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Whitby Free Press, 6 Jun 1984, p. 17

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WHITBY FREE PRESS AUTO GUIDE, WEDNESDAY JUNE 6,1984, PAGE 5 Clean radiïator and fresh coolant helIps car keep its cool'in'sum-mer Summiier drivîîîe sea.sun is rapidlý tpprti.iciii!,,as anothcr ikv winter tuleltis into the pas. I n tugier (o enioy ou r scenic higlîiways anti byway's luthc i rIfîl1lesL you shuuld iaîke sure-vour car is in Up-top shape. First. îirs sinaritgo pre- pare your car's cooling, svs- teni for a long, hot sultu- muer. Fighting summiner heatwaves (in the vacation highways w iIl put al-hig strain un the cooling. sys- 1cmn. Andi. running your car .s air condioning and carrying. ineceaseti loatis like huat irailers anti lug- gage racks puis even greai- er loatis on the sysiemi. Changes in automobile engines in recent vears have increaseti their uper- ating temperatures. To- day*s srnaller engines run hotter andi create mure work for the cooing sys- tcm. In heavy driving. l'or example. an engine coulti iheoreîically produce enough heat lu mcit an average 200)-pounti enginc block in 20 minutes. To assure a full cooling capaciîy. a 44 tu 55 percent concentratioun of eîhylen- eglycol coulant is neces- sary. The coulant aids in prevcnting huilover hy re- nmoving heat fronm the en- gifle. It also couls the auto- miatic transmission sysiemi and other ex Iras. To ensure that the coul- ing systemi will funciion propcrly. experts fromithe makersuf' Prestone Il Anti ýFreeze/Coolant ativise flushing out the olti solu- nion and retiling the sys- teru iith a fresh S5<5 mixture ut coulant and %&a- 1er. Thsshould bhe(fune once'a î ear and till pr.o- tect the engine [*roni a hî teniperailîre out nîintvs34 'l' to ai high ut' 265'l' with- a t 5-pounid stanîdard pres- sure cap. I nsial h ne cuolant-can ibh a 1o-it-vourseilt procedure. Us'-uatlv. however. drivers just drain the radiatur and ret'ilI it with anti-t'reeze coulant. 1nl tort unatelv. ju.st drainine Ithe radiato)r leaves 6<) to 75 percent oft the uld mixture in the eni- gine and heaier. 'his tIld miuxture cunta1ns harniiu rust depusits thai caTIl causec vour radfiatur tu deteriorate and malfunciion. Flushing. vour coolîieL syste ni helps prevent rus( rusty-brown culor anti los% of* nalural coloroft y'our coulant. Check lfor tiepus- is aâroundt he inside of* the- rafiatur tiller neck. '*hese are al indicaiitiltait vou have nul chaneeti %oui ctfhmtIrequeîl yenuuitgh ai111,1liat ctrrtîsitt i% ail rcv(a l l ] it vîk <t')m t col mesnteî IFor satets \ sake. wlîen checkine coulant level tir preparing lto lush Ille svs- teni. ruîite Ille raîdiator cap a quarter out aturn let of the pressure tirst anîd ithen renliove the cap. Keep your face away (or. Lse soîie kind utf tlîciaîl protection. Avoiti working near Ilhe front ut a runnini, enlgine. cspecially near the fain. Here tare sonie uther tips lu help you kecep yuur car s coo it ne svstemin iiit 'er' The johtof' the carbure- tor air l'iler is tî dean the enorînous amîcunts tif ai r useti by the engine. Il mîust filtcr tout f'treign mîaller which mighîtiotherwise get mbt the engine andi cause wear. Mots late tiodel cars anti lighî trucks tise the re- placeable dry palper filîer elements. Reriîtve the f'astener (wing nul. boit, tir clamîp) locaieti on the top otif he air cleaner asseiily Reniiîve the etiver aind pull the iller out. '1)i ean. a ChleckItle htîes i. leaîksanid craýicks . tlîeiî squeele tlheinî<ti secilt Ille\ 're littitotftior iti liard. Replaîce ailIlîtîses <liait scemît tthe imipool. etondi ltini 9 (Check t'ani helis [tir jîrt per tensioniii auîd relaice alis <hlaitare craicked tir f raîved. * iaive hIe t(henntîsta1t tested iit the en inie jindu- cates iluitaiiitl\ ruits ht tir ctihd. htult the iller h% the rimît anti lap it severaîl milies tin a tirni surfatce. To tietermine if* the <ilter neetis go he replaceti. htîld il sci ight frointa iflaislligim shoîws thrtîugh f'rti the ini- sitie turwarfs. Tlurn the fil- ter tir îîîve the flashlight (o shine light ihruuigh each section oft the iller. If'lighî dues noulps.