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Whitby Free Press, 13 Jun 1984, p. 22

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,?44.E2, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS Mm PR... 1o j Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject to the following conditions. ARTICLES 1 TCE ~~~~~~FOR SALE " F0RSALE FOR SALE Kenmore humidifier, $20. Antique floor radio, $50. Mantel radio, $10. Baseboard heatere, $20. Floor polisher, $15. New scaiioped edge blind, $20. Beatty automatic antique Ironer, $50. Leather suitcase, $15. Prices negotiable. Cali &1&8080. FOR SALE rad, $120. AMIFM caaaett, $100. Roof rackt, $20. S Bike, $15. 10 speed bike parts, $10. Altemeator, $30. Master cylinder, $15. 2 Honda Civic rima, $30. Double bed eprIng, $10. Snowblower, $150. couch, $25. Phone 655-8758. ONYX CHESS SETS, Aztec style, assorted colore, $55 each. Frigidaire automatlc drier $100. Record collection, 500 albums, $1,200. New 8 mnan tent $160. Bally raceway plnbali machine, neede some work, $350. Phone 985-9258. PINE CANONBALL bedroom suite. 9 months aid. Movlng muet soliI. Excellent condition. Asking $1,300. Cal668-125. CAMERA Ricoh KR-5, 35mm SLR with case. Like new. $120 Telephone 655-4110 after 6 p.m. FOR SALE Flexpring diving board, 12' Iength for swlmming pool, $100. Approx. 220' chain iink fonce, 2" mesh ln il gauge, vînyl cavered, 42" high wlth galvanizad taprail, cae, rallend assembly, affset bande and ten- alan bars, (note na poste), $165. Aiea 3 gates, 42"1 hlgh x 33" x 43" x 43", $17 each. Pool vacuum hase, 1W"x40', $17. Aiea ¾;" rape and 4 bouys, 20' length, $15. 3 bicycles, 1 mens, 23" Simpson Sears, 10 spead Fira Spîrit, $75, 1 boy's, 18"- C.T.C. Supercycle, 3 speed, $55. 1 ladies 19"C.T.C. Supercycle coastar, $60. Ail the aboya In gaod condition. Oeil Len 655-4719. HUMIDIFIER, $75. Brase and fiat back glass door fireplaca caver, $50. 1974 Austin Marina, 1978 motor, burensona il, excellent runnîng candition, gaod body, $900. Oeil 686-3323 anytime. FOR SALE Craftmatic bed, $50. Power whel chair, $200. Stan- dard wheui chair, $290. Shelva rack, 4 shelves an castera, $50. Shelvlng, 4 panels and loe, $40. Office chairs, $12. 5 Shelve ltter rack, $22. Dymo label marker, $25. 40 pos. tap and dia set, $15. 40 pos. sooket set, $14. 16 H.P. Craftman banch 'grindar, 6" wheisa, 3140. Phone answering machine, $80. Humidifier - 2, $75 and $115. Vice 4W'", $40. Air con- dîtionar, $250. Barbecue Falcon mark V 30,000, 54" long, grill 16x34,4$200- Hedge trimmer B & D, $22. Rear windaw viser for Van, $10. Cash box, $15. Circuler saw, 7WV' B & D, 9 AMP, 4900 RPM, $40. Freezer, $50. Desk, 7 drawer, $50. Golf clubs and bag and cati, $60. Wheel chair uphoistery, ail sizes, plain $26, embosed, 336. Phona 571-1696. FOR SALE realistlc receiver/am- plifier and speakers. As new war- th $400, asklng $175. Qlueen size Rayai Orthapedlque mattrese unused, $75. Pthone 686-1360 af- ter 5 p.m. DININO ROOM SET - buffett, hutch, table and 4 chairs. Ex- cellent condition, $595. Singer sewilng machine In cabinet, $95. Men's 10 speed bîke, $70. cali 6834M3. PANASONIC, B & W, 6" screen portable ACDO, $90. Woodstave cylinder shaped, '" thlok steel, wlth cleanable emake stack, very sturdy, $300. In lino hat water heater, 220 voit, new $55. Cal 2828760. ROOM SIZE carpeting, nearly new. Light green, il ftx2lft, $340. Llght blue, llft.xll½hft., $140. Tan, 10½hft.x11½tft., $130. Phone 434-5560. REALISTIC PORTABLE Programmable Scanner. 4 mon- tha oid. AC Adaptor and batteries mol., $360 firm. Ask for Terty. Phone 433-8658. COMPUTER - Radio Shaok TR5- 80 Mod. I., 16K. Includes keyboard, monitor casaette drive, Joystick, manuel and handbooks, plus quantlty of cassettes, $300. Phone 655-3854 after 5 p.m. 18", VIKING coloured T.V.. for sale, $50, worklng condition. -Gendron strol er, good condition, sunviser and parcel bag, folds f lat, $20. Sears Kenmore vacuum 'cieaner, lnoiuding beater bar and accessorles, worklng condition, $40. Phone 688-7269. ONE PAIR ladies rouler skates size 8, $40. One aluminum door 34" x 80", $15. One Marson spray paint gun like new, $75. 50ft. link fencing plus gates $30. Phone 683-8145. CEMENT STEPS 22" high x 4' wide with wrought Iron rail, $80. One bundle cedar shima, $5. Some plywood pleces. 1" round atone, $10 yard. Green roof shingies. 