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Whitby Free Press, 23 May 1984, p. 15

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1984. PAGE 15 Whltby's Most WideIy Read SIFIED w ADS ýR CE S AOSS17UTOMOTrivE GDNING GARDENING , ATCE 'FOR RMMI REPAIRPRS - AND SUPPLIES AND SUPPLIES FRSL r MnpRI J RUG CLEANINO SPECIAL Living J room, dinfing room, hailway, cleaned and scotch guarded for $50. Bedroom, $10. 668-1485. ALUMINUM AND VINYL SIDING, olectricel contracting, heating, air condltlloning. 655-941. FOR FINISHED BASEMENTS, recreation mrnem, bathrooms, shlngiing, etc. A iicensod carpen- ter at your service. Oeil Dansi Renovations et 576-4296. QUANSIT cONST. Removo, repair or replace anythIng. Ao perfect cleanupe. 579-3938. 'ANNOUINENTS THE FAMILY 0F Lome and leleen OCrewford Invite family >end triende to celubrete their 4th Wedding Anniversery et the Brookiin Community Centre on June 9,* 1984 et 7 p.m. Dence following. Del wishes oniy. RUMMAGE SALE The Saivetion Army, 122- Kent St., Whitby. Frday, Mey 25, 7 10 9 p.m. Ail CONGRATULATIONS on your forthcoming met-nage. Ploee vlew 'Our ciamples of engreved wedding. Invitations et your lei- sure ln our Ajax Plaza store. Dlck- con PrInting & Office Supplies 683-1968. W..CEMENTS TAYLOR - Barry and Deboreh are pleesed to ennounco the birth of their deughter, Jessica Lynn, 7ibs. 41h oz., on Thursday, May 3, 1984 et 0.G.H. A baby sistor for Kevin. Proud grandperents are Mr. & Mrs. B.C. Taylor and Mr.& Mre. Frank Sutton. Wlth aeociel thanku 10 Dr. Lai and nursing staff on 4th and th Illoors. PSYCHIC MEDIUM ls availablo for privato roadings and &ace numoroiogy 'charte. For Infor- mation and appointmont cal 579- 6523. DELLARIES LANDSCAPING AND GENERAL CONTRACTING Man with truck wiiiing to do odd Jobs, iandscapIng, fortliing, garbago removai and snowplowlng. 839-7979. PROP & SKEG REPAîRS (5 day service). Expert boat repaire - do-. It-yourseif fibrogiase supplies. Oshawa Glass Fibre - Rayplex. 341 Durham St., 579-1433. IA-i BUILDING& RENOVATING I First ln Quallty Craftmanshlp. Phono 57919451 HOUSE FOR RIENT 2 bedroom watorfront, Ontoro Beach, Ajax. Phono 225-9886, Toronto. NEED A RENTAL? Cali tho Exper- tel, We carry houses, townhouses, duplexes, &par- tmente, fietel Ail aroas, sizes, priceel 579-4500 Homelocators, fee. REBUILT TRANSMISSIONS, most models, $185.001 Oeil Bob 683-0811. CAR REPAIRS bodywork, tune- upu, paint job, etc. Reasonabie rates. 668-7620 anythme. 390 FORD truck engine. Aiso truck parts. 74 Ford V4 ton. 668- FORoSAL AUTOMOBILES AJAX - 2 bodroom plus don, con- FOR SALE do. 101/4 Intereet tIi1986. Insulte laundry, sauna, pool, tennis, air condItioned, 1:V4 bath. 686-1384. 1969 OLDS CIJTLASS 2 door, hard-top, black, 350 auto, p.e., p.b., $700. 68-9316 or 668-4232, _____________________ ufrrCerf. f> FLORIDA I ____ _____ WU VACATION R~NTALS1 NTDO FL RIDA BYRN Cieerwater - Throe bedroomn mobile homes. Heate pools, WANTED ON CONSIGNMENT tennis, close to boaches and Bicycles ln good condition and major attractions, children golf equipmont. Ail othor sports weicome, $22500 IJù.s. equipment acceptod. 58 Baidwin, weekiy (le than motoi Brooklin, 655-8079. o'om). 683-5503 eM 6350 WHTYOFFICE PACE at TYPEWRIT ER rentai, many makes and modelu, by the weekend, week or month. Discounts evail- able. Dickuon Printing & Office Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Cali us for business machine repaire 683-1968.. on professional floor. Wouid be suitable for lawyer, eccountant, etc. Rent Includes aIl utilitles and lu negotiable for en approprlete tenant. For further information oelil 668-6372 between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mondey to Frlday. EDUAIONAL COMING SCEVCS1 iJENr "GRAMAMAR for people who hate grammer" is the idoal pocket reference book for business people. $3.95 per copy and avali- able et Dlckson Printing & Off ice Supplies In the Ajax Plaza. Dealer enquiries invited 683-1968. FREE: Drop mbt the Dickeon Prlnting & Office Suppiy store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up e f ree copy of their 1984 Metric Caien- der. Prlnted ln two colours. it makes for handy roference. 683- 1968. COMPUTER CAMP. Varioty of computers. Morning, aftornoon or evenlng. For ail agos. 10-20 hours for $85-$149. Cali1683-7767. PIANOS WANTED. Cash paid for new and usod pianos, any con- ditlon. Also sales and service. Phono Teiop Piano Works, Oshawa, 433-1491. WANTED USED APPLIANCES <Workng or Not) WE BUY,,SELL RECON DUTION DUS LAWN MAINTENANCE Lawn cutting and trimmlng, fer- tilizlng, ae 'rating, sodding, miaàelianeous gardenlng. 3 yoars oxperience. Oeil 668-0832 or 668- 5365 aftor 6 p.m. STREET SALE inciuding an- tiques. Aibory Ores., Ajax. Satur- day, May 26, 9 a.m. 10 2 p.m. Foilow signe on Harwood South of Dreyer. YARD SALE Saturday, May 26 and 27. From 10 10 5. Rain or shine. On second Une betweon 8th and ninth concession. Baisam 649-2637. YARD SALE - 4,families. May 26, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 713 Green St. Furnituro, baby Items, B.B.Q., houeohoid Items. 