PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2-5 1984, WHITBY FRISE PRESS ePeat Loam. *compost eSand eStone INTERLOCKING PAVING STONE DE LiVERIED & OR* INSTALLED T. Arnts Loam Supply Ltdu I'½ M les North Hwy. 2 Brock Rd., Plckerlng 68300887 ý_ Earely planning wiii improve your garden By Robert Tracinski John Deere's Lawn and Garden Specialist VA ER& ELE mt NURSERIES AVAILABILE MAY 5TH PANSI ES REG. .90 NOW MBOX 13 LAMBERT PEAT MOSS ~ ]ALL TYPES 0F ROSES ;ElALL TREES LOWEST PRICES' LIPERENIALS El KANGING BASKETS SEE US FOR ALL YOUR GARDENING NEEDS DRIVE A LI1TLE - à SAVE ALOT v5eIEwm l6 6 8 9 068 Avy 'Y For the gardener, the first signs of spring arrive in the maiîbox. Seed catalogs with enticing ripe photos of fresh fruits and ývegetables are pleasant reminders that it is t ime f0 begin planning this year's garden. A garden plan is impor *tant to a successful harvest as if helps you de- termine where to plant each crop and how much you can plant. No maffer how large or small your lot, starf with a scaled drawing of' your gardien. Graph paper will simplify fhiis task. The plan will help you decide the amount o)f seed packets you should order. and also will serve as a plant ing guide for the annual rotation of your crops., Makc sureyou rotai e your crops yearly; disease organisms niay build up in the soif if the same variety of plants are planted in the saine spot each year. You can take f ull advantage of the sun's nourishment by running your rows of plants n(rfh to south. And, so as nof f0 shade the sinaller plants such as lettuce a nd peas. plant your taller crops such as corri. fomatocs and oth- er staked plants ai fthe north end of your garden. Be sure fo leave plenfy of space be- f ween each plant for growth. You should sow carrof s. lettuce and on- ions in rows about one foot apart; oth- er vegefables will need more room. For example. tomames and svPeet corn must be planted in rows ai least three feet aparf. and most other crops should be planted in rows betweerk one and a hallf0 three feet aparf. If is also important f0 leave space between rows for easy access to each row l'or weeding and harvesting later in the season. You may nof have room f() plant everyfhing you like, so pick your favorites first. Seeds should be bought fresh each year because they will have a higher rate ot germination success than' seeds stored over froni last year. Tfo turther insure the success of vour crops. look l'or seed variefies 'that are resistant to disease. such as hybrids which are produced fhrough carefully controlled cross-pollination. If is recommended that you order your seeds from an established mail- order seed company.- These compan- ids have built their reput afions on the quality of their seeds and guaranfee fo replace any seeds that do not produce. Depending upon the suze of' your lot, experimient by planting several varieties of one vegetable. This will help you discover which strains pro- duce the best fruit s0 you can reorder only the tastic-,t. mosf successf'ul var- icties next ytar. If' your garden lot is a srnall one. look for seed variefies that have heen developed for maximum gardeni ng space conservation. For example. bush cucumbers and canfaloupes re- quire less space f0> grow than their vining counterparts. Beware of seeds promising f0 pro- duce giant fruits or vegetables. These look invifing in photos, but seldom are their fastes as reeÃrding.. COR. TAUNTON, Me-bei of THORNTON RDS. LANDSCAPE ONTARIO OSHAWA GARDEn, 576-2239 cEnTnE ur)., LANDSCAPE DESIGN SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES INTERLOCKING WALKWAY CONSTRUCTION (Unilock, B.rooklin & Classical Stones) Delivered or Picked Up VVESTERN SQUARE USED TIES sl2.95 PRESSURE TREATED TIES 6x6x8ft 'Il 3.95 TOIL SOIL (PLANTING MIX) sj 7.00ý:1 CEDAR TR EES (FOR H EDGESý 3'-9f 1 13.00 Sheep & Cattle Manure 20kg bag s3.95 Buy a second bag for only s2.95 LIQUID CHLORINE FILLING STATION At ASTIN GARDEN CENTRE we have 1009/01year Guerantee on ail trees and shrubs WE ALSO SPECIALIZE IN LARGE TR EE PLANTING cau 576-2239 for more information, EXPERT LANDSCApE SERVICE Complets Landscaping ~ . Service Residentil & Commercial, NOW OPEN Plant ShOp - Garden Centre Open6daysaweek 9a.rn Ypm 725-7442 Taunton jusi Basf Nursery & Landscaplng of ThIckson PI l HilIF~ "i>Hf l1> 1f fl1<' f.7 TREE AND SHRUB MANTENANCE HO1W HEALTHY - ARE YOUR TREIES? When was the last> time you really examIned them? LAST YEAR, DID YOU NOTICE ANY 0F THE FOLLOWING: ON THE DECIDUOUS... ON THE EVEROREENS... *premature beat drop -browning and shedding -lest yelîowîng or chiorosis of needies (from the tips inwarcl) *iack of good terminal growf h -distortion of apruce f ipa *dying back of branches *unnatural rmain flow from trunk inabillty fa ward off or heai or branches from insect or disease attaci< WE INVITE YOU... <as a Resident lai or Industriel Properfy Ownor) f0 make use of aur Diagnostic Services; es weIl as our Tres Treatmsnf facliities. Our tees and charges ae reasonabie. Valuable trees coSt a lot to replaCe. /~N\Assocate Arbourlst of )Farm &Fo rest Research Don t Delqy Cali Today! 35 Division St., 723,,26 21 Oshawa 11/2 m. West of Brooklln on Hwy. 7. 655-3671 SPRING ANNIVERSARY SAIF 20% OFF OUR OWN FIELOr GROWN NURSERY STOCK GOOD SELECTION 0F: -EVERGREEN UPRIGHTS *SPREADERS -SHADETREES -BLUE SPRUCE -AUSTRIAN PINES -ROSES *SCHRUBS -FRUIT TREES *PERENIALS *w