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Whitby Free Press, 30 May 1984, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1984, WHITBY FRES PRESS Corrido r Capers j. By MARY MCEACHERN /4v/V (ail 7258967 wlth Items for this column. WHITBY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The May meeting of the Whitby Women's In- stitute wiii be heid at the home of Mrs. Kay Hepburn today at 1:30 p.m. The roli cati wiil be answered by bringing your oldest antique. Visitors are aiways welcome. THORNTON CORNERS COMMUNITY PICNIC A community pienie is being heid for ail persons interested in the Thornton's Corners Community Sunday--Sehool and the Thornton Corners Sehool between 1910 and 1960. The reunion wiii be held at Heydenshore Park in Whitby, on Juiy 15 at 2 p.m. The refreshnients wiii be in the form of a pot-luck supper, s0 bring your.specialty. Coffee, tea, paper plates and cutiery will be provided. Interested persons are asked to bring any W AIT ABS CL fl 1 eSPECLAL OPIrER R()R NEW LIRFÀN.S SRBR FRE! ONE WOLEMONTH0FGREAT StJPERCHlANNEL MOVIE ENTERUXINMENT With the "3 months for 2" Summer Special from Rogers Cahie TV! 1 tty iln111() Il t Ils 1)ist. p: r> S PERinti:N N ciai-uCC iicis. a;:I s IIuImî'r oig- a grtm; ay :vto rCJ;.N 4)1 uccd ilur 'work mr;a dayIl lv t .1 .I luLs Las z: Mo viti' S'victî suhscrihc:: ,l n gurs tir- a. î'Iî ii' a nîw ;:gc j il'I" i n d i ithk gr :n OWPER EXPIRES JUNJ' 30. 1984. NEW ONTARJO GOVERNMENT GUIDE BOOKS FOR SENIOR CJTIZENS AND DISABLED PERS -ONS. For children aged 2½ to 50000 YMCA aceepting names for pre-sehool program memorabilia from the T-C days and be prepared to discuss another reunlon for 1985.> For further information, caîl Irma Wood at 6U8- 3687 or Queenie Pipher at 725-2036. CORRIDOR AREA RATEPAYERS AS'SOCIATION Executive Meeting - the next executive meeting wili be held at the Whitby Municipal building on June 7 at 7:30 p.m. Ail executive members are asked to attend. Visitors are welcomfe. SAnnuai Meeting - the annuai meeting and election of officers was heid at Dr. Robert Thornton Scbool on May 17. P.C. John Bell of the Durham Regional Police was the guest speaker for the evening and outiined ways for our community to becôme a safer place in which to live. He stressed that the Neighbourhood Watch program is fuily endorsed by the regional police and strongly recommends that the program be adopted in ail areas of the Corridor. Many areas withîn the Corridor are in the process of forming a Neigh- bourhood Watch group, and mor e subdivisions wil foiiow. The ratepayer's association offered their assistance in any way that wili heip the residents. The executive eiected for the years 1984-85 are as foilows: president - Colin Duddridge; past- president - Dennis Fox; vice-president - John Lama and David Bunn; treasurer - Lynn Majors; and secretary - Mary McEachern. Eiected as directors were: Bill Sabyan, Elizabeth Newton, Joe McNulty, Diana Duddridge, Roberta Szachta, Lorne Coe, Elizabeth Hatter, Pat Dooiey, Bey and Don Rogers. ANNIVERSARY DANCE - The ratepayers' association wili hoid their loth Anniversary Bah ,at Heydenshore Pavilion on Oc- tober 27. This marks the loth year of operation of the, association and the' 2th dance heid by the group. Keep the date in mi, and reserve' tickets early, as it is expected to be a sell-out crowd. 5/- DISKETTES SINGLE SIDE DOUBLE DENSITY 140 Tiack) N97575 SINGLE SîDE DOUBLE DENSITY (80OTrack) IN97831 offers this opportunity of' interaction tbrough play activities. The 'Y' aiso has Fren- ch immersion piayschools in Whitby and Oshawa for children ages 3to 5years. This is an excellent opportunity for the chiid to begin iearning basic French before entering kmn- dergarten. The playschoois are heid from 9:30 to 11: 30 a.m. for 21/2 to 5 year olds, or from 1: 30 to 3: 30 p.m. for 4 year olds, in the Wbitby, Oshawa, Brooklin and Port Perry areas. Parents assist on a monthiy basis in the