WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2. 1984, PAGE 27 Auto Parts& Service THE J. PHILLIPS Co. "Compete Automotive Service" BUY 3SHOCKS -G ET TH E4TH 303 Mary St. E. 681616 Whltby, Ont. 68166 REPAIRS & RECOLOURING: <~l"T0VINYL LEATHER~ DASHES*SEATS*TOps CONSOLESoDOOR PANE LS MOBILE HOME SERVICE 7 DAYS A WEK 6304 ýmPIRRAAA m m m I*SMALL CAR CENTRE TUNE-UPS 4 CYL. $3899 le1 6 CYL. $48.99 8 CYL. $58.99 830 Eucidc St. 6622 Whitby 6622 IJOSEPH A. WOOLLEY, PROP. HONDA AUTO REPAI.R SERVICE- SOperated by 4RUSSEIT AVE. CUNII T NO. 2 DTOR H OSHAWA h 7287268 ROxBERT 100. RUST PAINT AND'IlITERIOR PRlOTECTION. US ABEALUTIFUL That's a Iot f u w ~ and reduces money off o a wear. They're al lot of protectionW E E designed to for your new * E * ~ - keep your car. Ziebart5 L I car from gel- Rust Protec- H A E UWY tig uly tion is the industry standard. And now you gel Ziebarl Paint Protection t hem ail ai a very means no waxing for up 10 - special price. So five years. Ziebart - -corne 10 Ziebart Int erior Protection now. Because no- keeps stains off car- body hales ugly pet and upholslery more than Ziebarl. *Offér ends May 31184 lugly ~ ~ 0 W4 ZiEBSANT CORPORATION[ 5Ziebort APPERANCE & PROTECTION SERVICES 11 I 440 HOPKINS ST. (South of Dundas St. E.) CALL TODAY FOR AN APPOINIMENi WH ITBY 666m 1811J PRO DODGE Your Local Chrysler-Dodge i SSales and Service LiDealer à Parts& Service Thursdays titi 9 p.m. S WHITBY 209 Dundas St. W. 866-3000 8 Ij PICKERING SPRING SERVICE 110 i New iightweight packaging helps do-it-yourseffers You may be amnong a growing army of motorists who do some of their own routine car maintenance. A boon to do- it-yourset fers is a handy new lightweight «*.~ user-friendty packaging for automotive fluids. ,lndustry surveys mndi- cate that 57 percent of mo- torists now at least add mo- tor oit themseives and 43 percent change oit them- selves. Plus, 37 percent of women motorists now add oit themseives, with 24 percent doing out changes. The growing do-it-your- self trend is being speeded by advances in efficient easy-to-tiandle packaging. An example of this is Mo- bil's new tight, leak-proof plastic packaging which MAR84 covers the company's fuit MORE AND MORE WOMEN add motor oit themsetves aided by line of automotive lubri- niew easy-pour bottie-spout packaging. cants, starting with the fui- new responsibitity on the to prevent streaking or ly synthetic high-perfor- motorist. Car experts say scratching windshield. mance Mobil t, officiai you should visit a full- 0 Replace frayed beits motor oit of the 1984 Win- serve service station peri- or brittie, bulging or soft ter Olympics. Its easy-pour odicatly to get important hoses under the hood. bottle top eliminates the items checked out - or 0 Keep tire pressure up need for a spout or funnel. make a point, of doing so to recommended levels for If you're not using the yourseif. fuel efficiency and smooth whole quart at once, you Periodic *check-up rou- and safe rides. can store the out by screw- tines should include the 0 Make sure ait lights ing the cap back on, which fotlowing: work. protects it from dust, dirt 0 Ftuids: motor oit, 0 Check the sticker on and other contaminants, transmission oit, rear-axie your door post to see if it's Mobil has also expanded lubricant, power steering time for an oit and fitter ils line with new multi- fluid, radiator coolant. change and tube job. grade oiis in response to 0 Battery: Wire-brush A littie routine care new, more varied viscosity corroded terminais to pre- hetps protect a car - recommendations by car- vent starting*probtems. If it which is generatiy the sec- makers. is not a seated battery, add ond biggest investment aU- Stili, converting to the water as needed. ter the purchase of a do-it-yoursetf trend puts a 0 Replace womn wipers home. t L * INSTALL a REPAIRS 0 REARCHING * SHOCKS *U BOLTS ALL SIZES HENDRICKSON BUSHINGS ON TANDEM TRUCKS (.HARGEX 839-0066 683-0438 BRAKES TUNE-UP EXHAUST 103 Dundas E. Whitby SPIGSPECPIAL 162 King St. E. Oshawa Pal nted Body Work Extra 1 Voar Guarantee on ail body work and paint. GUARANTEED AUTO BODY 486 Waterloo St.., Oshawa 725.0261 BUSINESS HOU RS:. Mon.-Fri. 8a.m. to 6p.m. Sat. 8 p.m. to 12 p.m. NOW OPEN G.N. AUTO SERVICE COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR SERVICE OIB GORD NIEUWENDYK 317 HOPKINS ST., WHITBY 668-2885 (rear of Van Hemen Tire) SPRINGS FOR ALL " CARS " TRUCKS " TRAILERS " 4 WHEEL DRIVES " CORVETTE " CA MPERS 401HIWY 1051 BROCK RD S r«-, 77 ATTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE PASSENGER & LIGHT TRUCKS a 1 MMMMMMM--Mmmma IL 1349 m