WITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1984, PAGE 7 Local cancer society aiig to raise $58,OOO By MARION IRWIN Thie annual April fund ralslng campalgn for the Whltby i4ranch of the Canadian Cancer Society has reached the halfway point. The t.arget for Whitby is $58,000e $3,000 more than the 'e3goal. It should be reached fairly easily as the citizens of the town con- tributed $61,700 last, year through a door-to- door canvass and special events. Campaign co- chairman Marg Horton who is responsible for the residential cam- paign hopes, to realize $40,000 by knocking on doors.. The remaining $18,000 will be raised through thie special events and industrial appeals. Last year, a remarkable $15,00 was raised through the sale of daffodils, an event Most efficiently organized by the Beta Sigma Phi Sororlty girls. This year's sale was disappolnting as the daffodils did not keep well. Almost half of the 20,000 bunches ordered for Oshawa-Whitby were discarded, thus reducing the income. Another special event run for the cancer society is the Kiwanis Club's Great Bike Ride. Whitby Kiwanians have been involved caîn- paigning for the society since the early 1950's first by organizing and running a door-to-door canvass and secondly by swinging into the special events section with the introduction of the bike ride. Council Column w m Submitted by members of WHITBY TOWN COUNCIL By REGIONAL COUNCILLOR GERALD S. EMM Chafrmnan eubie Works Conimittee, Reglon of Durham As chairman of the regional works department I arn most happy to see the coming of spring, this means that the roads no longer have to be cleared of snow and our headaches are over for another ye ar. Now that the favorable weather is coming, it is time for both the town and the region to start thinklng about ail the other utterly necessary jobs that have to be done, including road cleaning and repairs as well as boulevard maintenance. It was my pleasure to.-be with the. Whitby Brass Band a couple of weekends ago when they competed in the. British North Ameri*canBrass Band Com- petition in Westchester, Pennsylvamia. I arn happy te report that our band won fourth place in the fier- cely fought competition that included many jprofessional types bands from the United States. Westchester is a pretty, university town deeply enriched with history and tradition and I was struck Rby the fact that it looked much like Whitby when we still had an abundance of elm and maple trees plan- ,jted throughout the town. However, I should remind our resîdents that ¶Whitby, too, has largely preserved its heritage through such organizations as the Whitby Historical Society and the Local Architectural Conservation Advlsory Committee., On a related issue, I arn pleased to see that the town is engaglng in an active tree planting project throughout the downtown core and the neighbouring residential areas. Many local people may not be' aware of the fact that downstalrs at the Municipal Building, the local cub packs, aided by their leaders, take parti what s called the Plnewood Derby. This is a contest where the cube challenge each other in their littie model cars that they make themselves before racing. 1 would like te thank both coundil and staff should say that it took a littie convincing on my part.1 "I'm sure that moot Whitby residents, especially those living in the Port wiJl be happy te know that the old Brock St. S. bridge wil soon disappear. The region will cail for tenders on the project i the near future. -The old bridge was the responsibility of the Canadian National Railway, however, the new structure wAl be built an~d maintaied by the region. Another sure ign of spring s the Brooklin Spring- Fair which wil be held during the' first weekend in June. Plans for thls year's event are aiready under way and this, wlth luck, will be the first Urne that the event will be held in a public park. The region has agreed te allow the Town of Whitby te accept the donation uf the fair grounds despite- the dif- ficulties the reglon is having in reaching an agreement wlth the developers of the now defunct BzrookUn expansion plan. I hope that all local residents wAll have a happy spring and would like te, remlnd them that a hoot of activities and events are available te them, many of whlch are put on by the town's parks and recreation depatmen. Do't forget, I'arn available elther at thetow .ofie r at my home te respond te thie con- Cerna and questQnof, ourtxpayera.. -- This type of event allows a different segment of our population to become involved. If one is not able to canvass, then, perhaps involvement in the bike ride would be possible. Money is raised for this event through sponsorship or donations put into jars located in some Whitby banks. Sponsor sheets are also available at the banks and some local businesses. This year, the Kiwanians 1have changed the 20- kilometre route to avoid cycling along the now very busy Taunton Road. More local streets wiil be included in this year 's route. The great bike is designed to be a leisurely cycle taking on an average, about 11½ hours. The starting and A 16-year old local youth has been charged with 12 counts of theft under $200 by members 0f the Durham Regional Police Force. According to a police spokesman, the thefts occured at the Iroquois Park Complex, Henry Street High School and at Fairview Lodge over the last* month-and-a- WHITBY 2 HOURS OF CIRCUS THRILLS! 