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Whitby Free Press, 6 Jun 1984, p. 20

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PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY JUNE 6, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS AUTO GUIDE New glue reattaches ÎMobile fallen car mirrors1,M One of the most annoy- ing of minor car probiems is the sudden failing down ut' the rear view mirrur bracket. It can't be bolted, weided or screwed back lu the glass windshieid, and motorists are leit wonder- ing how lu reattach this vi- tal part. Super Glue Corporation suivesthe fallen mirrur scenario with a new prod- uct called Rear View Mir- ror and Auto Adhesive. This neat two step acrylic glue will also reattach loose side trim, bumper moldings and car ensern- bics. Rear View Mirror and Auto Adhesive is simple lu apply. Firsî the glass and mirror brackcîs nmust be cleaned with a razor 1<) re- move old adhesive, then the position ut' the bracket îs.,marked with a crayon. Accelerabor liquîd with ils owfl hp applicator is ap- plicd bo both arcas. Five mintues later. the adhcsivc is applied and the miirror bracket restored. to place. Briet' hand pressure is nec- essary to insure a lirm bond. The same simple proce- dure will rebond any loose trim. t Seil your car the "NO HASSL-E" way!! .. . Now you hardly have ta do anything ta selI your car. Because now there's TRIEX: a pro- fessional network of select automobile dealers, who wil seli your car for you ...- and rnay get you more money for it! No strangers calling at your door and no more sitting at home waiting for the phone ta ring. WE TAKE CARE 0F ALL THESE DETAILS WHEN YOU LIST WITH US. We place the ads. We show customersyaur car. We sit with it. Weekends and weekdays. Day & night. We take care of ail the- paperwork. A first-rate reputation for first-rate cars. AT TRIEX. WE ONLY ACCEPT QUALITY CARS. This, allows us ta make available ta eachbuyer a minimum 6 manth 6,000 mile service contract. Sa, you can imaginê the excellent relationship we have with aur customers. THREE WAYS TO SELL YOUR CAR. NOT ONE. You can list your car with us and weII seil it foryou, Or. il we need Io restock our ownnventory. we ma, bu, the car from you. Thirdly, we can take your car or truck n (rade for one of our new cars because we're a new car dealer. (00. WE'RE PROS. We don't seil a car once a year. We seli cars every day of the week. If's whal we know and do best So. what are you waiting for? IF YOU'VE GOT A CAR TO SELL, GIIIE US A CALL ... TODAY! NURSE CHEV OLDS LTD.- 1530 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY S666-3666' Eact' Triex Dealershlp le lndependently owned& operated. New car finishes conceal warning signs for waxing Auto îiakers seek ingl.! o e\es( (eIldtlie ',Iiiiny-appear- anuii'ol L'ai,, rolliiL! >11l)e- troit production linès arc heg 1Ilili inc (o Luse a 1terna - (ive paint ,y.stenis dhat imi- pari a longer last 111e hi eh- gloss look.1 ()ne of' the îiewest pro- cesses hein , olflered 10 nie%% car huyers is a twu- coat finish that us cosmeti- cally superior tii the tradi- tional one-coat pai 'nhs. Re- f'erred ti as the -color coat/clocar cu)at** systeni. it consists ut' a base coat of* pignientcd paint over which clecar c>at ks applied tu provide al deeper. more lustrous finish.' T'he resuit is an eye- catchinj, sheen which greatly enhances' the cars overali appearance. How- ever. the new sysîemi pre- sents Nome potential pit- ('ails (o)r car omwners wh<i are ini the habit ol' protect- ing their vehicles wiîh a coat of wax only when they sec the finish begin to fuse its gleani'ing appearance. Viîh the color coat/clear coat svsîemi. the usual indi- ca<îrs (or decidinmz whén to wax no longer apply. The finish dues not duil slowlv (iver tlime. lnstead. it re- îiiains hrig ht and shiny ('or an exîcnded period even îhough incleîîîent weat 'her. road 'i lii and other-ha,- ards a na tîtuck the lfinish. The new sseIi s alsu susceptible tu deterioria- (mon (rom sunlight which can*catuse the outer clear coat laver lu di sculor and break down bi efuore itsý tinlie. 