855-4035. FOR SALE Exetron Strlngy Flop- py Drives 0 & 1 for TRS80 model. Plus 33 wafers, data i/0. ESF monitor, Edtasm RIS patch, eiec- trio spread sheet. Smail bus. bookkeeplng. Asking $275. Bruce 668-1965. TWO BATHROOM medicîne cabinets, $15 each. One Pot Pourri, $25. One Coca-Cola por- table cooler, $20. One 7" Jackson Oscilloscope, $75. One Heath Kit oscilloscope, $35. One Porselin bathroom slnk, $25. One La Fran- ce foamite copper flire' ex- tinguisher, $30. Solid oak chIlda sohoal desk, $45. Phone 6U8 4098. INTELLIVISION Il112 games, ln- tellivoice module, ,cartridgp holder, lesa-than year old. $375 or best offer. 668-6539, ask for Paul. -PLEASE READ - When the advertised Item le soid, dIepoeed of, or unaveliable f'r whatever reasan, the Item willi be deemed to have been sold and a commission wiii be charged besed orn THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Illuatrated below, rsgardless If price la stated wlth "beet offer". If the Item le NOTSOLD, or dlsposed of, the ad willi be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE 0f $6.00 wiii appiy payable Inadvence 0f publication of the firet ad. Otherwlse e$7.50 charge wilii p- ply if bilied which muet be peid upon receipt of bill. The aboya minimum charges wili be appiied ta the final commission due but ln eny case the higher amount wIlli be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-pald; 37.50 biled. Maximum commission: 3100.00. Ail advertlsements muet be piaced on an ex- clusive besis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atieast one moiîth If not sold. 6% of advertlsed price up to $4M.00 RATES (if article Io sold): 2% of balance over 340000 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertlsed for $120.00. Commission due $6.00 (minimum charge la $6.00). Private advertising onlyl Pleese notify the Whitby Free Press Immediately when Item le sold s0 thet we mnay delete il from the following Issue. Ail ade not fitling the Emporium guidelines MI be treated and charged per week as regular classified ada on a pre-paid basis such as: services, help wantad, ciothing, real estate, and personai message type adia, or ada flot quoting price or quantity. PrIvate ciasslfied ads may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whtby, Li N SS1 -If ln doubt oeil: 668-611.1 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brook St. N. '.Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ARTICLES .,ARTICLES FOR SLE] ORSAELEI FOSIEL OLD OAK DESK, 48"x30", 3 aide and 1 front drawere, $60. Phone 668-3034 after 5 p.m. FOR SALE il H.P. tractor, $1,200. Admirai dual-temp refrigerator, 28 cu. ft., harveet gald, $150W. ad- mirai 30" range, harveet gold, $100. Teak dînette set, table and 6 chairs, $2W0. Teak dInlng table and 4 chairs, $500. Teak buffet, $200. 2 Girls' chest-of-drawere, $70 each. Complete Teak bedroomn set, $350. Girls' desk, $50. 2 wooden chest-of-drawers. $30 each. 2 wooden bunk bede, 375 each. Teak bed, for dant, $120. Kemmore waeher, $150. Kenmore dryer, $150. Two-piece sectional, $350. Antique radio In cabinet, $50. Large wooded desk, $60. Drapery, $200. Bicycle, 10-speed, $70. Wheei barrow, $20. Phone 683-7132 after 6 p.m. BOY'SIGIRL'S convertible bike, 20" tires, $40.Bay's bike, 26" tires, $30. Electric barbecue, $15. Phone 668-8429.. VIDEO MONITOR for personal computer. Zenith 12" $99. 683- 3894. HEAVY DUTY mechanice tools, 3 boxes, $1,500 set. For Infor- mation colt 433-1114. APARTMENT SIZE %washer and dryer for sale. 1 year aId, new condition. $400 for pair. 668-668. FOR SALE wlndeurfer, new. Asking $600. Phone 668.592. BIKES ladies 10 epeed, $60. Boys and girls, $40. IBM electrlc office typewrIter, excellent condition, $100. Plcnic table, $30. Oak chaire (4). $15 each. Bookcase, $18. Step-ladder, $10. Car rampa, $25 a pair. Electilo tove, good for cottage, $50. Oak table, $85. Cali 683-6638. FRIDGIDAIRE DRYER automatic, perfect working order, $185. Bed chesterfleld, double, good con- dition, $175. Oak crib, excellent condition, no mattrese, $150. Phone after 6 p.m., 655-4164. FOR SALE Colonial style, maple, 7 pce. dining suite, Includes 47' table with 12" leaf, 4 chairs, 43" buffet and hutch, $725. Colonial style maple captaîne bed, 3 drawers and 4 book eheives. In- cludes posture board, $190. Cali 666-1565. KUBOTA FLAIL mower attach- ment, new, 5 foot wlde. $1.800. Phone 655-3477. FOR SALE new maple dinfing set, 6 chairs, stlili ln boxes, $1,000 new - asking $800 or beat offer. Green antique satin drapes, $50. Dinlng room llght fixture, $30. Aluminum door, $25. Tires 14x15 Inches, $5 each. G.M. rime, $10 each. Bumper jack, $8. Muet salI. caîl 571-0271 anytimne. I AUTOMOBILES *OAF LiuAL1 1976 MONTE CARLO as la or good for parts, $450. Phone '655- 3823. 