4' finishing points are located at Rotary Cen- tennial Park, at the cor- ner of Burns St. W. and Brock St. S. in Whitby. Two new bicycles will be awarded to the maie and female rides tur- ning in the most money by the end of June. As weli, $200 is being offered to the high school (Whitby Senior is included here) who collects, the largest amount of money. Special events have become an important part of campaigning as they offer people a dif- ferent avenue for con- tributing funds. A sim- pie draw, for example, at the Tuesday meeting of the Rotary! Club net- ted the society $80 and two winners a lovely Easter lily each. A local travel agent, Joan Wesley, through her agency, Wesley's haif. Police said that a total of about $600 was netted through these thefts. Charged As Scott Mc- Naughton, 16, of Holiday Dr., Whitby. The Henry Street HAgh School student was released on a promise to appear in Whitby Provincial court on Apr. 27. THURS. APRIL 2 " TONS AND TONS 0F ELEPIIANTS " TIfRONGS OF PERFORMING ANIMALS " TIIRILUNO AERIAL ATTRACTIONS " INCREDIBLE ACROHATIC STARS " MORE LAUGHS - MORE THRILLS THAN EVER BEFORE" " AIL NEW ACIS THIiS YEAR* COME JOIN THE FUN!! World of Travel Inc. supports the society work with donations based on airline tickets and tour packages booked during the mon- thof April. The cancer- society is grateful for such sup- port particularly when it is received in an un- solicited way as was that from Joan Wesley Who hopes to continue with her involvement on an annual basis. Any organizations who would like to help out with the cancer society special events are asked to cali the wrîter at 6684339. The industrial cam- paign of Whitby 's in- dustries having 50 or more employees is a smail but important part of the campaing. From appeal letters which are sent to these companies early in June, between $1,000 and $1,500 are realized. These are corporate donations reflecting the conmpany's involvement in its community. The dollars raised through the Apnil cam- paigming provide the main source of income by which the cancer society operates and maintains its three programs: research, education and patient services. 0f every $1 raised, 61 cents goes to research; 16' cents to patient services; and 14 cents to education. Only 3 cents supports the cancer society ad- ministration (including the offices located in many municipalities) and 7 cents represents' the cost 0f fund raising. "'In Memoriam" donations are received as, well throughout the year. These are made through funeral parlours or by making arrangements through the local cancer society office at 686-1516. This office located at- 134 Commercial A>e, Ajax and services the Whit- by, Ajax and Pickering branches of the society. "Cancer -can be beaten" bas been one of the society's slogans for many years. Volunteers believe this As so; many patients know this As so. The public in general al across Canada is playing a most impor- tant part in tis war. The battle is two-fold. Money is needed to provide research to seek out cures. People are needed to help the society raise this money and people are needed, too, to help prevent can- cer. The public must learn to adopt and prac- tise healthy 111e styles, for many fingers are being pointed to our daily habits as being cancer causing. To stay alive and healthy and to thus minimize health care costs, moderation is the key word to be applied to how we live. "Cancer can be beaten" but it's a fight for everyone!1 EDITOR'S -NOTE: Marion Irwin As the campalgn co-chafrman of the local Canadian Cancer Society's fund- raislng drive. mF. MESHER JEWELLER Seniors & Studen 668-2872 109 Dundas St. W. Get a jump on spring with pre-season savings on a 1984 model Broilmaster, Shepherd or Jacuzzi Bar-B-Q. Be an early bird and save at Superior Propane now! $ 16900 Cylinder not included *0400 sq. in. Cooking Surface a Dual Controls * Stainless Steel Burner e Split Porcelain Cooking Grids e Temperature Indicator "*Redwood Sheif e Warming Rack "*Wooden Handies a 6" Rubber Wheels *593 sq. in. Cookinq Surface *Porcelained Cast Iron Bow-Tie Burner *Twin Up-Front Controls *Piezo Spark igniter .3 Level Porcelained Cast Iron Grids *Temperature Indicator a Warming Rack *Redwood Front & Side Shelves and much, much more. .....--**: Just $517.00 que B.TUN-Ur - includes Grill Cleaner, Grill Brush, : Sa..... '~ T0uch-U~p Paint and Lava Rock. * ~~Save on ok$31 Ba-BQ0 Covers, Lava Rok an xr 0l.Cylindels. tO.- Roiseries manssases aê.mmiu SHOWROOM HOURS 8 &.. -6anDP onOI'i a.m. v6vp.m.1Mo=:::r] WORLDS FINEST INDOOR Piaase Note: 1 - VI-ÇA CIRcUS SPECTACULAR Eact, chiid admiiied iree muji - m u Ibe accompanied by an adult I purchasing a box office ticket. NOTE Aillmodela ofBar-B-Q's WHITSY Limit ona frea ciiild per paying IROQUOIS PARK ARENA aut are flot always availabie ai ail I THURSDAY APRIL 26 Voucher muat be exchanged ai I h brchs Vsîfaur eei j 4:30 & 8:00 pm box office on citcua day.shromMaeyureecio Gênerai admisaion oniy. Valld early as prices are subjectIo - ~. - as lng s-- - - - --alati PROPANE 50.5 VICTORIA ST. WHitBy 688B-3328-- Youth -charged with 12 thefts- USE FREE CHILD COUPONS L SAVE $ SAVE $ SAVE One child (12 yrs. & Under) admitted FREE with Sach Paying aduit TICKETS: Adult $8.50 Child 114.75 Tex inel. (12 yr3. & under) CLIP FREEE CHILD COUPON FROM THIS ADVERTISEMENT 0btaý1n more coupons from flyera coming to your home or from locai stores. 0 IV Ivvr v ONE CHILD 12 YEARS AND UNDE r.m A £ à :1