'b capital uc on Itle beauty nI the clear coat et'- fect and "ive these f'inishes the protection they nced. car c 'are experts recoinî- mîeîd Itle sainie kind of reg- ular waxing sehedule used on nmore couiventional l'in- ishes. Waxing provides cars wiîh a proteclive over- coat that shiefds the clear coat surfiace fromn harsh en- vironmiental conditions in- cluding exposure to ultra- violet radiation ('roi the sun,. Waxes containing a UV light absorbing age'nt, such as Borden*s new Sun Shield" car waxcs, have been developed t<) hefp f ght the damnaging ef'fecîts of' the sun*s rays on these color coat/clear coat -sys- teis. Their UV-absorbing capability is particularly important f'or cars main- tained in warmier. sunnier climiates. such as the Suuthern U.S.. wherc the sun is al constant threaî bo the autobody surface. Waxing the ncw lfinish reg- ularly is also pre.-eribed to- inhibit road and atmlo- sphcric particles f'romi scratching. the outer clear coat. When to Wax Existing studies indicate thîti esIablishinL, a regular wungsehedufe or a car is, the best miethod to en- sure ils f'inish is protected (miii en-vironniental cIe- ments. (ienerallv,,. a regular schedule consists of' wax- ing Ille vehicle once every two to thrc ionthls.. (ielting imb h(ie habit of un-goin e car care beconmes even more desireable whenl one considers'that consuni- ers gcnerally pay a preiu- uni foir the optional color coat/cîcar coat paint appli- cation. If an owner allows the outer layer to wcar away, the car will-require a totally new finish Job at a considerable cost. l'he clear coat cannot bc' re- sîured withouî ref'inishiiîg the enhire car. Overseas Origins Thc introduction of the color coat/elear coat fin- ishes began with cars ('romi both Europç and Japan. Shortly a('îer its introduc- tion. UI.S. auto nanufac- turers adopted the procs to position dornesuic 'cars as cumpetitive with their t oreign *counterparts. Currently uffered lu add a superior look tbu metallic painis, the color coat/clear coal process wifl also be available in non-metallic versions as welI. Now that Detroit has de- cided lu enter the new paint systeni miarketplacc. it's apparent that the new fI*nishes arc here to stay. In fact. their use on ncwver cars miay cause us to rede- fine the way we look at au- toniotive (inishes. But re- îîîeniber that proper care and trcatmient is required bo hclp proteci vour invesb- nient and to continue drawing aduniring, glances ('romi passersby. - - - - - Mm *MMMM~MM mmm mm-m--m-m ATTERSLEY T-1IRE GOT fM IT'5 TIME .- 1TO SWITýCH JIrnEs TOIE NOW ON SALE! Bnddgestone's 212V Steel Radial for Fuil-Size cars! Sale pnice from $80.25 Sale price P185i75R13 $121.00 90.75 P195175Rl4 $142.0 106.50 P2O5fl5R15 8156.00 117.00 P215175R15 162.00 121.50 Pý225175R15 $167.00 125.25 r Wi POeTALENRoSIWEoe Great for ail ages! You could win! Contest entry forms available at our dealership. Contest ends June 22,1984! 103 DUN DAS ST. E. WHITBY 68-3356 162 KING ST. E. OSHAWA 571-3400 y - TURN DRIVING TIME INID SCANNING TIME with a radio de- signed specifîcally for mobile applications. The Bearcata 260 mobile scanner monitors police, tire and weather transmissions. Its 16 channels can be programmed with frequenciesfrom eight' bands. The bright green florescent display clearly shows the ire- quency and channel number even in sunlight. For night-time scanning, the electro-luminescent keyboard backlights each key 50 every function is clearly visible. Best of al, t can be installed in virtually any vehicle. DENNIS ANDERSON oo)OIdsmobiIe 268 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY, ONT. 985-8401 "&NOBODY DOES IT BETTER"5 PARTS 985-9273 -A NEW WAY: TO SE'LL YOUR USED CARS List Your Car With Us ..-. And We'II Seil It For You . é Size/Description [ý ý M M . ý ý ; iiiiiiiiiiiiq; ý = 1

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