal for abl DckonPrntlg Of ce weIcome. $22500 U.S. .a smail business - bicycle repaira, Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Cail weekly (lest than; motel amail matora, etc. 655-8079. 683-1963. HANDYMAN - Painter, Paperhanger,,Shlngling, Drywall, Ceramic ,Tiles. Ail home lm- provements. 30 years experlence, Engllsh tralned, references. Free estîmates. Caîl Charles Newsham 576-.068 REWARD - LOST very large black and tan German Shepherd. Phone FREE TO GOOD HOME German Shepherd. Two years aid, goad watch dog, loves children. Phone 668-252. ~IES WINDSURFERS, Mistral, Wayler, Ten Cea, Hi Fiy. New and used, wet and dry suits, related ac- cessaries, sellIng, upgrading, consIgnment boards baught and soid. 839-149. 28 YEAR OLD MOTHER af, one wiII babysît ln my home. Hat lun- ches, any age welcoms. West Lynde area. $55lweek. 666.1448. BUTTERFLY IDaycaro Contre No. 2 Open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Quall1f led Staf f Hot Meals Age From 6 Weeks To 6 Years Old 309 Beech St. Whltby 668-8927 OR 571-0031 CALL 688&8111 ta place your ar- ticle for sale. $500 for car. Phone 668-4232 or 666.1916 ask for Carl. 1976 PONTIAC VENTURA 4 door, 6 cylinder, P.S., P.B,, 73,000 miles, lîke . new. Asking $2,300 certlfied. 668-4232 or 66841916, ask For Carl. 19 73 0MEV 4 door, hard top, VII, auto,.PPS., P.8., good shape. $700 as ls. Phone .666.4232 or 688- 1916, ask for Cari. REBUILT TRANSMISSIONS, most modela, $185.001 Caîl Bob 883-0811. PARTS'FOR SALE Mondas. GM trucks, motors, transmissions, tires. 576-9644. OUSE1HOU > ES1 FOR RENT FOR RENT CLOSER TO TORONTO BATHURST-STEELES HOUSING CO-OP NEW Three Bedroom Townhouses Two appliances, energy-efflcient, $580-$630 plus utilities, Spring-Summer occupancy. A FRIENDLY member-controlleditommunîty model homes. Sumdays 2-4 p.m., 598-0543' AMWAY Products. P.O. Box 1, Whltby, Ontario. 1M0% guaran- teed. Nathlng ta b00se, everythlng ta gain. WANTED - VIDEO GAMES Atari, Coleco, Intellevîslan, etc. Witt pay cash for worklng condition games Up ta $20. 668-1780. FOR SALE air tlght Ashley stove, new. Phone 985-3958 Port Perry. "HEROES of the Bible"~ colourlng boak avallable at Dlckson Prînt- lng &i Office Supply, Ajax Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer Inquirles In- vlted. FOR SALE Moffat washer and dryer. Three years aid, excellent condition. $500. Phone 66-2968 after 7 p.m. CHESTERFIELD suites, love- seats, sectionals, lesa than. 'h prIco. Large selection. McKeen Fumîture. 524 -Slmcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. Troy-biIt Tillers Now At Ail Star Mowsr 571-*2400 VISIT aur used fumiture ware- hous by appaintment. Big savings on desks, chairs, fillng cainets, etc. Cali Dickson PrInt- ing_& Office Supplies ta arrange an appoiniment ta view. 683- 1968. BARGAINS GALORE Canadian jogging shirts. Regular $14.99. Naw $6.00. Shoes - men's, ladies and children $4.00 a pair. T-shirts $1 .00. Trivial Pursuit .$2000. Plus many more bargains. 528'Victoria St. E., Whltby One block south of the 401 between Brack St. and Thlckson Rd. Store hours: Wed., Thurs., Fr1., 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sat. and Sun., 10 arn. ta 5 p.m. MATTRESSES and box aprînga et haîf price. MoKeen Fumiture, 524 almcae Street South, Oshawa. 725-5181. AIL STAR MOWER have now moved. The new oation Is 1 mile east of TownIîne, corner Hwy. No. 2 and TruI's Rd. $40 off any Homelite Chain- saw. 571-2400. QEOTYPE press-on letterlng now in stock at Dlcksan Prlntlng & 0f. fice Supplies ln the Ajax Shap. plng Plaza. Large selection af styles and sîzes. Why pay more for a amaller sheet of letterlng? 683-1968. WEDDING INVITATIONS%' and Othor Weddlng Alde Choose f rom our WIde Selection in the Comfort of Your Own Home. Prices to suit every budget. SWEET THOUGHTS 668-1834 31 H.P. DIESLE TRACTOR for sale. Oniy 480 HAS, clw hydraulîce, front end loader, bucket, 2 Farrow plough, double set of disc Harraws, triple sel, drag Harraws and bar, snaw blower, hydraullo woad aplîtter, hay wagon (aseaied wheel bearlngs), and bush hog. $12,000 or best of fer. Prefer package sale but wauld cansider selllng in- dividually. Contact John Collins 655-4645. [J ~ .. (~ M SIOFFICE SPACE eip Keep OR RET FORRENT Red Cross ready. + TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT ln amail Whitby Aduit building. Centrally Iacated close ta, Go & local bus stops. Utilities, hydro and parking Included. Caîl 66W- 6372 between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday ta Friddy. WMITBY OFFICE SPACE for rent on prafessionai floor. Wauld be sultable for lawyer, accountant, etc. Rent Includ"~ ail utilities and la negotiable for an appropriate tenant. For further Information cali 668-6372 between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Manday ta Friday. NEED A RENTAL? Cail t he Exper- tsi We carry houss, tawnhouses, duplexes, apar- tments, flatal Ail areas. sizes, prîcesi 579-4500 Hamelocators, fes. ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... *ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED'ADVERTUSERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wilI flot be hiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the f irst insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject ail advertise- ments. Ads must appear'in the paper one day before they can be changed or cancel led. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; 1le each addition- ai word'if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified Ad to * **~.* -.-** 'I your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready whencalling.1 BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12(c each additionai word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f irst 50 words; 12o each additionaI word. AUCTION SALES - 34s per line. (No word ads aîlowed.> BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wiIl make every en- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac. cept ili liabiiity regarding Ioss or damage alîeged, to arise through failure or deîay in forwarding such replies. We wilI not be responsible for box number replies not called for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Cîassified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 66686111 JACK: R; CAYN Em. B.A. *ACCOUNTING *BOOKKEEPING. eINCOME TAX 9 Myers Lane North York, Ontario, M2H-1I1P7 493-1975 or 655-4859 HUSECLEANING OSCENN SERVICES SERVICES 267-4284 or 287-49U. SAUTOMOBILES FOR SALEq m PETS& SUPPLIES 1977 MONZA V8 engins, 4 speed. CHECK OUR LOW EVERYDAY PRICES On new chesterfields, bedroom sets, colonial dining moms, and kitchen suites, bed, etc. nELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St. EE. <At Riteon) Oshawa The distinctive service of the 80's for the discerninq~ad'uit. Let us make that perfect introduction. 1-922-1036 'I a.

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