PAGE 16. WEDNESDAY. MAY 2, 1984. WHITBY FREE PRESS LAW,,N AND GAR DEN CAR E INTERLOCKING PAVI NG STONE DELI VERED &OR INSTALLED T. Amits Loam Supply Ltd, Mlles North Hwy. 2 ckRd., Plckerlng 6830O887 &SMALL ENOINE IRPAIRS.I USED LAWNMOWERS.I Red aidscap. Contractor and Designer Thlckson Rd. Lndscaplng RR No. 1I BROOKLIN fltrocksone waike,drvways RITAL -SALESg l e401mw........sq.ft. 990 For do it yourself Installera. We MOIl cut terfock stone0 atyour home or Our yard. 5554749 or 579-M85 VANDERMEER i NUR S ER ES, E LAMBERT PEAT MOSS E ALL TYPES OF ROSES E ALL TREES - LOWEST PRICES! E PATIO STONES SEE US FÃ"R ALL YOUR GARDENING NEEDS DRIVE A LU1TLE W à SAVE A LOT dEVUANDEfiMM . 668-9068 *~TI Choose the right mower to suit you By Robert Tracinski John Deere's Lawn and Garden Speriî Your backyard is the first stop y<ou should make whcn shopping' for a new lawn m<)wcr. Thc size and con- tour of your lawn wilI hclp determine the type of mower you should huy. If your yard ik less (han a third of an acre, a walk-bchind mower might best suit your needs. If. it k larger than hall* an acre, a riding mower o)r tractor will he more appropriate. Most people prefer to spend no more than one or two hours rnowing their lawn each weck. Herc*s a quick guide to give you some idea of' how fast différent types of inowers clan cut your lawn. 0 An I8-inch push miower will mow a hall-acre lawn in about 1-2 hours. 0 A 2l-inch selt-propelled lawn- mower wiII 010W an auc in about 2 h<wrs. 0 A 30-inch riding imwer will' 1110W an acre in about one hour. 0 A lawn and garden tractor with a 60-inch rnower will mow an acre in about 30) minutes. Remember. the wider the mower and the greater the horsepower. the taster you can -n10W lawns. Comf'ort is an inmportant consider- ation when selecting a walk-behind mower. Here are a f ew féatures you should look for: handiehars that ad- just to your height. a rear wheel drive systcmn that not only propels the weight of the mower to save you rlawn strain, but maintains traction even when a rear bagger t'ilts with clip- pings. large-diameter whcels on a push nower (because they roll casi- er); and an electric start system that starts the engine with the turn of' a key. You Iook f'or slightly difTérnt f Ca- turcs when selccting a riding trimer. For example. a soit. coniortable seat is especially important t'or long niow- ing Jobhs. To minimize crngine vibra- tion which can f'atigue the operator. loo)klfor a niower with a vibration danipcning systemi that b 'as cither ruhher nîounts under the opcrator's .seat or engine. or a synchrohalanced engine. Other fèeatures t o look l'or in- clude electric start. footrests and easy-to-reach controls. Think also about what other tasks you would like your lawn-care unit to accomplish. For example. if you live in an w-ca that receives a heavy snow- f«aîl. you might want to huy a fawn and garden tractor with a snow thrower attachmient. Vf you arc plan- ning a garden. a tractor with a tiller attachmcent will save you tie and et*- fort. Bef'ore making a l'inal choice. ask your dealer f'or a test drive. Also ask hirn about service. I)oes he have a re- pair shop'? Or. do you have to find sorneone to honor warranty work? What about parts availability'! Your dealer should be able to help you with ail of* your requirements. TREE AND SHRUB MAINTENANC HOW HEALTHY ARE VOUR TREES? When was the Iast Ulme you really examlned them? LAST YEAR, DI D YOU NOTICE ANY 0F THE FOLLOWING: ON THE DECIDUOUS... ON THE EVEAGREENS... -premature test drap -browning and shsdding -9at yellowing or chiarasis of needies from the tips Inward) -Iack of good terminal growth -distortian of sprue tips -dylng buck of branches< -unnaturai masin flow tram trunk *inability ta ward'off ar heai or branches tram inssot or disease attack WE INVIT E YOU.. (asa Residential or IndustrIal Prop.rty Own.r) ta malce use oatour Diagnostic Services; as weIi asaur Tree Treatmsnt tacilities. Our tees and charges are reasnabie. Valuable trees cost a lot to replace.; y Assocanto 'Arbourisi of Farm & Forest Research Don't Delay Gail Today! 35 DIiIsIon St., wfl HAA' nursery P IoeMARDE.,NU çjg rden NAM CjVICE .oentres. Thlckson Rd. N. 855-3331 Juet 2 miles north of Taunton Rd.) 1625 Dundas St. W., WhltbyO6688190 (Juat saut of Durham Rd. 23) %UPER SPRING SPECIALS BIRCH CLUMPS FROM $31.95 FLOWERING TREES FROM $7."à SHADE TREES FRUIT TREES *Emerald Queen Maple omcintà sh Semi *Shademaèter Locust *Dwarf Apple FROM $16.95, FROM $495 EVERGREENS FLOWERING *Mountbatten Junîper SHRUBS eHlcks Yew *Anthony Waterer *Mugho Pine ,Spirea & Golden *Compact Andorra Juniper eMock Orange FROM $995 FROM $2.95 COME SEE OUR QUALITY 723«2621