WHITBY FREE PRESS, WFDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1984. PAGE1 PREU.. w. Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject to the following Conditions.I COLLEqTOR PLATES, $2500 and Royal Douiton figurines, $2,500. Phone 576-680. ANTIQUE quilt, $80. -Sunb.am snowbiower, $85. Boekamp Radiant heater, $45. China mlnk fur jîcket, large, beautiful, $85. Brown oueds full length coat, fur trim, size 12, $75. Ladies leather jaket, brown, sîze 16, $25. Judo suit, M, $20. Hockey skates, size 7,"Jellnek", $15. Hardhit, $5. Soild front door, 34x84, $50. Bithroom sink, white, $5. 2'x4' irborits shoot, $5. Al Items 1k nsw. Ciii 668-7404. KIMBALL ORQIAN, $80. Coffee table and 2 end tables, $200. Living roomn chair, $50 Phone 668. 4760. FOR SALE living roomn suite, Roxton, earth-tone colours, year and a half old. Asking $2500. King size bed, $30. Combination dining roomn kitchen suite, $250. Muet b. seen to be appreclated. Phone 88-0926 after 4:30 p.m. FOR SALE two 88" Electromode deluxe series electrlc base board heaters. $50 each. Fireplace In- sert heater with turbo fan, $350. Bicycle 22", rlm, $35. Phono 655- 4040. COMPLETE SET of hockey equlpmsntL lnciuding skates, sizo 5 for boy 11-13. Used onoe eason, $75. Excercise b.d, $25. Phono 668-2677., ONYX CHESS SETS, Azso style, assorted colors, $55 each. FrigIdaire automattc> drier $100. Record collection, 500 albums, $1,200. New 8 men tent $160. Bally rocewoy pinbotl mochine, needa some work, $35. Phono 985-9258. FOR SALE 5 plece dînette suite. Set includes: 4 chairs and table wlth ½" thtck smoked glass top. Lîke new. Asklng $300. Phono 66&.3068. TRAIN SET FOR SALE 8x4 outloy, 12 Atlas switchos, remoite con- trot. Prico $300. Phono 571-2212. FOR SALE Atari Video game. In- cludes 12'cassettes. $150. Phono 68"8271. TABLE &i CHAIRS 42" round glass top wlth brass colour legs and four dark brown upholstered chairs. Like new. Pald over $60. Asking $400. Please cal868-8178 anytime. 35 AND 10 GALLON AQUARIUMS for sale. Complote with excellent stand, crushed onite gravel, power filter, ornaments, tank top and air pumps. Asklng $100. Please cali 576-0884. BEAUTIFUL LIQHT PURPLE tuf. -ted headboard wlth soiid walnut frame for King size b.d or twin beds together, with matching bed spread and drapes. Aillin vey good condition. $225. New ver- tical blinde, beige, lBft wide x 4511 long and 5½hft wide x 45" long. Cost $675. SsiI $275. Phono, 855- 8764. WOODEN KITCHEN TABI.E.Mth two les, seats six, $95. Dun- can Fyfe type table with two laves, $75. End table, old, $60. Occosstonai chair, $25. Typewrlter, manual, Smtt h Corons, $45. Phone 683-8638. FOR SALE Extron Stringy Flop- py Drives 0 & 1 for TRS80 modol. Plus 33 wofers, dota 110, EGF monitor, Edtasm RIS patch, eloc- tric spread shoet. Smaii bus. bobkkeepig Asking-$275,. Bitucé 688-1965. TWO BATHROOM medicine cabinete, $15 each.. One. Pot ' Pourri, $25. One Coca-Cota por- table cooder, $20. One 7" Jackson Oscilloscope, $75. One Heath Kit oscilloscope, $35. One Porselin bathroom atnk, $25. One La Fran- ce foamite copper ftre ex- tinguler, $30. Sold oak chîlda school desk, $45. Phono 868- 4098. -PLEASE READ - When the advertised Item ls sold, dlsposed of, or unavailable fir whatever roason, the Item wlll be deemed to have b.en soid and a commission will be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as lllustrated boiow, regardiessif price lestated wlth,'best offer". If thsi Item la NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad will be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 will apply payable ln advance of publication of the first ad. therwlse a $750 charge wili ap- ply If biiied which muet b. paid upon recetpt of bilt. The above minimum charges wili be applied 10 the final commission due but ln any case the higher amount wilitb. charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-pald; $7.W0 bilied. