IPAGE 6. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS Br~kI in Bylnes by BETTY-JEAN BLYTH Sprlng has finally arrlved! We can look forward to sunshlne and flowers and turn our backs on chllly wlnds and income tax formns for another year. Someone once said that Canada is the only coun- try where you have to have more brains to f11 out your tax form than. you needed to earn the money you have to pay. Perhaps Revenue Canada has some way of controlling the weather so that we have' to stay indoors until we've filed our forms. Now along with the baiiny breezes we are looking forward to our refund cheques. ".Next to being shot at and missed, nothing is really quite as satisfying as an lpcome tax refund." So if you're one of the lucky.ones, get out to one of the followlng events to celebrate your new-found wealth. The rest of you can perhaps drown your blues at-the dance this Saturday or take in one of the many free activities being offered. SOFTBALL DANCE The Leglon Softball Team is holding ils season THE CORPORATION 0F THETOWN OFWHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION, NOTICE le hereby given that the Councli of the Corporation of the Town of Whltby intends to pass a by-Iaw to change the name 0f a portion of Way Street, ln thie Hamiet of Brookln, to Kinsmen Court. The change ln street name wlii appiy to that por- tion of Way Street, as showin below, belng com- posed of part of Way Street according to. Plan H- 50052 and Part of Lot 24, Concession 6, Town of Whltby, being more particuiariy desIgnateci as Part 1 on Plan of Survey 40R805. The change ln street name wlii provide a clearer - basis for distingulshing between those properties f rontIng onto Way Street, between Baldwin Street and Columbus, Road, and those properties fron- ting onto Way Street, west of Price Street. W1<>CSTER q<~fio AND FURTHER TAKE, NOTICE that the Operations CommIttee of Council wIii1, at the hour of 7:30 p.m., on the lth day of May, 1984, ln Committee Room One o! the Whitby Municipal Building, P75 Rossiand Road East, Whltby, Ontario, hear any persons who dlaim thelr lands wili be adversely a!- fected by the by-law and who apply to the Clerk to be heard. DATED at Whltby, Ontario, this llth day of Aprîl, A.D., 1984. Donald G. McKay Clork The Corporation of the Town o! Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whltby, Ontario LON 2M8 P ho n e: -(4 16)666.ý5803 GARAGE SALE Brooklin Legion Ladies Auxllhary garage sale on Saturday, June 9. available for rent. To reserve one, Sorichetti at 655-26. is holding a Tables are caîl Wendy H-AT PARADE Burns Kirk Guild will be holding a Spring Tea Party in late May. The feature a ttraction will be a "Parade of Hats". If you have any hats old or new, gorgeous or silly, please contact the nearest Guild meëmber to have them included. -COMMEMORATION SUNDAY Burns Presbyterian Church is holding its annual Commemorative Sunday on May 6. The guest soloist -for the morning service will be Gale Rodgers. In-the evenlng, the well-known "Torch- Robertson Authorized Builder, we've go! the flexibil- ity to build on.your ideas .. . for whatever type of building you want to erect or add on to ... industrial, commercial or recreational. We're backed by 115 o years of Robertson experience in steel Li~ iS~ g fabricating and build-.R b ing. Cail us now. Buiding SystOIYs DOUGLAS STEEL CONTRACTING INC. 1445 HOPKIN STREET WHI«TBY" WHITOY 1 TORONTO 666,2003 862u8941 GARDEN WH EELBARROWSI ~21.2~ Sturdy steel frame. Ideal for those jobs around the home/farm/cottage. tÃ"FESSIONAL HEELBARROWS the bigger choresqqen ý $79 .eachl MITCHELL BROTHERS Cassels & Church S t. BROOKLIN To pay for improved water...., Region wants $1I'.2m seutlement from the opener dance this Saturday evening at the Com- munlty Centre. Music la by DJ Larry Morden and tickets are $5 each. There la still time to pick up yours and help themi celebrate. EXHIBITION GAME Brooklln Redmen are staglng an exhibition game i Orillia on Saturday, April 28. Contact Don Vlpond for more information at 655-4953. GUILD MEETING Burns Kirk Guild in Ashburn la holding Its regular meeting on Tuesday, May 1 at 8 p.m. i the church hall. The guest'speaker wlll be Lorraine Coombs who wil show examples of her folk art and explain how it can be used to enhance ordinary household articles. 