668-7387. F ORALE AFFSDABLE FAMILY FUN CAMPING TRAILERS See the beautiful No. 1 seiiing Coleman Camping Traliors with the quailty and name you trust. Easy towing, ilghtweight design, sets up faster and has more iuxury living epace. LOW PRICES AND FREE REFRIGERATOR DEAL NOW ONI RNRA-CMPE~ jFuliy Equippd L165.00 wk. u Sun way Sales r "' *Pus fun in yuur lifr 2089 SIMCOE ST. N. Acroe. rom Durham Collage OSHAWA PORT PERRY 571-2210 985-2910 ARTCLS. ~~OSIOERSALE] ROE - WARMS a complote lino of live and naturel bait. Oeil et 6 Thornton Rd. N., at the Corner of King, 6 a.m. 10 9 p.m. "1HEROIES of the Bible" coiouning book available et Dickson Pnint-, ing & Office Supply, Ajexi Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer Inquirlos ln- vlted. MATTRESSES and box upringu et haif price. MoKeen Furniture, 524 Slmcoe Street South, OshaWe. 725-5181. FOR SALE Ortho comfort posture twln size mettrese, 3911, spring and rails, hieed and foot board, $75. loset foldlng door, 78x30, gray, negotiable. Phone 668-4221.- CHESTERFIELD suites, love- seats, sectionals, lese then W prie. Largo selection. McKeen FLrâIiture. 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. LIVINGROOM SUITE 2 pieco sec- tional, brown, 9 monthe old, cost $1,000. Muet Bell. $500 or beet of- fer. 839-2189. ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... BARRELS.- Whiskey, $25. Rum, $30. Guaranteod, free deiivery. 68&1645 or 686&0257. MIVATA BCCE INCLUDING ALL TERRAIN MOUNTAIN BIKES Sales &Service SAVE $$- buy f rom catalogue. Complote lineo0f acc. also available. Repairs and Serice to ail makes of bicycles. CALL WAYNE AT 72.93or 666.1890 GEOTYPE prese-on lottoring now In stock at DIckson Printing & 0f- fice Supplies In the Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large selection" 0f styles and sîzos. Why pay more for a emialler sheet of letterlng? 683-1968. BOAT FOR SALE 13' Checkmate 75 h.p. Johnson Sllnger In- struments, controis, tank, ex- cellent condition. $3,000. Phono 434-5869. 24'x48" DEEP round Muskin pool. In excellent condition, complote with soies- blanket and roiler, new iadder. Asking $900. Oel 666- 3798. VISIT our used fumituro ware- house by appolntment. Big. savinge on deeke, chairs, filinq cabinets, etc. Cali DIckson PrInt- ing & Office Supplies 10 arrange an appointmont to' vlew. 68i- 1968. TiE SalAi- lKRuG NEW &, OSID CAR BUYS READ ... DUY ...SML JIJST CALL 668-6111 Clarence Albert, who passeod away May 22, 1956. Brother, Harry Austin, Juiy 10, 1956. Brother, Ivan Arthur, Sept. 18, 1970, and mom, Myrtie Luelia Fletcher, Oct. 1,1980. In Grovesîde quiet cemetery, where the gentie breame blow, reet mom, dad, and two brothers, that we le few yoars ago. We often think of bygone days, when we where ail together. The famlly chain la broken now and nothing seeme the same. But as God calte us one by one, the chain wil ltnk again. Lovingly remembered by daughtor, Jean, son-in-law, Peter Emanekie, grandchlldron, groat grandchIldren. 1 . E3SONAj ERONPERAO~NAL.] THE PERSONAL TOUCH * The distinctive service of the 80's. * For the discerning adults.* * The ultimate in sensual distinction. * Unquestionabîy discrete.* * Your complete aduît entertain ment centre. * * Thot Perfect Someone Is Waitingl p*j; 4** TYPE SETT IVG ON THE PREMISES,.'- -- ii~COMPUTER IZED & PHOTO ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertîsemenx for e.-rors on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wiil not be hiable for tillre to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tinbeyond the cost o the space occupied by the error Up to a maximum cost of the f irst insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject aIl advertise- monts. Ads must appear in the naper one day before they can be changed or cancelied. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50-for 20 words; 1 le each addition- al word If ore-paid. You may charge your Ciassified Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready when calling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irsi 100 words; 12o each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 words; 124: each additîonal word. AUCTION SALES - 34ç per line. (No word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are availabie at an additional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press wiil mako every on- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no iiabiiity regarding loss or damage alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We will not be responsible for box number replies not called for within 30 days. DEADLIN ES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111, M 5.4..~ ~ ~..1. ~ ..-..à,* - - à IPIANO MOV-ERS *Expert movlng and dismantllng *30 yrs. oxperlence*Owner on job * Expert Housohold Movers CALI COLLECT 252.7058. "USED PIANOS BOUG HT & SOLD" X DURHAM PRODUCE GARDEN CENTRE Fresh Produce & Flowers Also Ses Us For Your Garden Needs 1010 Dundas St. W-v Whltby 668-15 Acrosa from White Oak Apt. Buildings. Closed on Sundays. CHECK OUR LOW EVERYDAY PRICES On new chse rfields, bedroom sets, colonial dining rooms, and itchen sites, beds, etc. ELMER'S FURNITURE (At RIteon> Oshawa il »

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