program. For additional program information, cali Eleanor Holman at 668-6868. Regstatinsmay be made in person at the 'Y' office at 416 Centre St. S. The Durham Region Famiiy YMCA is'now taking registration for their "Playschool," wbich wiii begin in Sep- tember 1984. These pre-school programs are planned to meet the needs of the individuai chiid, ranging in age from 2% to 5years. The daily activities include play activities 0f the chiid's own choosing, ie. puzzles, blocks, play dough, dress-up, collage pasting, etc., as well as cognitive, creative and painting activities. Circee time is aiways an enjoyabie time for the chiidren as they have an. opportunity to sing their favorite songs and learn new ones. Finger piays are lear- ned weekiy, and at story time the teacher reads a story to the group. 1Each day there is a snack, and the cbildren enjoy age-appropriate games to compiete their time at "Playschooi. " Socialization with others is most impor- tant for the pre-schooi child, and "Playschool" A special mass of thanksgiving will be heid this Sunday at 12:15 p.m. in honor of Father Stanley Blackweil's 25 years 0f service to the Roman Catholic Chur- ch. The mass wili be heid at St. John the Evangeiist Roman Catholic Church, Gif- fard St. where he currentiy serves as rec- tor. Biackwell was born in 'DIS KETTES 3.95 ea. 5.95 ea.. SPECIAL PREFORMATED DESKETTE N97803 5.75 ea. 8" DISKETTES SINGLE SîDE SINGLE DENSITV N97525 Snior citizens, dsbe persons and concerned agencies will be interested in two new publications published by the Provin- cial Secrerariat for Social Development. The ""Guide forSenior Citizens" ,and the"Guide to Programs and Services for Disabled .Persons" each offer a com- plete listing ofgovernment programs and services available to assist disabled persons and seniors. These guid es are excel-,. lent referencepublications" for any senior or disabled person who wants to' make thée most of the many opportunities which are offered in the Province 4.90Oea. 'A e.NARI DISKÉTTES FOR OTHER SYSTEMS AVAl LABLE ON REOUEST of Ontario. The Secretariat will automnatically send the "Guide for Senior Giti - zens" to every person in the province when they reach 65 years of age. To obtain a copy of either the",Guide for Senior Citizens" or the "Guide to Programs and Services for Disabled Persons:' write the Secretanîat for Social Development, c/o Government Services, PO. Box 102,Toronto, Ontario M7A 1N3. Secretariat for Social Developmnent (5Ontario Gordon Dean, Provincial Secretary William Davis, Premier 1925 in Cornwall, On- tario and during the World War Two served as an air gunner in the Royal Canadian Air force. He was ordained a priest in 1959. Biackweil aiso serves as the chapiain of St. -M ichael's Hospital, Toronto. He aiso taught at a seminary in Ugan- da aithough he, was returned to Canada af- ter only four months because of a heart at- tack he suffered. After the mass, a reception will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. at Denis O'Connor High Schooi. Entertaining at, 'the reception wili be the choir of the grade 2 and 3 ciass of St. Johntiie Evangeiist Schooi.' Wel known teacher d'lees Funerai services were heid Iast Friday after- noon for one of Whitby's Most prominent educators. Catherine Burwash, 82, passed away at the Dr. J.O. Ruddy General Hospital iast Wed- nesday. Miss Burwash had taught in Whitby aimost continuaiiy from 1928 to 1963 when she retired. She spend four years teaching in a Toronto Secondary Schooi. For most 0f her career she taught Engiish, history and physicai education at Henry Street 111gb Sehool and before that at the oid Whitby High School. At the time of ber death, she was a resident of the Fairview Lodge Home for the Aged. Services were held at the W.C. Town Funerai Home and Chapel by the Rev. R. Barlow. Of -'ABILITY FUNO Priest to celebrate 25 years, of service IL, -

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