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Whitby Free Press, 6 Jun 1984, p. 26

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PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY J UNE 6, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS AUTO GUIDE H e drives the world's roads in a $20,OOO antique auto Driving a 52-year-old, $20,000 auto 'round the world, the antique-car hobbyist Kurt Petersen took along 600 pounids of assorted spare parts and FAWCETT MOTOR- CARRIAG E CO. (1981) PARTS-SERVICE- -BODYWORI<--PAINT- FOR VOUR COLLECTOR CAR OR VOUR DAILY U SE CAR CALL US FOR AN ESTIMATE OR COME IN TO SEE US. 106 PALM ERSTON AVE., WHITBY * 668-4446 sought peak engine protec- tion and performance in of- ten rugged going by using a modern'"man-made" motor ôil. And his wood- paneled 1931 Model A Ford amazed camnet drivers at Egypt's pyramids and went 550' miles an hour, with Kurt at the wheel -. aboard a 747 jet convert- ible transport, carrying cargo and passengers. Petersen, 29, of Renton, Washington; co-dri ver Judi McMillin, of Kent, Wash- ington; and three other couples in three other vin- tage Model A's spent four months driving 16,000 miles, and going 24,000 addiîional miles by ship and'plane,on a globe-gir- dling 24-country tour that found them paying with a shopping bag of Egyptian money for a flighî 10 Bom- bay - and changing an axle in an all-night repair job in Syria's rocky emnpti- ness. These 1 930s cars proved to be rugged travelers, though some modifications (like extra gasoline tanks and beefed-up elecîrical systems) were made that Kurt calîs "recommend- ed" though not mandatory. The cars carried extra cans of motor oil- Kurt d rove 16,000 miles without changing his synthetic Mobil 1, and used much less thian his compan ions, who used conventional oit. He also says he found practically no wear upon tearing down his engine back home. The group also carried some 40 spare parts, with major compo- nents interchangeable among the four cars. Petersen, a facilities car- penter for a big corpora- tion, advertîsed for a co- driver, recruihing thirtyish Judi McMiIlin, a computer operator. She says required knowledge includes Kurt's prel'erred way of starting a cold Model A: key to ".on,"' spark up, choke out, step on starter, feed a littie hand throttle; when engine l'ires, choke in, spark down. The caravan flew their cars [rom Cairo to Bom- bay, at $5,500 a car. Two of the women got $19,000 in Egyptian mon- ey aI a bank - nu bills big-.- ger than $10 and needed an hour to count - and t ook the money in a shopping bag by cab through Cairo's crowded streels. Car Collection Petersen's world-travel- ing Model A is a wood- paneled *'Special Deliv- ery- encli)sed light truck, one of' 18 such Model A's lefI in the world. He redid the woodwork at home, where his mother has a wood-working business. Protect inve stment f rom. rusting away *old Model A "Woodie' gets oil check from owner-driver Kurt Peter7 drives a 1929 Model A four-door everyday to work. Petersen's around -the - world 'Woodie'" was the ishers in the 1983 Califor- nia-to-Indianapolis Great American Race for pre- 1942 cars and was featured in the traditional parade in- auguraîing the Indy 500- No. il hais nothing lii do wiîh stocks. bîînds. even taîx shelters. But il dees concern ai mai'jur consunmer investnment - vour caîr. which for niost is the sec- ond lar est i