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Whitby Free Press, 20 Jun 1984, p. 19

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__________________________________________WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1984, PAGE1 Whltby's Most WIdeIy Read- CLASSFIE D ALS AAMET/ ot A UTOMOBILES GADNING WAMTED TO SEVCSCONDOS FOR RENT FOR SALE AND SUPPLIES AND SUPPLIES BIJY/RENT WE 0O, carpentry, pîumbing, siding, cement, mesonry, patios. 876-890. FOR FINISHED BASEMIENTS, recreation roome, bathrooms, shingiing, etc. A icensed carpen- ter et your service. Cal Oan's Renovations et 57".29W. JPGARDENING &MAITENANCE Grass cutting, retaining waIl, sod, patio stone work, wood fencing, pruning and weed trim, private edge and shrub. Residential and Commercial. FREE ESTIMATES CALL 728-4017 COLOUR ANALYSIS Discàver the colours & shades that com- pliment your skmn tone & enhance your best features. OnIy $30 per Consultation COlU Sharon Taylor KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBUS Hoiy Femily Parieh Whltby are pleased ta announce the 1084 Charties Raftle Winners - May 19. Ticket No. A277894,. Wlnner-.Ramy Forget. Prize -1964 Olde Cutiaeee. A115000, Thomas W. Payton, 1984 Oodge Carevan -Wagon. B223905, Edith Henkineon, 1984 Plymouth Turismo. A696467, Ody Argente,, 1984 Ford Mustang. A237697,' Earlm Thurber, - 1984 AMC Aliance. ô*Oujujow AupJneSI 3'VNlnr CONGRATULATIONS on your forthcoming merriage. Plase view aur sempleof mngraved wedding invitations et your loi- sure In aur Aax Plaza store. Dick- son Printing &l Office Supplie 683-1968. 9 SECEJ "GRAMMAR for people who hate grammer" le the Ideai pocket reference book for business people. $3.95 per copy and aveit- able et Dickson Printing & Office 1uppiies in ir1s1...xrIa . usier CAR CLEANING Interlor, ex. terior. Donseat your home, et your convenience. C. Carlyle Esquire, 282-8760. ARE YOU STARTING A NEW BUSINESS? CALL L.D. MacinnIs -CASE >Co-ordinator (416) 571-1355 to assign a Counseilor ta advise you on ail aspects of operating your own business FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPM ENT BANK CASE COUNSELLING * vCanadâ Backing independent Business HIENDERSON - Mr. & Mrs. Ron Henderson are happy ta announ- ce the arrivai of their tiret gran- dchiid, Lindsay Anne, weighing 8 Ibm. 1 oz. on Frlday, June 1, 1984. Praud parents ae Mary Jane <McAuiey) and Neli Henderson, and grandparents are Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McAuiey, and delghted great-grandmather Mrs. Lueila Neii. FL~' ORD ' WU VACATION I WWRENTSALS FLORIDA Ciearwater - Three bedroom mobile homes. Heated pools, tennis, close ta beaches and major attractions, children weicome. $225.00 U.S. weekiy (lees than motel oom). 683-5503 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT ln email Whitby buildind. Adulte anly. Inciudes tridge, stove, hydro and parking. Cable TV and laundry faciiities avaliabie. Phone 668372 between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. WHITBY OFFICE $PACE for rent an proteselonai floor. Would be suitable tor lawyer, accountant, etc. Rent Includes ail utiiities and le, negotiable for an appropriate tenant. For further information Caii 6684372 between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday ta Friday. NEED A RENTAL? Cali the Exper- tel We carry housses, tawnhouses, duplexes, apar- tmsnts, flatai Ail armas, sizes, prIcesi 579-4500 Homelocators, tes. GIGANTIC GARAGE SALE. 7 Plikinglon Cr. Saturday, June 23. 9 a.m. ta, 4 p.m. Toys, baby thru adulte clothe, turniturs, housewgre. MOVINO SURPLUS househaid Items. Many bargains. 