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Whitby Free Press, 30 May 1984, p. 1

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The aggressive marketing techniques 0f Grand Oak Homes have angerýed the members of Scar- borough City- Council. The sign 'pictured, above is located Kennedy Rd. just north of Highway 401 and 'urges people to think about buying their new home in Whitby. However, the sign is located on private property and conforms to the Scarborough sign bylaw. The sign was erected by the f irm of Saffer, Cravit and Freedman Advertising Inc. Scarborough Controller Joyce Trimmer told a major Toronto newspaper lastweek that the sign was "ýinsulting." Alderman Florence Cruikshank told the same publication that it was disgusting. John Morand, Scarborough's commissioner of economic development said that sign "stretches the bounds of good taste" although he did ex- press some admiration for the &&hardball" marketing techniques displayed. Alderman Edith Montgomery was in Whitby last Thursday attending the grand opening of a down- town fumniture store. While she had not seen the sign she did not have any particular objections. "As long as you don't mind us fighting back, af- ter ail that's fair-bal,'t she said. "Scarborough will be doing the same sort of thing." "We'll be doing aIl that and more," Montgomery added., Whitby Mayor" Bob Attersley said he saw nothing wrong with the sign. 41 see nothing wrong with it, it certainly is an eye catcher," he said, It has created a good in- terest."1 Attersley said that signs promoting Whitby have been erected in Toyko, Japan and in West Germany and is part of an aggressive campaign to attract more industrial, commercial and residen- tial developmnent to ths> town. The mayor confirmed that the sign meets the regulations set down by Scarborough council. '&There's no problem, it meets the sign bylaw and its on private property.91 Attersley said that he has no objections to Scarborough carrying out a similiar campaign in Whitby if it so wishes. "l'd be only too honored if they put one out here," he said. ànle s ar nP r ~ï>tentatiive con<tracet A tentative agreement bas been reached between the Town of Whitby and the members of Local 53 of the Canadian Union of Public Employees. The local will take a ratification vote this Friday at 4p.m. According to town administrator Bill Wallace, the two sides signed a memorandum of agreement late Mon- day afternoon and it will be presented to 1,the town's inside and out- side workers just prior to the vote. A "no board" report had been banded down by Ontario Ministry of Labor officiais which would bave put Local 53 in a legal strike Position on June 10. However, both town and CUPE officiais bad stated publicly that neither wished a strike and would do ail they could to avert one. The dispute was over non-monetery issues in- cluding job security, job descriptions and other contract language mat- ters. The issue of money bad been previousiy resolved. Local 53 president David Sarookanian said that the bargaiming committee wil be recommending ap- proval of the new deal. "We got the best deai we feit we could achieve without going out on strike, " he said. Neither Sarookanian or Wallace were willing to discuss the specifics of the new contract until it bas been approved by the membership. Counit recognize Q ue bec teaehers Whitby Town Council wil extend its gratitute on behaif of the residen- ts of the town to the two teachers from. Whitby Senior Public Schooi who guided thier 42 charges to safety during a recent shooting at the Quebec National Assembiy. At Monday nught's council meeting, Regional Councillor Tom Edwards said that be had been approached by some of the parents of children on the trip to bave the efforts of Trudy Deacon and Sharon Davis-Dove recognized by the town. Edwards told council that when the tragic shooting took place, Deacoa and Davis-Dove spirited the chiidren in- to anearby room. "Whvilen the shlooting ceased, calrnly and without thouglit to their personal safety, these two courageous women moved the children qiiickiy out - of the btlxzlng,' hle said.. -VWhilst other groups were stili reelîng fr-om theshockýas soon as the children were safe. dispaying the calm presence of mii4 these two la&es pS- WMi- by te reassure the parents of the children tbat they were sale," Edwards continuéd. The councilior said that it wouid be more than appropriate that the town convey its gratitude te mhe teachers and te mee Durham Board of Education. "As we from time te Urne have cause te bonor our fellow citizens for some act which makes them worthy of special note, and as this incident invoived children from Wbîtby sehools, and as a result of theirotsadn conducts the events bad only a Iiinited effeet on the young people n volved, 1 urge Whitby council convey the gratitute of tme parents 0f these chidren on behaif of al o us tomte teachers for their exemplary conduct," Edwards conchâded- Mayor Bob Attersley said in agreeing with Edwards that lie would invfted both Deacon and Davis-Dove te mhe next meetig 0f Whitby Town Coueixil so that they can be properiy recopized fiv their actkme. V-114,. No. VD Wednesday, May 30, 1984 28 Pages 0 Buy a ho mein Whtby sign angers Scarboro p iticians I Town ad CUPE53 signa ,4 xl 0, i

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