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertisolments muet be piaced on an ex- clusive baste *ith the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atioast one month If not soid. RATES (If article la sold): 2% cf balance over $M0.00' EXAMPLE: SoId Item advertised for $12000. Commission due $600 (Minimum charge la $6.00). Private advertising onlyll Please notify the WhItby Free Presimmediately when Item le eoid go that we may delote it from the foiiowing Issue. AlLads not fittlng the Emporium guidelines wiii be treated and charged per week as regular clisfied ada on a pre-paid baste such as: services, heip wanted, clothing, real estate, and personai message type ada, or-ode not quoting price or quantity. Private classified ode may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. If ln doubt cati: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whitby, Ont. ~HOUSEHOLDMUSICAà MOTORCYCLES Q GO0DS UUINSTREdSUMENTS FOR SALE FOR SALE Hoover spin washerldryer. Seven months oid. Still tike new, has worronty. AekIng $30. Phono 683-4104. FOR SALE Mof fat Fiesta etove. Oven obove, drawer elements, Lazy Suzan beiow, good con- dition. Aaking $250. Phono 668- 4210 after 6p.m. MOFFAT DISHWASHER white, built-in, lk. new, $255. Phono 6&81770. RARE 14FT Richardson' cedar strip boat. iJphoistered front and roar seats, eiectric atari, 35 h.p., Johnston motor, Westcot trailer. Asking $2,600. Phono 723-8228. FOR SALE windsurfer, new. AskIng $400. Phono 668-8592. SALE/RENAISOne ad in the Whitby Free Press Empori- 1979 340 OLYMPIO Snowmobiie M amSetionythîng.ei Good condition. Need cash.at 668-6111 t Asklng $800. Cali after 5:30 p.m, Cplace W-yourad. 655-8893. paeyurd LADO GUITAR 4 months old, mint condition, ehadow pick-ups, comes with caae. $850 or beat of- fer. 668-2738 after 5 p.m., ask for Peter. ANTIQUE PUMP ORGAN Good worklng condIion, $325. Phone 668-0245. FOR SALE LOWERY ORGAN "Debut" with "Magic Genie", double keyboard, fuit rhythm sec- tion, bench and books. Very good condition. Asking $1,200. Phono 655-4995. 3EE NEDS HARDWOOD CRIB maple finish, $150. Mattress, $25. Comforter, $10. Bumpor pade, $15. Horwood dressing table, mopie finish, $65. 655-4271. HEDSTROM STROLLER Ex- cellent condition, canopy, 3 position seat, navy blue. Almost new, $85. Phono 571-2181. TWO 1982 HONDA CR 80 Mînt condttlbn, only used one season. $850 oach. Phono 655-3977. 1980 KAWASAKI KX 80 Excellent condition. Asklng $650. Phono 668-9426. FOR SALE 1979 Honda 550 Four K. Excellent condition. -Asking $1,200. Phone 683-8552. 1977 KAWASAKI KZ 650 ex- cellent condition, a good foot bike, 28,000 kms., oxtras avaitabie. $1.150. Phono 668- 9394, evenings. IT 175 YAMAHA Asklng $1,400. Phonoe68-6592. GTRAILERS] 35FT TRAILER, Corfair. Two thp. outs, 3 plece bath, broadloom throughout, fully furnished, patio doors with 10x06 cedlar dock. $12,000. Phono 655-885. FOR SALE a box traiter, 4'x6*, $325. Cai 579-4212. ARTICLESS FOR SLE ~FOR SALE AUTMOIES 1978 OLDS ROYAL P.W., P.B., P.S., velor agats, 4 door, tilt wheel, AMIFM stereo, electric trunk, new tires - radial, tlnted windows, rear defogger, 400 km per tank. $3,700. Phone 668-1232. 1976 FORD ELITE $500 as la or good for parts. Phono 655-4407. 1974 SCAMP mechanlcolly good but body le poor. 60,000 original miles. Any reasonable offer. Wouid 1ke $300. Phono 668-1760. 