PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS WED., MAY 16 - TOGA NIGHT FREE DRAW!! a'COLOUR I ICONTEST & PRIZESiI 1 Licensed under LLBO 207 Dundlas St. W., Whitby 668-2337 e~7c4 SINCE 1874 Proudly Presents ERICHARD NAPPER <asilts NEW EXECUTIVE CHEF Do corne ln & talk to Richard about your banquet requirements. NEW BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCH EON Mon.-Fri. 12 noon - 3 p.m. -11 a.m. -3p.m. 15.95mm~ Live sntertainmont Thurs., Fri. & Sat. ln our 1lounge room. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 301 BYRON ST. WHITBY f~.jZ).g~ THE CORPORATION- fr/~1~:ejOF THE TOWN OF WHUTBY IN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1980, CHAPTER 337 AND IN THE MATTER 0F THE LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NiOTICE-0F PASSING 0F BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that Counclil0f the Corporation of the TOWN of WHITBY has passed By-law No. 1594-83 to designate the following property as being of archite ctural andior historical value or interest under Part IV of, The Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.0. 1980, Chapter 337: 202 Byron Street North Whitby, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNATION 0F 202 BYRON STREET NORTH Historicai 202 Byron Street North was buiIt around 1856 by Mr. John Michael. A significant owner of the house was Mr. George Hogarth, Principal of WhitbyCollegiate Institute f rom 1900 to 1910. Architectural OriginaiIy a frdme structure, the house was bricked over in the late l9th Century. The house dispiays many features from different architecturai styles indicating its evolutionary development over time. DATED AT THE TOWN 0F WHITBY THIS 2ND of May, 1984. Donald G. McKay Town Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whltby, Ontario Ll N 2M8_____ a a They're glad to be home CONT'D FROM PC. 3 was chasing somebody." Karen was sure he was no more than 10 feet away from them when she saw him but he didn't notice them and just kept going. They stayed in the room until security of- ficiais corne to escort them out of the builk- them out of the building. No one in the party was detained or even questioned by police. Deacon and Davis-Dove said that they were treated with the utmost courtesy by police of- ficiais who led them quickly and efficientiy through a series of tun- nels underneath the Assembly building to safety on the grounds outside. "The police escorted us out of the building," Deacon said, "as auickiy as they couid with the greatest con- cern for the children's safety." For the Whitby residents the drarna lasted just over an hour. At 9:40 a.m., they arrived at the building and at il a.m. they were seated in an outdoor cafe buying Cokes and other drinks. Davs, Deacon ad-Dvs Dove then spent a- couple of hours on the telephone reassuring school staff that ail was well and then getting the children to cali home to teli their parents that they were ail right. Karen Bogs' mother told the Free Press that she was shocked to discover her daughter was in the National -v$ Double N , HP HALl BUT AT ITS BESTI BREAKFAST SPECIAL 3 eggs, ham, bacon or sauisage, home f ries, toast-, coffee. 12«50 Mon.Sat. 6 a.m.-9 p.m. Sun. 8 a.m.-9 p.m. 102 Lupin Dr., Blair Park Plaza Whitby 668-8672 EVERYTHING ON THE MENU 9CHIOKEN *SPAGHETI *LASAGNA $9 @VEAL PARMESAN -ýper person à MORE 2 a11:30 a.m.2 p.m. STEAK HOUSE & TAVERN SPECIALIZING IN CHARBROILED STEAKS & SEAFOOD *Superbiy Prepared -»Business Luncheons 668-2751 939 Dundas St. W., Hwy. 2, Whitby Excellent Wine Liat 'Major Credît Carda DaIIy From 11:30 a.m.-10 p.m. Fr1. to il p.m. Sat. 4:30 p.m.-1 1 p.m. Sun & Holldays 4:30-9 p.m. Assembly at the time of the shooting and had nothinbg but praise for the teachers and their efforts throughout the crisis. "I thought they han- dled it pretty well, they calied me at lunchtime and told me the chiidren were safe,"1 Mrs. Boggs said, obviously relieved to have- her daughter home. Aithough they were not far fromn the actuai disaster, both Deacon and Davis-Dove said that the whole story was not clear to themn until iater that day. Despite their experience they carried out the rest of the trip according to plan. In fact, they even said they'd go on the trip again. "But not next week, " Davis-Dove ad- ded. Even the children said they'd like to go to Quebec City sometime in the future either with their families or with the school. Aithough it's an obvious