1 Ail those who are interested i this popular art form are urged to come out and meet this talented lady. Refreshments wll be served. PLANT AUCTION Brookin Horticultural Society wWl be holding another of its popular plant auctions in Grasse Park on May 19.' I wil have more Information on this at a later date. An out-of-court sét- tlement between the Region of Durham and the developers of the now defunct Brooklin development scheme is nowhere'in sighit accor- ding to1 man Gar In mai last wee the manager tee Herr men" wil provide a program of beginning at 7:30 p.m. There will lm with refreshments in the basement concert.. Everyone is invlted to spirational eveming. FLOWER ARRANGING The Brooklin Horticultural Socie ferrng a special flower arranging c Watch this column for more details al ANNIVERSARY CELEB: Group 74 held ils loth Anniversar) day, April 15 in the Community CeniA displays depicting the varlous activil classes to Spting Fair parade thatj community. The hall was decorate spring flowers and this writer wa enough to win a bouquet of daffodils. Many past members turned out to tanceship including Liz Crangle whof column. She la now living i Peterbor( ANNUAL MEETINi The Annual Meeting of District1 ticulture Association was held in Saturday, April 7. Among the wlnner classes were three local lads - MatthE Danny Young and Jason Young. C boys I Dorothy Barter won -the highest po tire show and Valerie Hundert won wine goblet arrangement "Toast, ù class. This, was a case of bringing coalsl HELPERS NEEDE] If you have use of a car and a few trne to donate the Cornmunity Care p you. There are many elderly and inftr who need transportation Wo doct sessions, shopping outings, etc. If you this worthwhile program, you will b for any out-of-pocket expenses. Moi you i11 get the enjoyment of helpin person get out to see the world again even sSe it with fresh eyes yourself. CONGRATULATION I'd like Wo extend congratulations tb on wlnning the Ontario Hydro prize f( on Solar Energy at the recent scier work, Darlenel1 BABY CONTEST Brooklin Spring Fair isin the air a new feature la the Baby Show. AUl newborn to 24 months are eligible. Reî be held on May 26 and May 28 at B munity Centre on Cassels Rd. from 2 on May 30 at Luther Vipond Memnoriai to 9 p.m. Registration féela $4 for eact cludes a four-dey pass for one adult. YARX) SALE Ashburn Community Centre la the giant community yard sale to be hel from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Anyone wi household items or tools, etc. that they seil should contact Betty Cencerak 655 Porter 65-462 for'more informatiot also be a bake sale and lunch will be avi Brooklin TIYPESETT>IG r ON THE PREMISESy COMPUTERIZED &PHOTO0lkfrj - developers Regional chair- that neither party has ry Herrema. changed its position king a report to over the last few mon- ek's meeting of ths. regional "They want to settle ýment commit- on their terms, not our Tema indicated terms," he told the committee. However, the regional rgospel music solicitor is keeping the )e a social hour letters of credit from the t followlng this developers up-to-date in attend this in- the event that they are needed. In a later interview, COURSE Herrema said that the ety will haof- region and the course in June. developers are some tt a later date. $5W,000 apart. 'We would probably RATIONsettle for $1.2 million," RATIOlstN- he said, "That would re Tere wereun- solve the water tes fhrm crftproblems in Brooklin. " ite frns frte Tof outstanding letter ewith bs fr ght ofcredit, which the as even luckyt region can legally cash ,as venlucy i two years time, is rene acqain- valued at $2.1 million. frs enew acquin- The chairman added firt gan hi that the region wil not ough. extend the sanitar sewer system to G Brooklln because of its 17 of the Hor- $8 million price tag. Newcastle On However, he was qmick rs in, the junior to point out that im- eW Davldchukr, proving- the hamliet's ongratulations water dellvery, system, would do much to solve oints in the en- its environmental i a first i the problems. to Newcastle" H. erema admits that g floweis, not a court battle over the' issue la a distinct possibiIityr. èD . '"They would like. W Shoursof free get those letters of rogram wants credit back, " he said. rm in this area In. other Brooklin- tors, therapy> related developments, a can help wlth the region has agreed t be reimbursed allow the Town o M thi ire important, by to accept 16 acres of ïg some lonely land on Winchester Rd. ,i and you may as a donation from the developers. The land has traditionally been used, oDarling. Cole as the site ýof the for her project Brooklin Sprig Fair. ice fair. Good The donation, which was part qf. the development agreement between the developers ada popular and the Town of Whitby, git ii ~ prejudicing the set- ,gistitiôn tiement between them 3rooklin Com- and the rgn to 5p.m. and Mayor Bob Attersley 1Arena from 7 ýh haby and in- said that the donation la In the hands of the town's legal advisors and will be made later this year.