913 Henry St., Whltby. Saturday, June 23, 9 1976 DATSUN 6210 Hatchback. Rebulit engins, new paint plus many new parts. As se $400. 668- 7904. 1975 DODGE VAN. 6 cylinder, goad running condition. Muet ssii. 683-3085. 1973 VALIANT reliabie elant 6 engins, easiiy certItied, $825. 666.3068 atter 6 p.m. ARTICLES SARTICLES FOR SALE] FOSAE~E FR SAUL m.m. tuo 3p.mi. Hein uiae uîiuy,- June 24. BUSINESS - OPOTUNITIES AMERîCAN COCKER SPANIELE LEARN TO DRI VE available for stud. Canadien* Tractor Trailer or Champion. $50. Pthone 571-2911. *Straight Truck* _____________- 1.416623-18001 EBOATSI SUPPLIES CMN PROP à SKEG REPAIRS (5 day EET service). Expert boat repaire - do- it-youreelt tibreglase supplies. Oshawa Glass Fibre - Rayplex. 341 Durham St., 579-1433. 12' SPRINGBOK aium. boat c/w Johnson 6 h.p. motor. Includes anchor baler and 2 iifm jackets, $1 ,100.8668-2923 atter 5:30. COMPUTER CAMP Varlety of computers. Marning, atternoon or evening. 'For mii ages. 10-20 houre for 385-$149. Cmili683-7767 N~OUONODI AUVOOTIVE U~EARPAR/ARPARTS] CAR REPAIRS badywork, tune- ups, peint job, etc. Reasonabie rates. 66&-7620 anythme. REBUILT TRANSMISSIONS, moat modela, $185.001 Cmii Bob 683-0811. enquiries Invited 68168. "R Y L 1 ~~lmEOR SALE FOR RENT FREE: Drap Into the Dickson Printina & Office Supply store ln 12a 79 IIV AMAHA Gfl nau r TYPEWRITER rentai, manymakes and models, by the weekmnd, week or month. Diecounts availi- abis. DIckeon Printing & Office Supplies ln the Ajax Plaz a i us for businees machine repairs 683-968. the Ajax Plaza and pick up a frea' copy of their 1984 MetrIc Caien- dar. Prlnted In two coloure. It mekes for handy rmtersncm. 683- 1968. ning condition. Phone 668-2596. ABS WORK WONDERS wAIT ls CALI S081111 AI OUALITY ueed railroad ties. Free delivery. $10 mach. Cail 623-' 1269. CHESTERFIELD suis, love- sate, sectianals, less than 'h price. Large selection. McKesn Furnîturs. 524 Simcos St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. VISIT aur used turnîturs wars- houe by appainîment. Big savinga on deake, chairs, t liing cabinets, etc. Caii Diokean Print- Ing & Office Supplies ta arrange an appaintment ta view. 683- 1968. MATTRESSES and box epringe et hait price. McKeen Furnîture, 524. 8imcoe Street South,.OsheWa. 725->5181. BARRELS - WhIskey, $25. Rum, $30. Guaranteed, free dmiivsry. 688-1645 or 686-0257. 1"HEROES of the Bibls" coiouring book avalable et DIckson PrInt- Ing & Office Supply, Ajax Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer Inquiries ln- vited. CLEAR COMPUTER PAPER, 40mm cisar perf. box of 2,000 sheets, $35. Maing labe, box of 5,000, $40 or $10 per thousand. TRS80 colaur computer, Inter- facing cannsctors,- $1 ach. Calii after 6 p.m., 688-3958. FOR SALE Kerimore drysr. Frigidaire stave. Ladies CCM 3- sesd touring bike. Cali evenInga, 666-3387. MOVîNG SALE -- plana,' Lloyd baby carniage, baby car seat, 2 chesterfielde and one chair, maple bed, swing sest, 6 drawer dresser, colour TV and black& white TV. 655-3097. ~~iLU CARE YU S"'CIES ARE YOU LOOKîNG FOR Home Day Care? Durham Pratessionai Home Day Caro has supervised homes ready ta take chiidren tram 6 weeks ta echoal age. Why not give us a cmli,we have a home suitable for your chiid. 266-1207 or 433-2515. WASHER à DRYER, bath fuliy automatic, vmry gaod working condition. Muet b. seen ta ap- preciate. Cmii evenings or weeksnds. 427-6922. BANKRUPTCY SHOE SALE. Farmsriy style-Lits Shaes Ltd. $1, $2, $33e pair. 109 Brock St. S., Whitby. MOVîNG MUST BSELL. Vamaha pre-amp, model 12B1, like new, $300. Tashîba power-amp, 40 watts per side, excellent con- dition. $200- Phone 579-8890. FOR SALE 2 freezers, 14 cu. ft. and 12 cu. tt. 2" portable TV. AMIFM dIock.,8 ft. couch. Remeonabie. 