1976 DUSTER for parts or around town. Motor good, $300. 655. 4289. 1975 DODGE DARTr SPORT 318 V8 auto, mechanlcaliy Ai, top end rebuili, bille ta prove. Little body work necessary, good rub- ber, easiiy certîfiable. $500 as le. 6683692. 1974 MAVERICK 8 cyl., auto, good mechanlcaiiy. AskIng $200 or beet offer. 1971 Toyota corona - good mechanlcally. AskIng $250 or beet offer. cal 668-9335. 1974 CUTLASS SUPREME 350 4BBL. Good engine, recent front end work, new water pump and hases, snow tires on rime. $500 or beet of fer. 6662760. 1974 VEGA $100 or beet offer. Phone 655-3865. 1972 TOYOTA CELICA ST. $100 or beet of fer. Phone 668-7546. 1971 VW KARMEN OHIA Resiareable condition, hard-top. AekIna $800. Phono 8668-3052. 1983 YAMAHA DT 125K. 2 stroke, liquld cooled. $1.000 or beot of- fer. Calîl Steve et 668-409. 1963 IT 175 YAMAHA. Asking $1,600. Phone 668-8592. 1981 HONDA ORSO excellent condition. Sprlng tune-up juat completed. $550. Phone ý655- 4271. 1960 KAWASAKI KX 80 Excellent condition. Asklng $550. Phone 688-9426. 1977 YAMAHA RD400 muet seli. $450 flrm. Cali Mark 579-2312 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. SUZUKI 35 trail bîke. $35 parts. Cali 655-4271. INSERUENTS LADO ROCK "1V' electric gultar serial No. 0004. Perfect shape, comes with Case, stand and 4-10#1 -speaker cabinet, $525. 686539 ask for Paul. KAY GUlITAR for sale includes case and 6 watt amp., $150. __________________ Phone 655-3865. UPREPAIR/PARTrsIIUE O 1 FOR SALE baby scale, welghe in GOGOS I pounde, $15. Phone 723-3710. USJ PIESPLIES FOR SALE West Af rican grey parrot. Can taik, 12 years aid. AskIng $800. Phone 668-7012. 1One ad In the Whitby Free Press Empori- um Section wili li aimoat anythIng. Cali 668-111 ta place your ad. PICK-UP TRUCK ~Tonneau covere to fit Deteun, Ford Courier and Mazda Trucks up to 1979 wlth a 6' box. $25. Phone 282-8760. CADIN CRUISER 1963 Chris Craft Cavalier. 283 angine, leepa -5, canopy top, electronice, refur- bished, dockage pald tili May/85. $6,500. Phone 666-3957 after 5 P.m. Meet ithe"Recycler o! Unwants" PJJ Th@ Emnporium section GI the WhIIbv fr00 Pressi There Is no rea- son to* keep things you don't need or enjoy be- cause they're val uable. There are Customers willlng to pay good money for thlngs you've tir- ed of. Contact the "Recycler of Unwants", the classified depart- ment of the Whitby Free Press. You wili be pleased with the quick resu ts. As fast as phone call, suits happent a re- I have read the Emporium guidelines and wlsh to have the following advertise- ment placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. (don't forget to include your phone number) 1:l I enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. ED Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. nl Bill me $7.50 af ter f irst publication of my ad. Card No. Exp. Date Namo <p lease print - f lrst and Iast name> Street Address City Postal Code MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock StN. Whitby LI N 5S1 Coli Us Now At, 668-6111 Or Use- This For,, To Maii Your Ad -lu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _OI BEAUMARK washarlspin dryer. Perfect condition, ùnder warren. ty. Asking $275. Phone 688-4310. HOOVER SPIN waeheridryer far sala. 10 monthi aid. $275. Phone 683-4104. KENMORE - DISHWASHER Por- table converted toae bulît-in. 6 years old, harveet gaid with black door, $50. Phone 668-8271. FREEZER, WESTINGHOUSE, 19 cublo feet. Neyer bean used. $300. Oeil after 6 p.m., 668-4870. T3EIILEI MOBILE TRAILER, 30' Chevron (Executive Moael). 1 bedroom, kitchen area, living roam area. Self-defrastîng refrigerator, self- cleening aven. 3 Plece bathroon.- canapy. $9,500 or beet offer. Cen b. seen on site. 723-3710. TENT - Canadien Tire Cempmate Hlghweli. 12'x9lx7'x5,2"-, f boor 1 place 100% Polyethelene, vinyl coated screenlng oni windows and zippered door, 100% san- forized cotton walis and roof, used once, $175. Telephone 666. 3408. SikRoon, Equïpment Loan Service <I - - - - - --*-*-- ----------- -~-..--- i. "mi.

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