statement, each of the, children reacted dif- ferently. Some were more deepiy touched by it than others. One young lady, Colleen Moore-Gough, 13, made the foilowing observation whiie rushing past reporters into the waiting famiiy car: "You neyer know how much you value your life until you're in danger of losing it. 1 It's good to be home. And perhaps for the first tiomne in their short lives that phrase really means something- to 42 grade 7 students at Whitby Senior, Public School. DINJNG GOLDEN.GATE 107 Brock St. S. Whitby 668-8321 This popular Chinese Restaurant is introducing the SZECHUAN CUISINE for aillof you gour- mets who like spicy hot dishes. The Golden Gate also offers a wide Whitby's Firsi German Canadian Restaurant UToler laus Lcensed under L.L.B.O._____ 120 Brock Street North, Whitby 666-3005 - C orrido r Capers By MARY MCEACHERN ('ai 725-8967 wlth items for this column. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH MEETING Time: 8:15 p.m. Place: Dr. Robert Thornton Public School Date: Thursday, May 17, 1984- If you are interested in forming a Neighbourhood Watch for your area, plan to attend the meeting to- morrow night. P.C. John Bell of the Durham Re- gional Police Force will be on hand to explain how Neighbourhood Watch works, and how it can help your area reduce crime, break-mns and vandalism. This is for your benefit s0 plan to attend. WHITBY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Th~e next meeting of the Whitby Women's Institute wili be held at the home of Mrs. Kay Hepburn on Wednesday, May 30at1: 30 p.m. The roll cali wil be answered by bringing your oldest antique. Visitors are always weicomed. CORRIDOR AREA RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION Annuai meeting and election of officers - The annual meeting of the Corridor Ratepayers Assoc- iation wiil be held at Dr. Robert Thornton Public Sehool on Thursday, May 17 at 7:30 p.m. Positions are open for president, secretary, treasurer, and directors. The guest speaker for the evening will be P.C. John Bell, who wiil outline Neighbourhood Watch. Plan to attend. Anniversary Bail - Saturday, October 27 will be the anniversary dance for the Corridore Area Rate- payers' Association. The association obtained its charter in 1974 and has been in operation for 10 years. The October dance will be the 2Oth one the as- sociation has hosted. Big plans are for a gala affair, with a band and the original disc jockey we had at the first dance. Keep the date in mind. Tickets wil be available from any member of the executive. THORNTON CORNERS COMMUNITY PICNIC A community picnic is being planned for ail per- sons interested in the Thornton's Corners Commun- ity Sunday Schooi and the Thornton's Corners School between 1910 and 1960. The picnic wilI be at Heydenshore Park, Whitby, on July 15 at 2 p.-m. Lunch wili be pot luck 50 bring your favorite dish. Coffee, tea, plates and cutlery wil be provided.> Interested persons are asked to bring any memo- rabiia from theT.C. days and be prepared to dis- cuss another reunion for 1985. For further informa- tion cail Irma Wood at 668-3687 or Queenie Pipher at 725-2036. Time to remember the good old days. 6TH WHITBY CUBS AND SCOUTS The 6th Whitby Scouts are i need of a central sto- rage space for their camping and other equipment. If anyone has a space corner that would house the gpar, please contact Linda at 668-5453. Enjoy your Victoria Holiday weekend, and drive carefuily if you are travelling this weekend. 225 BrockSt. N.' Whitby 668-6171 ENJOY SUMMER - IN THIS 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW Large 66' x 124' lot with mature shade trees, family room and attached garage. Convenient to transportation; Asklng $72,900. Cali Kay Rogers for dletails 668-6171 or 668-4592. IS YOUR INCOMIE SMALLER THAN YOIJR POTENTIAL? Il ',uute brght, ambittous and have a strong armve t0 succeed. our CEN TURY 21* office has career opportunittes ta prove your viorth Aa CENTUIRY 21 sales assoctale. you can eatn up to ytllr maxîmul POtential Well 8,ve you the train Certli lu d expei cî rom Number 1 in North Amnca, I 2 .IyI lniaus tools arnd top management support GOLD JACKET REALTY LTD. 824 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 668-6221 Caq"1iADA S à r.STAL ESTAT E NETWOlK CNTT21 RACU oPPIc I IX tNDELIWN» A».< . aoOFtMun J-: oi 4 o. #Rý 'RhIAcroos Prom the CuriIng RInk-, M 44.! ýýslý 1W leA A Wl: II a U 14' t W; 1 M jýý f zm., mp 14 W IM