nvestmnent next te the purchaise of* ai home. Noi> natter whethcr vour aul's ai used heap tir top- ulI-the-line îîîodel . iC s hest 10 aippIv sonie preventive tiiedicine heloire daimaige o)ccurs. daniaige such as rusa -- arn insiditus cie- nment that can destroy your auto) tir recreaitional vehicle wav hefbre ils lime. Jamnes OTonnor. direc- tor )f technical services t'tr Rust-Oleum ('urporation.1 hais ai lew befOre aind ailler pointers in deaîling with rust: 18 Apply rusI-tinhihitive prners aid tiipcuaits loi the mo1st 1susceptihle-w-rusî spots: inside doors. the lloîîr. under dou)rsaind lenders, areas around holes in the body --whîch imans latches. antennais. reair vîcw îiirrurs aind lights. 0 T ihe reail d ainîwýe r lunes. a c c )r d i n Lt ( ()*('oîînuir. airc the ciliaSSIS aînd udsdeil urvehi- cIe. *i'hit\ ,whercegrime. Leath rinî., riMd sali. dir aind abhraion gci together li Iîîriithe orrustinj. cutidit huis. 0 Finaillv. should rust geî there hel'ore you do>. prepaîre the surface, fol- lowing the paint manufac- turer's directions. and prinie. prime. prime with an aiuto ilve pri mer (hait' s eîmpatihle wiîh mlost autoînotive linishes. How 1<> test ils compatibil- ily'? First. try il on an uncx- posed area. prime and then touch up wiîh a coaîing that matches the l'actory finish. Repair kit saves auto upholstery r'aîikit 1).auoiîîîl siteis.leairs and aet ual illitruidled h\ Ilie Supler. (le ( 'orpi brailtonlî 'Flhe Af.\utî \îî'l 1<paîî Kit ooiisse ai setel tiîve clips ut liquîd \I11\ 1In iii1 îiiarx c diiltliaittIlie ci w sullier ean)heî i îatt ail Iltle 55 stantdaird.\iîi cail anîd [iipeiiCal.Lip- ol Iserl slil,- il\il l ili dlîied l iit e\èerkit toi îî.ke tilt' îih i l liii.ill! sii AillSUNROOFS are flot allike! BEFORE YOU BUY.. compare OUR quality& price -- Theý' SEfYAZgives you that original 10w profile appearance, Vkit .a Ç FlV/f l /74mw hrLanrCu m l W v1 2 ,00Size: 15 x 30"y L$INSTALLED PS.TExtra MdlN. S1 668m81 61 668* 7262 ai s îîl a ii g ehy lnuii- l'ilu r dilleren t tex tuLrle paîtt tcî'îi t'aiîîiîwpalipers aire ailsu> i neluîdcd t) enaîble the' repaîir tii hlcnld îivisihlwiîth an\i î.raiil ior pu-l ster\. .\ccirdîîeluFrainkSi laii'îse. )('h etiper (iluie ( 'i e'pi ir Itlîî. tlie 1fi lel,' tuai- tenit îiIbi te'.v kit is the O 'encrai l Siiîîrs [Ord. anîd S'h rý sler-. lhereîîure. tle cîiliuliicr caili e i.eî-tail î 11iait li lie0 ai\e anîîe\ail -I klîi Ii[l i eletie - lig- ai (Jeep scr'aitch on a firaiîd îie%% aminresî .uîr a sîiîdeîî 2aislî cai ed h\ a shiairp () itecî l I iio1ll( Iliere liais îe\ ciheeti an iet lettî4e . tquîck aiîîd cel) \%a\~ lo i îeiîr t-thsîid etrj(q tlipliîîste-\ (lainîagee. 'I11is kil aii'ltiaill\ repilaices the h îst[ vill\ iiit1 enlai . ci aible,, Illi'e lit ni'-lo i'll tlie liui' S1.1ls ai. Cars are costly The Most exPensjve -item in your Personal energy, budget is probably the operation and maintenance of your car(s). Why spend more than you have toi Use that small, light.. weight car as littie as possible and keep it tuned to best Use its fuel. And try walking or cycling, please. ROUND-THE-WORLD 52-year- sen. t He has four other Model A's, Iwo British Triumphs, a 1951 and 1953 model; and a 1954 Mercury station wagon. He keeps five of his cars at home, three at Ask for Bud Erickson 501 B ROC K ST. N.mi WH ITBY Visit a SPÀEFffYAUMUL4SS branch NCIW

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