434-6257. CHILDS' spring hare, $18. Sterea, console floor model, French Provincial, excellent con- dition. $75.576-6153. SINGLE 4 POSTER Cannanbail bras e bd c/w boxeprIng and mat trees and caster trame. Beet of fer. 668-1834. GEOTYPE prese-on lettering naw ln stock et Dickeon PrInting & 0f- tics Supplies In the Aax Shop- ping Plaza. Large sesection of styles and sizes. Why pay more for a emaller sheet of iettening? 683-1968. TWO OVAL MIRROR waii moun- ted bathraom vmni ty units. $20 each. 668-2923 Ïtter 5:30. You neyer have ta teel aione. Shop ihe ade ln the Whltby Free Press for news of cam- munlty happsnings, enter- tainment and socli evsnts ln your areai WHITBY FREE PRESS WANTED coins, gald, sliver, loweilery, china, etc. Privete 579- 394. PIANOS WANTED. Cash paid for new and used pianos, any con- dition. Aiso sales and service. Phone Teiep Piano Works, Oshawa, 433-1491. WANTED USED APPLIANCES (Working or Not) 'WE BUY, SELL RECONDUTION 131 Hawoo 68-3 7 Aa THE WORLD ISYOURS ... IF YOU KNOW THE RIGHTPEOPLE... Wherever you nrove Ïhe Wei. tome Wagon hosîmas le t ho right persen'to M.ip you t md a place ln ybur new community. Cali 608-8943 HELP FIGNMI KIDNEY DISEAE Charlie has dropp ed a load tram his mind by placing an order with Dickson Printing & Office Supplies, the best by test! CA I S .:68 16 Al Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wiIi flot be liable for failure ta publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tion beyond th-e cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the f irst insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta classify or rejeot ail advertise- ments. Ads must appear in the paper one day before they can bechanged or cancelied. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; 1ilit each addition- ai word If pre-pald. You may charge your 'Classifiled Ad ta TTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADV ERTISEI your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa Card ready when calîing. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12e each additionaî word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f irst 50 words; 12e each additionaî Word*. AUCTION SALES - 34o per line. (No word ads alîowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are availabie at an addltional charge of $2.00. The Whltby Free Press wll make every en- deavour to forward replies ta box numbers, however, we ac- cept no iability regarding Ioss or damage alîeged to arise through failure or deîay in forwarding such replies. %Ne wilI not be responsibie for box number replies not called for within 30 days. DEADLIN ES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or cariCel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication ta insert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 M .~ I i t. e C Acroas f romn White Oak Apt. Buildings. Closed on Sundays. -Q AFFOR5LIE FAMILY, FUN CAMPING TRAILERS Ses the beautitul No. 1 seliing Coleman Camping Tralers with the quslity and name you trust. Easy tawlng, iightwelght desIgn, sets up tester and has mare iuxury livIng space. LOW PAlIS AND FREE REFRIGERATOR DEAL NOW ONI IFully Equpped Sn way Sales -C u ipus fun in yourtaife' 2069 8IMCOE ST. N. Acrosf rom Durtham Collage OSHAWA PORT PERRY 571.2Z10 985-2910J , AONEMENTS ONMNT m L s CHECK OUR LOW EVERYDAY PRICES' On niew chesterfields, bedroom sets, colonial dinisng rooms, and kitchen suites, beds, etc. ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St. E. (At Riteon) Oshawa ý numumumma

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