Club donates $ 7,500 wo hospital The Whitby Optimiat Club handed over a cheque for $7,500 over to the Dr. J.O. Ruddy Gene Hospital's building fund last week. The cheque was the second instalmnent of a $15,000 pledge by the club. The money will be used to pi chase equîpmnent for the physiotherapy room of the hospital's long term and rehabiitative care u whlch openedrecently. Tom Cox (left), club treasurer and Max Ridi (right) presented the cheque té Peter Eberlee (centi the chairman of the hospital's board of governor's building committee. Free Press Staff Ph( Daffodils- theme of BHS meetir By MARGARET' BEATH B.H.S. Dfrector The, phrase, "'A Host of Golden Daffodils", cornes to mind when describing the very suc- cessful meeting and show, held by the Brooklin Horticultural Society on April 25. The meeting was opened by president Ken. Brown who welcomed the almost .50 members and guests who attended, including a member of his family from Gimli, Manitoba. Our horticultural quiz. game, "FTun With Flora", was enjoyed, following which Ken in- troduced Gary Young, proprietor of Brooklin RentaIs and a- well known local business man. Young demon- strated the use of small power equipment for gardens. His remarks were timely and infor- mative and he 'con;- cluded them with a question and answer period. The secretary, Betty Van Buuren, then made several announcements regarding the up- coming O.H.A. Annual Convention being held in Sudbury in June and en- couraged our members to attend. Jean Foss, 'of West Hill, did a fine judging Job on -the 73 entries which were presented. The results were as follows: best specimen of show was a Cyclamen plant entered by Margaret Wick, prize donated by Brooklin Rentals. Best decorative prize, donated by Robert' Ecket Florist, went to Penny Hosken who also won the best foliage plant award, donated by the' Brooklin Village Shoppe. A delicious lunch was served by Shirley HUGH T. NICHOL, QC. and WM. G. IRWIN, B.A.SC., LL.B. wlsh to announce the termînat ion of their partner- ship effective May 1, 1984, and that each will con- tinue his practice of iawv at the same address as a soie practioner. CUDDY PLACE 201 Byron Street South WHITBY, Ontarlo TELEPHONE: Hugh. T. Nîchol ýWm. G. lrwIn_ 66805061 668u3433 Morrow. Don't forget the Plant Auction on May 19, being held at Park, Brooklin, s0 along a plant WHIITBY FREE1 Block p arents seeking Ihelp Te Whitby-Brooklin S Block Parents are in " search of new members. f Each school district throughout the town is divided into area com- mittees which meet on- ce a month to> get feed- back from the central committee as well as hear ideas 'from other block parents. These area. commit- tees also deliver newsletters, twice a year, and signs to new block parents. Anyone living in the following school areas eral ,who would be interested in becoming a volunteer ýur- is asked to caîl the area unit chairperson: Kathleen Rowe Public re), Sehool - cail 668-3138; loto R.A. Sennett Public -< School - caîl 668-2641; E.A. Fairman Public School and St. John's g School - cail 668-5327; Palmerston Ave. Public Sehool - caîl 668- I Grass 0638; or bring Meadowcrest Public Sehool - cail 655-4248. - OUTDOOR OPENING MA Y 18TH/84 Everything For- FamniIy Camping and Back Packing 308 BROOK ST. N. WHITBY (same location as 668-0474 Mandera upholstery) LOOK BETTER- FEEL BETTER LUZIE THOMAS'e STUDIO TAN NING SA-LON* COMPLETE BEAUTY CARE CENTRE FACIALS-WAXI NG-NAI LS-COSM ETICS SMOTHER'S DAY ~GIFT CERTIFICATES& SFOR ANY OR ALL OF OUR SERVICES PREPARE FOR SUM MER TAN-DON't BURN COMFORTABLE, PRIVATE ROQMS FORMENANDWOMEN, SPECIAL OPENING'RATES WHITBY MALL 434-5864 PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1984, PAGE 17 4 bruce bagg realty ltd. 7 campbcll strec, brookliri, ontarlo (16) 655-4211 u BROOKLIN - Early Canadian 4 bdrm. two storey centre hall plan, plne floors, aiumlnum slding and windows, summer kitchen, double garage, large corner lot. ideal home, hair studio, or antique showroom. $69,000. Bruce Bagg Realty Mt. 655- 4211. NOTICE SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING. FOR V0TIUG MEMBERS 0F DURHAM REGION' FAMILY YMCA THURSDAY, MAY 17,1984 7:30 P. M. WHITBY CENTENNIAL BUILDING - 416 CENTRE ST.-S., WHITBY THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Take notice that the Regionai Planning Committée wiii consîder at a meeting to be heid on: MAY 15,1984 AT 10:00 A.M. PLANNING DEPARTMENT BOARDROOM 105 CONSUMERS DRIVE, WYHITBY AN APPLICATION TO.AMEND THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE FORMER PLANNING AREA 0F THE TOWN0F WHITBY The amendment, as submItted by the applcant, proposes to permit the development of ap- proximately 13,000.- square, feet (1,200 square metres) of commercial floorspace wlthin the site Indicated on the map beiow. Subsequently, the Reglonal Council will consider the recommendation of the Planning Committee at a meeting to be held on: MAY 23,1984 AT 10:00 A.M. COUNCIL CHAM BERS, RIEGIONAL HEADQUARTERS BUILDING 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY The report reiated to the amendment application' Is available for Inspection In the offices of the Planning Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whltby, or by caliing Mr. L. Kotseff,- M.C.î.P. Plan- ning Department, (416)668-7731. Requests to appear before the Planning Commit- tee as'a deputation concerning the amendment application must be forwarded to Dr. M. Michael, M.C.l.P. Commissioner of Planning, 105 Con- sumers Drive, &Whitby, Ontario LiN 6A3, and shouid be received by the Friday preceding the meeting. Requests to appear before Regional Council as a deputation concerning the amendment ap- plication must be forwarded to the Regional Clerk, Regionai Headquarters Building, 605 Rossiand Road East, Whitby, Ontario LUN 6A3, and should be received 48 hours prior to the Regionai Council meeting. Gary Herrema Regional Chairman C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T. Reglonai Clerk i.~. #1 1/1?I 1 s ¶4 tt 4 44 S 41 t t1. I 411 $4 4let4 * 'é $ I f 4 éI*4'0I t 14 e . it f I f t i f ft-t *-1 t IS YOUR INCOME SMALLER THAN YOtJ POENTIAL? If youïe bright. ambitious and have a stronfi drive to succeed. our CENTURY 211 office bas career opportunîties to prove your worth. O~ As a CENTURY 21 sales assoctate. yeu cari earn up ID .-Vour maximui potential. We7l giste you the train- i ng youd expect from Number 1inu North Amenica. the financial tools and top management support, Cali us. toda' GOLD JACKET REALTV LTD. 6862 824 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 668o622 UR = s ouiici as NDflDîTJ Owuu» *1woruhar m» Iriw -ZI4( e«wy21fRed £Sm Coep.ab,, "Plight Acron From 1The uunilngRink" mi v - - - - - - 7i- 7iý 7iý 7i- 7i- iý 7ý- 7n- 7ý- li lý- «iý li- «ý- lý- Ili «i lý- li li «i lýý li lý- li li 't Il!- Il!- «ý W A LA w lý* Li