% îhrough the filter. il miust he reptaceti. Replace the.tiller ini the air cleaner'anti reinstal the cover antif asteners. 1 V4'lile stitie cleaini tmtl and et illimie ytiur is \&ii ant tîCheck [lie cîgîdi- Siton tif tou r rad i alit-rcap. 1Il ilsý moire iliair twîiveirs t ld . chiances aire il lias al- ready 1(t,,t ils, ahilitv Iti hu.ld lrL'esstire. Thl menians youi he lciwered ilie resuli t<eiîeîher. t'tr ai liaippy %tiiîiiîer tii wheels. Lci \ot iur etil iîg s\ sterit iii sîalipe heltire vou uti titon diii rwcrr& I$10mo OFt.Clip thisadC * and yourradwontbesad. I This.coupon entities you to $10.00 off a Radman Coallng System Checkup. * Just clip out the rad'and present It ta the dealer belaw and we'll inspeot your car's radiator tharoughly. And give your hases and beits a good going over as well. Sa why flot bring your car in for a visit and callect a substantial savings? lt's a whole I lot better than'belng sorry. 97 i I TIADÂ làxkm TO PROECTA CARA rom the ravage of summer drivîng, keep the cooling syslem in shape by cleaning and refilling i wilh cool- ant. : Bettr see US than be sorry. ~i * 177 Bond Street West, OShawa 579«9552 Consul t auto mon ual when changin*g ou _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ When it is limîe wc change yuur engine tîl (cunsu it ytmou tsier*'s manual tir iniaji nenaînc schedule fotr oil chanîge iii- tervals andi engine til ca- pacity). posititon tîur vehi- cIe on a fiai surtface. Ruti the engine for i Ikw ,îmin- utes lu, warni the tiil aind help ilt drain t'reely. Place a fiait drain pant un,- der the mitir tîil drain plug and*washer. L.e(the tîil complctely drain f*rtiiî the crankcase andi dean and" replace plug aind washer. Remuove the t)il tiipstick.- Vv'îpe ilt dean and reiîîsert il îî) ils full lengîh. Theti check the dipsîick 1()î itaîke certain the engine ()il his been tiraineti. Caution: Be caretul when rcplacing the plug. Il shoulti turn eusily: if* il does nul, back il o)ui anti try again. then îighlcn fuI- ly. Place thc drain pan un- der the oil tiller. Use an oul tilter wrench andt urn -the filier cîmîrlikie reiive anud ltiîv-)%awaîv. 1Aller the ol tiiIs ps iirmp. pi ng Itrt îmîîtle emiiîe.t aike a rate aindi %Iipe lie aireai wherc stîn remuîvtîdhie lfil ter. A Isti applý a i îlîi etîaî tif* cleain til ti <le eaisket tîm the new lfter ,' iIuhricate iti. Spimn the iie% ltiller otnk the engine. turn ianmiaitdi- tional miîe haill' urn umîess uîherwise directeti hy the filier iîîaînu'aîcturer. Re'- limte the tiilIl'ill1er caîp aînd pour the requiredim aitl of* new tii Inimtti [lie eciite i C heck vt ur tîv er* iiili ual l'or thle lx pe andii arnou ni. Run the ee ite ail itile ftîrI ai le%% îtimîu<scý C'heckîtî he -sure [lic cIii pressure lîglit gtîes tîu<irs the eaiuî-e îiîdîcait es pres sure.' Shut the emîine tiltI anti check t<l iedpstick reatiing <ci he certaîi the cul level reatis full. (Check the oil filier for Ieaks. Prtîperly dispose tuf' il acctîrding to local tîrdinances. Trust Us These Pe'ople Have C.P. Rail' C.N. Rail, Loýlaws Eatons The Bay ConsWimers' Gàs The City of Toronto Bell Canada Dominion'Stores. Canada Packers. Ontario Hydro Not to mention the thousands of regular that just believe lin taklng cars ofthei l SUPERIOR RUSTPRO(C Oshawa 1 soc lvauuiIuII rivestment. )FING ..es . i'1 * 576m61 41 Air filfer 40 Russeti Ave. agi m

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