PAGE 26, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS -MISCELLA NEOUS SERVICES DISTINCTIVE flN WEDDING INVITATIONS au s *SPORTS EQUIPMENT DENTURE THERAPT 214Düda . E 14'ig t.W WhitbyOshawa -6-797 -'7- Opn ekdy Icldn.0ND Y e w ~ J.A. will help students create theiir- own jobs High sehool students are being offered an alternative to summer unemployment through the Summer Enter- prises program. Summer Enterprises is an Ontario Experien- ce '84 program that is funded by the Ministry of Industry and Trade andý the secretariat forý Social Development. The program is co- ordinated by Junior, Achievement of Canada. Summer Enterprises will provide 350 high school students in seven Ontario communities wihan opportunity to gain hands-on experien- ce in operating a business. The com- panies formed will be profit-sharing partner- ships and the students' earnings depend on the manufacture and sales performance of com- pany members.. E~1~c~U u~.wîrxia '~'4 ~\~? Students will learn to mun their own small business, in the program under the guidance of Chris Gar- ner,- Program Manager- and Denis Johnson, the Assistant Program Manager. "We are not offering students a job, but an alternative to being unemployed durlng the summer months," Gar- ner says, pointing out that there is an oppor- tunity to earn money depending upon the in- dividual's initiative. "The main purpose of the program is to provide students. with valuable work ex- perience and a con- structive learning ac- tivity to fill in part of their summer. 1 "We are looking for ambitious 14 to 18 year olds who are interested in learning ail the facets of operating a small THE CORPORATION 0F THETOWN OFWHITBY TENDERS FOR VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT Tenders wII be received by the undersigned un- tii 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, JuIy 4. 1984 for the following vehicles and equipment. W84-29 Two Snow PIow Equlpped Dump Trucks, G.V.W. 34,000 Lbs. W84-30 one V4 Ton Plckup Truck W84-31 One Two Ton Cab and Chassis W84-32 One 27,000 Lbs. G.V.W. Cab, and Chassis W8433 One Vacuum Type Sweeper Speoifications and tender forms are available at the Town of Whitby Treasury Department, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontarlo. Telephone (416) 668-5803, extension 236. Lowest or any tenders not necessariiy accep- ted. MRS. GAIL GOSLEIGH, PURCHASING AGENT. thie Doctor JoSeph O. Ruddyr General Hospital- THE CORPORATION 0F THE ,DOCTOR O. RUDDY GENERAL HOSPITAL ANN UAL,.MEETING Notice is hereby given that the Annuai Meeting of the Corporation wili be heId WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27TH, 1984 commencing at 8:00 p.m. ln the cafeteria of the hospital The meeting wiII be held to: 1. Revlew minutes of previous meeting 2. Receive Reports 3. Appoint Auditors 4. Eleot members to the Board 5. Dlscuss any matter raised at the meeting. Copies of the Hospital By-Laws and. Financial Statements may be examined at the office of the Secretary at any time during normal business hours or wiii be maiied to members on request. By Order of the Board, J. Miller,, Secretary business, Garner added. The eight week program wiil begin Juiy 3 and wiiI end August 24. Students are expected to _give 20 hours of their time each week to operate their company. Approximately 50 students wili be selected, (through interviews) to form the two companies that will be operating in Oshawa this summer at >the Junior Achievement Business Centre on William St. E. For more information about the program, Garner and Johnson can be contacted at Summer Enterprises at 644-7051 between 9 arn. and 5 p.m. weekdays. Free l1ung' tests By ERICA NEMIS The Durham Region Lung Association will be offering free Lung. Fun- ction Tests at the Sheridan Mail on Friday, June 15 from 1, to 6p.m. The association's ob- jective in providing this service is to identify in- di viduals with the early symptoms of obstruc- tive, iung .disease, and encourage them to seek prompt medical atten- tion. Testing takes ap- proximateiy four minutes, is çomnpletely painless and. does n ot require removal of clothing. The procedure 45s not anl X-ray. It is not necessary to make an appointment for testing, which is provided' on a "1first corne, first- served"l basis, with test resuits calculated on the spot bya qualified respiratory technolo- gist. The lung association hopes that by offering, easy access to iung fun- ction- testing, more people wili become aware of potential threats to their respiratory health. It is estimated that programn co-ordinator of the Durham Region Lung Associaton.4 St.John Ambulance- TeneeFnedne