1973 GRAND TORINO DELUX P.S., P.B. no body hoies or damage, engins A-i condition, new battery, snows and summers on rim, tlnted glass, etc. Receipte for oit new parts. Beoutiful dlean car. $1 ,500 or best. After 5:30 p.m. col l576-6372. 1973 DODGE DUSTER for parts. No motor or transmission. Body ln good shope, $100. Phono 579- 7673. FOR SALE 1972 Chevelle. '6 cylinder, automatic. $400 as Is. Phono 668-1130. 1972 OLDSMOBILE -CUTLASS $300. Body has b.en dons. Neede engin.. Phone 655-4407. 1971 VW KARMEN OHIA Restoreabie condition, hard-top. Asking $800. Phono 668-3052. CORBEAU RACING STYLE bucket seat .high bock flxed position with built ln headreet flnished In black nylon with von- tilating hoies. Adjustobie track. Very nico condition. $175. Colt Chuck 282-8780. PICK-UP TRUCK Tonneau covers to fit Doteun, Ford Courier and Mazda Trucks up 10 1979 with a 6' box. $25. Phono 282-8760. Don't put off advertising in the ply because you find the advi miss out on our 10w advertisinj If you: eare a private advertlser; *have an article to seli; and, ehave a specified asking price for your ai then you can advertise under the Emporit. tion (86e guidelines above for more details). Vour ad wiII run each week until the artic been sold (maximum threermonths). A minimum charge apples to each Emporit $6.00 If paid before the f irst Insertion of yî $750 If you are biiled after your ad has app once. If your article does NOT seil within three ri you pay only the minimum c~harge. It Is ur nate that no newspaper can guarantee your, will seil, but, where else could you get three ths advertIsing for only $6.00? When your article seils, a commission Is chi b ased on the advertised price. Commission1 up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LE minimum charge descrIbed above. CON FUSED? e WhtbyFreç--Press Emporium sim- tions. Hopefully, the explanatio rertising guidelines confusing. Don't questions - if not, do eall 668-6111 ig, rates just because you have ques- Emporium Section to you person. rlhave read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the foilow- rticieing advertisement piaced under this section of the Whitby Free Press. îm sec- cle hasI lum ad: our ad; peared onths,j infortu- article I ýe mon- iarged, 18:5%I SS the -<don't forget to Inctude your phono number) DJ i enclose, $6.00 t'o cover the minimum charge. EJ Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. E Bill me for $7.50 afiter f irst publication of my ad. Cord No. Exp. Date Noe (please print) Addros City Postl Code r MAIL TO: d WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 BroCk St. N. Whitby Li N 5S51 on below can clear up many of your .1 and we'11 be pleased to'explain the ,ially. Beiow are some exampies of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. Advertised Prie Up to $120 $ 150 I$ 200 $300 I $ 400 $500 $ 600 $700 $900 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 I.$5,000 and up Total Amount- Payable $ 6.00 7.50 10.00 15.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 26.00 28.00 30.00 32.00 52.00 72.00 92.00 100.00 ---------------------- 'E.. MI 1-800-268-6362. Beautiful al-occson greeting cards, personalized stationery and unique gift ideas..al of these awsit you in our free colour brochure.featuring the new UNICEF collection. For'a FREE BROCHURE cail the toit Irce number and asic for Oporalor 508, fin TOROT For free brochureand sales Information cali 947-1565: Send a UNICEF card ladoy and hein a chid Io a beller future 5% of advertised prie Up to $40.00 M-AIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whltby, Li N S1i m i vÂci&lý 7mjýý À d.eý - el;e% itio