1~~ WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1984. PACli, 23 Auto Parts& Servicie oluto rm *VINYL R~OOFS * CARPETS * CUSTOM TRIM, COMPLETE VAN INTERIORS FREE ESTIMATES 411 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY 666-1971 M I-IN FRONT END SPECIALTIES MARCH 1 9 SPECUAL'From Expires Mar. 31 FRONT END ALIGNMENT COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE WHEEL BALANCING 1016 Brock Rd. 839-571'1 Pickering Ar John Tracey Startîng Problems?? Rebuiders Ltd. AUTO ELECTRIC, ALTERNATORS STARTERS, GENERATORS DIESELS, MARINE, TRACTORS & IMPORTED CARS 111 Colborne St. W.68141 * arch Special a I $095 I~ .pr day * Any CarA Dious asmaîll s i *666o33951 km charge eà w nto bundasSt W. ré -Y I *~WhMty ~e~ Ajax Transmission Service WINTER SPECIAL TRANSMISSION CHECK ONLY $23m50 MOST SAME DAY SERVICE '013S. We Change Transmlssîon FIuid & Check Bands 751 McKay Rd., Unit 5, Pickering, Ont. TOWING 683-0811 VAN HEMMEN TIRES 1-416-666-2121 CALL VAN HEMMEN TIRES 666-2121 CARING FOR YOUR CAR John Walby Don't spili- the water! (NC- You don't have to be a racer on the Grand Prix circuit to appreciate the im- portance of what car' buffs cail good handling. î That's because accident prevention, minimizing wear and tear on your vehi- cie and fuel economy, are flot the exclusive con cern of competitive drivers. Watch for these signs Good handling means your car isn't fish-tailing around corners or drifting arounid bends, and doesn't bottom out over railway tracks. Neither is it hydro- planing on wet pavement, nor c<nstantly pulling either to the left or the right on a straightaway. Good handling is sure- footed braking, wobble-free acceleration, and driving with the confidence that brakes, tires and shock ab- soi-bers a re in top sh»ape. 0f course, handling de- pends on other things, toc> - like speed. road and weather conditions; steer- ing, load weight, and distri- bution, which depend on your good judgment as a dri ver. But your car also bas to make adjustments t(> driv- ing conditiorns? Imagine, for a moment, that you're driving-on an icy road with lots of twists and turns, and that vou've placed on the da-,shho(ard a i glass full of' wateir. Now, you don't want to spili a drop. But if your 'b rakes, sh ocks, o)r Li res a ren't work- ing properly, 1 guaran tee you won't get verv faralong that road befure the water spilîs. How would you correct these car handling prob- lems? First, have your tccbni- cian put your car' on the hoist and give brakes, shocks, and tires the once- over. .He'Illbe looking fur brtake wear and brake fluid condi- tion and level in the master cylinder. Since it's easy to damage the wire bail that keeps the èylinder cap in place - thus destroying the air-tight seal that keeps dust and grime from gum- ming up the'brake line - I recommend that you leave replenishing your brake fiuid to your techniician. As their name suggests, shock absorbers cushion the road pummeling your springs, suspension, and steering linkage. The de- sired resait is a stable, more-comfortable ride. Shocks also improve trac- tion, braking, and fuel econ omy. Under normal condi- tions, they lastabout28,000 km before needing replace- ment. Since they tend to wear oîut gî-adually, many people don't, realize that their shocks' ability to cu- sh ion and stabilize the ride progi-essi vely deteriorates. Your technician can quickly recognize the tell- tale signs of shock absorber deterioration: Oil fiuid bleeding from the sbock, uneven tir-e wear, and oh- vious structural damage. Be sure to tip him off if you've been experiencing sideslip as you round a bend, or if you've tried the b()u n ce test - wh ere yo u've l)oufloed ea(-b corner of the cair and instead ofbouncing one to 1IV times, vour car kept on hou ncing. Rot ate your tires As well as being properl y inflated and balanced, most vehicles need tire rota- tion about every 7,000 km. The -rotation. cycle is out- lined in your owner's m an ual. By nlow, I think youill agree, your chances of not spiliing that i maginary glass ofwaterwill have sub. stantially increased. John Walby trains auto- mobile technicians for Esso Petroleumn Canada. SMLLCAR CENTRE Lubo, 011, Filter & 10 Pt. Check-Up $1 2.99< 'Mer31184 Most Cars & SmaII Trucks Watch For Upeoming Speclals! 630 EuclId St. Whîtby PRO DODGE Vour Local Chrysler.Dodge Ssales and Service Your pu -K à cc Rn p- K--. Dealer Parts & Service.- Thursdays 1111 9 p.m. 0 WH ITBY 209 Dundas Si.W. 666-3000 * JACKS RADIATOR SERVICE REBUILT RADIATORSoRECORING SPRING SPECIAL j COOLING SYSTEM > la FLUSH & CHECK EXOHANGE GAS TANKS AIR CON DITIONING RECHARGE PICK-UP &DELI VER OR WHILE UWAIT 1010OTOY RD. ATTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE PASSENGER & LIGHT TRUCKS GOODYEAR MICHELIN B.F. GOODRICH BRIDGESTONE 103 Dundas E. Whltby 668-3356 5714400 162 King St. E. Oshawa ~w. 666-23231 HONDA AUTO REPAIR SERVICE Opercted by WOL-KAR INÇ. 40 RUSSEIT AVE. UNIT NO. 2 OSHAWA DOCTOR H 72à 26 HOURS: Mon. to Sat. 8:00 &M.-6:00 P.m. NOTE: W. are open Ae-fr our convohlence = 683-0622