WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9,1984, PAGE 9 Mock couneil ends bovine terror reiign They're flot engaged No, Melissa, Speilen and Scott Griffen aren't get- ting married. The two Anderson Collegiate students were members of the MockStudent Council tbat held its l3th annual meeting in the coundil cham- bers last week. 1The meeting, wbich is the culmination of the'10- week Youth and Civic Administration Program put on by the town clerk's department, had a historical theme in honor of Ontario's Bicentennial. Spellen and Griffin portrayed two members of council as it was in 1884. ýà Free Press Staff Photo A reign of terror caused by cattie run- ning at large in the Port Whitby area will be put to a stop, local council bas decided. Council will also spend $150 to buy new instruments for the town band -and give the fire department's stoker a $5 a year raise to take on newresponsibilities at the fire station. In other matters, an additional lamp lighter wil be hired at a cost of $100 a year because citizens bave been com- plaining that street' lamps have been put out before 10 p.m. The town will also publish a, financial statement Of its- operation each month in local. newspapers and, plans for the establish- ment of a free public library bave also been approved. Now, before anyone gets -overly excited, it should be pointed out tbat these issues date' from the Whitby.of 1884 and were the subject of debate at last week's meeting of the "Mock Student Council. " The coundil meeting is tbe culmination of the Town of Witby's Youth and Civic Ad- ministration Program whicb was held last week. During the course, wbicb lasts ten weeks, 13 students from Ander- son Colegiate and Henry Street High School have been familiarizing tbem- Griffen, a ward coun- selve.s with the cillor. Aslo taking on operation of municipal political positions were governument under the Martin Van Kessel, direction of deputy clerk Paije Wadden and Michael Gazo. . Melissa Speilen, deputy Participating in the reeve.' program from Anderson Representing Henry were: Rachel Richard, Street High Sehool were who acted as town plan- "Mayor" Marg ner; Julie Emm, who Freudenburg, 4"ad- became director of ministrator" Maureen publie works for the Dobbins, "clerk" Kevin day; Karen Vose, who Powell, "Reeve" stepped into the Micheile Lalonde, and treasurer's shoes; Scott "parks and recreation, Business feature.... Van Belle now o]pen in Whitby core Van Belle Florists have brougbt over 25. years experience to their new store at 100 tbundas St. W. wbich opened recently. Managed by Daphine Ruth Van Belle, the store offers a wide range of floral products for every occasion. Th- ey specialize i floral designs and European custom wedding arrangements. Their produets are brought in directly from their own growers and they also buy plants and flowers from ail over the world. The Whitby outlet is the newest member 0f a five store chain. This family business also bas outlest in Bowmanville, Courtice and two in Oshawa. They have 20 employees throughout their chain to serve their customers. The Whitby store, located near the. four corners in the downtown corp, is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. from Monday to Saturday. Anyone needing more infor- mation about their ser- vices should caîl 668- 1650. director" Patsy Kotopoulos. In recognition of On- tario's Bicentennial year,, the mock council meeting had a historical theme. They also researched and wrote ail of the let- ters and staff reports included in their agen- da. After the meeting, Regional Councillor Tom Edwards said tbat if be and his coileagues are succeeded ini future years by young people such as tbese, the town wilbe in goodbhands. "We can rest assured that those tbat foilow us will maintain our com- munity, " he said. However, . wbile, she enjoyed the program and learnt a great deal from it, "Mayor" Marg Freudenburg isn't sure that she wants a political career. "I'm 18 years old and I baven't even decided wbat I'm going to do tomorrow," she said although she added that polities does interest her. .MESHER JEWELLER 1%Off wilfh this coupon 668-2872 , 109 Dundas St. W. - - -- -- -- - - -- -- ~p1 VAN BELLE "Let your love shine on Mother's Day." I.DAY AYft NOW IN WHITBY!1 AT 100 DUN DAS ST. W. (At The 4 Corners) Formerly Jay-Tra M -ilEFi A The Copper BowT" Bouquet The Tea Kette "' Bouquet from your FTD® Florist.' 10 CA RN AT'IO-N' Whltby Store1 OnIy «Ot n çI from your FT Send your thoughts with special 1E care. TM e gisemrd traemark of Flo<ists'TranswoM DliEry Association. Cash And Carry OnIy Limit 2 speclals per customer (O> Mp 99 0, , h!j