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Whitby Free Press, 27 Jun 1984, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY. J UN[L 27, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS Whît'by's Most Widely Read ifý1) AD I G HELP WANTED PART-TIME BABYSITTER OPPORTUNITY abmitious roqulrod ln my homo for Soptom- man/woman. Availabie for Im- bor. (Gardon & Bradley) Wod- modisto opportunlty. Earnings nasday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 potential, $300 por wook to start. p.m., two chiidron, non-amokor, Largo National company. cal rofroncos roquirod. 868&9759. 723-3412. WANTED 15 tolophono rocop- LEGAL SECRETARY. Buay tionlats. Muet droos noatIy and Pickering Lawyor noods speak cleariy, Apply to 1380 socrotary wlth at ioast two yoars Hopkins St, Whltby. Betwoon tho Rosi Estato oxporionco to replace hours of 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mon- socrotary on loavo for 6 months. day to Friday and 10 a.m. to 2 Phoneo839-5121. p.m., Saturday. WANTED roliablo hoip for WORD PROCESSING & Micro Tuosday ovoning, 7 to il p.m. In Computer Introductory coursos. Pickering aroa. Must be able to Throo woek spocial, $95. Longor lift fumituro. Phono 985-8181 or coursos availablo wth certificato 294-1890. and job pacement. 8n7767. RELIABLE PERSON ta caro for 2 BABYSITTER REQUIRED for 18 boys, 5 and 8 yoars. Shift work, month oid girl ln my homo at muet hava own transportation. cochranef/Rossiand ln Whitby. Dunlop aras. 886-3091. Light housokooplng dutias. 8 ta 8, waekdays. cali 668-2489, altar 6 p.m. WANTED Light local doiivery _____________________Muet hava own omnait car, muet droos noatly and spaak HUGH EARNINGS. 1 nood 3 ciaariy. Appiy ta 1380,.Hopkins mature, onargatic, upward St., Whitby. Btwaon the hours af movIng Individuals to hoUp ma 10 a.m. ta 5 p.m., Monday ta axpand business.Salas ex- Friday and 10 a.m. ta 2 p.m., porionco hoiptui. cali 7233412 Saturday. for Interview. Up to $25000 plus (applancas). ____________________ RESPONSIBLE carlng Nanny sought for 2 childron, 21k years BSABYSITTER REQUIRED n your and 7 manths. Starting Septom- home for 2 baya. Agas 7 and 4. In ber, Monday ta Friday, il a.m. ta the E.A. Fairman Schaol area. 5 p.m. Manning and Brock aras. Part-tima and shift wark. Non-omokor, refaroncos. 668. Rafrancas ploase. 66&W527. 39m. "LEARN JOB SKI LLS FAST"5 Enroli now for August or September <t's not too late to appiy) *Health Car. Aid 4 mos. *Word Processlng (specialists) 6 Mo$. (Business Systema) Micro Computer 12 mos. *Accounting 14 mos. *Bookkeeping 10 mos. oAdministrative Sscretary 12 mas. eLegal & MedIcal Secretary 12 mos. I Celcl -eetoit6ms LIGHT MOVING jobs, (tr&ck provided>. Cloan bock yards, cotiars, etc. For bost service caili Dan anytImo 723-2368. RETIAED ACTIVE GENTLEMAN. Business oxperience, desirous of keoping mInd busy and hands occupiod. Wiil consider any ramunerativo proposition. Own car. Sales considorod. Full or' part-tUrne. Cali 683-6850, proferrabiy evenInga. MAKE MORE MONEY WORKING OVERSEAS IN COUNTRIES LIKE U.S.A., KUWAIT, SAUDI ARABIA, ETC. ALSO ALASKA AND N.W.T. PERMANENT I TEMPORARY WORKERS NEEDED ARE TRADESPEOPLE, LABOURERS, PROFESSIONALS, ETC. FOR FULL INFO, SEND VOUA NAME AND ADDRESS TO: BOX 727, STATION "F, TORONTO, ON. TARIO, M4Y 2N6. AUCIN S, I SIMPL E i The simple solution to cleaning storage problems - in tthe attic and garage is a Ciassifiled Ad. WH-ITBY FREE PR.ESS............... 668'6111 AUCTION SALE WED., JULY 4 6:30 P.M. Hwy. 12, 11/2 miles north of Brooklin. Watch for signs. The property of HARRY GRAATS of Newcastle and GIFFORD BEATON of Whltby. Moving to senior citizens home plus an estate from Deep River, Ont. Furnlture, antiques, gar- den tools, good china, two good dining roomn suites, dlocks, Royal Doulton figurines, Belleek china, good washer, dryer and dish- washer, plus many more articles. Excellent sale. More details next week. ROSS IMCLEAN AUCTIONEER 576-7550 AUCTION SALE SAT., JUNE 30 10A.M. Power of sale prcceM~ngs - JOHN SCHIEDER, Part of lot 11, Conc. 4, belng part 28, plan 40R-1821, Town- ship of Brock. Building lot by public auction. Approximately lSoft. wide x 75 to 100 deep. Located on number 12 Hwy., south of Sun- derland. On road allowance near Cono. 4. Watch for slgns. Terms cash or approved cheque. ED IMCMVORROW AUCTIONEER P.O. BOX 730 LIN DSAY 705-324-3085 or 953-9444 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FR1 DAY, JUNE 29 6:30 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west 0f Lndsay on the Lin- dsay/Little Britain Rd. 9 piece walnut dining room suite (refinished), pine corner cupboard, 8ft. oak showcase, 6 matchlng pressback chairs, walking spinning wheel, washstands, reflnished dressers, 6 oak dinIng room chairs, oak bed, chest-of- drawers, 6 piece dînette suite, Westinghouse air conditioner, roto-tiller, 7 h.p.' Sears riding lawn- mower (electric start>, quantlty of tools, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER ROOFING CONTRACTORS Roof Repairs (shingle type) on Varlous Buildings at the Psychiatric Hospital, WHITBY, Ont. Tender No. ORI-84- 063 Sealed Tenders will be received until 2:00 p.m. local time on TUESDAY, JIJLY 17, 1984. Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the Ontario Ministry of Government Ser- vices, Orfillia District Office, 24 James St. E., Box 790, Orillia, Ont. Note: For f urther In- formation regardlng the tenders, please caîl the Tenders Of- fice at the above ad- dress, Telephone (705) 325-7403. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. ( ) Ministry of Govemment Service Ontario Charlie has dropped a ioad f rom his mmnd by placing an order with Dickson Printing & Office Supplies, the best by test! CALU OA,. 8316 -- 1 POr TCPlTU/? WHITBY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The W.W.I. celebrated their 85th anniversary at their year ending meeting last Wednesday. A good number of members and visitors enjoyed the dellcious dinner at the Magie Car restaurant in Oshawa. Following the dinner a very enjoyable social time was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Gregor where each member was presented with buttons in the Woments Institute colors of blue and gold printed in honor of the 85th anniversary and the bicentennial year. A special vote of thanks, a gift and a signed card was presented to Mrs. Josephine Smith, who has s0 ably filed the role of secretary-treasurer for the past several years. The date of July 5 was agreed upon to hold a meeting to plan programs for the commng year and the meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Laura MacCarl. Ail executive members are asked to at- tend. This concludes'the meetings for the Women's In- stitute until the fail. Remember to keep the July 5 meeting and the members of the Whitby Women's Institute wish everyone a relaxing enjoyable sum- mer. DR. ROBERT THORNTON' PUBLIC SCHOOL Grades8 Graduation Last Thursday, parents and friends joined to wish the grade 8 classes of Dr. Robert Thornton Public School bon voyage and much success in high school. This is a significant turning point ini their young lves, and many will now be separated in different classes and even different sehools. We wish them al the best. Awards were presented to: public speaking - Laura Muilen; best progress in special education - Lloyd Haggerinan; most improved girl - Ruth Douglas; boy David Prout, music - Michelle Lariviere; art- Wade Clark;. French - Laura Cleary; English - Dana Lynn Stewart; geography - Leanne Ray; histroy - Jodi Nichols; science - Nicole Deutsch; math - Chien Chen; school services - Paul Carcone; citizenship - girl - Jennette Wagner; boy - Peter Needham; general proficiency - Jelessa Gib- son and Michael Martin; and, outstanding student - girl - Roxanne Kwan, boy - Manique Sanghvi.' Dr. Robert Thornton is nated for studenits who achieve great honors in their continued stuclies, and this year's grade 8's will certainly equal previous graduates. We wish you alI the best. STRAWBERRY SUPPER The Whitby chapter, 0.E.S. wiil hold their annual Strawberry Supper at the Masonic Hall, Cochrane Street in Whitby on Wednesday, July 4, beginningat 6 p.m. Admission for the dinner is $4 for aduits and $2 for children 12 years of age and younger. Tickets are available by cailing any member of the Whitby Chapter or Bey. Rogers at 725-5008 after 5 p.m. COMMUNITY PICNIC Just a, reminder of the Thornton Corners School and Sunday School between 1910 and 1960, picnic reunion to be held at Heydenshore Pavillion on Sun- day, JuIy 15 at 2p.m. It will be a pot luck picnic, sa be sure to bring your special dish, Plates, cups and cutlery will be provided, as well as tea and coffee. For further information, cail Erma Wood at 668- 3W8 or Queenie Pipher at 725-2036. This is the first reunion for the Thornton Corners group, but they plan to hold one each year if the at- tendance necessitates it. Our thanks ta Queenie Pipher, George Lofthouse and Erma Wood for arranging the reunion. This will be the last column until September. On behalf 0fevrone ain the Cridotii- r, haeoa rt%- The mobile exhibition of the Canadian Unity Information- Office will be at the Whitby Maîl on July5, 6 and 7. The purpose of the exhibit is ta, provide Canadiens with infor- mation on the programs and services offered by the Governument of Canada. Highlighted are those programs dealing with fisheries, energy, manufacturing, housing, agriculture, youth, crown cor- porations and agencies of the federal gover- nment. Admission is free and variety of brochures will be available. The exhibit, will be open frorn 12 noon ta if] p.m. on July 5 and froni 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. or July 6 and 7.. AU MONSTENDER >4:I THE WORLD IS YOURS...IF YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPL E... Wheravor YOU n' ove the Wel- coma Wagon hosl3Ss is the rîght porson Io help you find a place Un your naw community. Cali 668-8943 4f -:~7.' f 7 ~'f, Corridor Capers By MARY MCEACHERN SCail 725-8967 with items for this column 1 ýi *1 caiâ ""ý

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