PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS -AutoPatsSeviJUCe NOW OPEN G.N. AUTO SERVICE COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR SERVICE O1B GORD NIEUWENDYK 317 HOPKINS ST.,, WHITBY 666-2885 (rear'0f Van'Hemen Tire) SPRING SPECIAL COOLING SYSTEM FLUSH & CHECK' EXCHANGE GAS TANKS AIR CON DITIONING RECHARGE PICK-UP & DELIVER OR WHILE U WAIT I1OTOY RD. 6 36 2 PICKERING 6302 Cousuit auto manual A&Jfiltler' wlen ciiangrng où ATTERSLEY TIRESERVICE PASSENGER LIGHIT TRUCKS BRAKES-' TUNE-UP SHOCKS EXHAUST. 103 Dundas E. 162 King St E. Whitby Oshawa 66&3356 571-3400 Oqu.JLUI& JOSýEfH A. WOOLLIEY, PROP. MON DA AUTO REPAIR SERVICE Op«ated by WOL-KARiNc. 40 RUSSETT AVÈ. UNIT NO. 2 OSHAWA Doc-roâ H 728#*7268- '.4- I WHITBY filler counlerclockwise, re 1m ove and throw away. Afler the oil stops drip- ping from bbhe engine, lake a rag and wipe the area. where you rernoved the fil- ter. Also' appiy a Ihin coat of ciean ou b Ibte gaskeî on the new filter 10 lubricate il. Spin the new filter onto Ibe engine., lurn an addi- tional one ball' îurn uniess otherwise direcîed by the filter manufacturer. Re- move the oi filler cap and pour the required amiount of new ou mb Ib te engine. Check your' owner's man- ual flor -the type and amOunt. Run the engine aI idie for a few minutes. Cbeck bo he sure the oil pressure'iighl goes out or the gauge indicates pres- sure. Shut the engine oIf and cbeck the dipslick reading bo be certain the oil level reads full'. Check the oul tiller for ieaks. Properly dispose 'of oul according to local ordinances. .The job of' the carbure- tor air filter is to dean thc enormous amounts of* air used by the engine. il must filter out f*oreign malter which might otherwise gel int the engine and cause wear. Most late model cars and iighî trucks usc the re- placeabic dry papcïr filter elements. Remove the f'astener .(wing nul, boit, or clamp) located on the top of'the air cieaner assembiy. Remove the cover and pull the filter out. To clean, hold the filter by the rirn and tap il several times on a firm surf'ace. To determine il' thc f'ilter needs to be replaced. hold il so light f rom a flashiight shows through f*rom the in- side outwards. Turn the fil- ter or move the tlashlighî to shine light through each section of'the filter. Iffiighl does not pass through the fil 1er, il must bc repiaced. Replace the filter in the, air cleaner and reinstali the cover and fasteners. 440OHOPKINS ST. (Southof Dundas St., E.) i RODODG i Your.Local 8 Chrysler*Dodge ;Sales and'Service m ouu«dIl Dernier 5 Parts &,Service - Thursdays tI 9 p.m. ; WH ITBY 209 Dundas St. W. 666-300M I ACCU-UINE -IFRONT END SPECIALTIES APRIL SPECtlAI rrom ExpiresApriI 30 FRONT END AUîGMENT When it is lime Io change your engine oil (consult your owner's manuai or maintenance sehedule for oil change in- tervals andengine oil ca- -pacity), position your vehi- cIe on a fiat surface. Run the engine for a fèéw min- utes t0 warm the oul and help il drain freely. Place a fiat drain pan un- der théemotor oul drain piug and washer. Le(tIhe oîu complelely drain from the crankcase and dlean and replatce plug and washer. Remove the ojl dipstick. Wipe il dlean and reinsert il to ils full length. Then cbeck the dipstick to make certain the engî.ne oil bas been drained. Caution: Be caref'ul when replacing the piug. Il should turn easiiy; if il doesý nol, back il out and lry again, then îigbîen fui- ly. Place the drain pan un- der the oil tiller. Use an oil filter wrench and lurn the 1016 Brook Rd. Pickering OE 839-5711 John Tracey 1*_ AEPAS E RECOLOURINq, CONSOLESD OOR PANELSM CONTI N ENTALIVI ETALS.CO. LTTD. 13UYERS OF ALL SCRAP ME T AL S ,COPPER LEAL) ALUMINOM HAS -RADI, TORS BATTE ý')i HIGHEST PRICES PAID Cash On Delivery Or Pick Up 112 * WARRENSD. 666-2431' WHITBY ,lu l GRANT MENZIESMOTORS- DURHAM REGIONS ONL'-' AMC*JEEP*RENAULT PARTS & SERVICE < < Ao ACCESSORIIÉS »0 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY 6,156-33321 CAL [ t TOP A Yi 0 ý4 Vý NT (61 6 COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE WHEEL'BALANCING- .0 683, 01 4e a& $17.95 %wr 9-%Pgg MYS WEEK aeamial 7 Di A W L-mmima YS AUTO REPAIR CÊNTRE 'c' Expires April 30184 LUBE OIL FILTER SPECIAL INCLUDES: COMPLETE sf 9 HECK ALL BELTS (Most Amerlcan BATTERY Of- , LIGH-rs - TIRES FLUID MELS COOLI NG SYSTEM INSPECTION FREE ESTIMATES ON BODY & PAINT WOR K Durham 23 wh"y Baseline Rd. 666-2330 COMPARE RUST PROTEC TION WARR ANTIES NOML AVOID UGLYSURPRISES You can judge how Rust Protection has a confident a companyLATERR lifetime, transferable is about its product by how they warranty* backed by a major in- stand behind it. So when surance company. you shop for rust So see your protection, study Zîebart dealer the warranties now Because carefully. rust is ugly. YOU'Il 'And nobody find tes ugly more Ziebart'9- than Ziébart. *See dealer for warranty delails. - % t., 'l ýmý ------------- ----------- - b = Eub ,