WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1984, PAGE 17 Heat pumps and home heating *»».«~~~ le. peration. switch'to electricity for you presently use o)il, i- OFF OIL... home heating purposes. stalling a 'Heat Pump ON ELECTRIC If you convert your wWl make you eligible The federal gover- heating system to for the grant. iment's Canada 0OÙ reduce oil consumnption Before you decide to >ubstitution Program, by at least haif, you are mùodify or convert your Inourages homeowners eligible for a taxable present home heating vith oùl furnaces to grant of up to $800. If éqtupment, take a look Wrap & grill a hot dog treat Fun to fix, neat to eat,' and one-fourth of the gether, making 5 wraps. nd great for the grill- aduit daily requiremnent. Slice hot dogs down the vhat better way to cele- Hot dogs also contain center (but flot ail the way rate National Hot Dog iron, thiamidne, riboflavin, through). Cut Colby 4onth this July. Kids wiil niacin, phosphorus, zinc, cheese into*julienne strips ove them, because they're Vitamin C, Vitamin B. and place in the center of twist on that old favorite and Vitamin B,,. each hot dog. Top with a -the hot dog on a bun. long julienne sllce of onion (ou'll love them too, be- Dogs in a and strip of dili pickle. ause they're practical ly Sesame Blanket Brush inside of wienei- in ali-in-one-meal. (An 24-o.pcae wrap with chili sauce and ptional dress-up is the 24o.pcae fold wrap over stuffed hot ýddition of sesame seeds wiener-wrap dogs; pinching dough to )n the outside.) Just serve 5 hot dogs seal. Sprinkle wiener-wrap vith raw carrot sticks or 1 oz. Colby Cheese with water and dip into adish circles alongside, 2V2 slices of medium sesame seeds. Grill over nd you're ail set. ofliof medium coals, (about 6 In addition to preparing i large dili pickle inches from the source of quick, economnical meal, (cut into 5 equal portions) heat) turning several times '11'I also be providing a I1'/2 teaspoons ch.ili sauce for about 25 minutes or ýutritious one, too. Just Sesame seeds (optional) until sesame seeds are wo hot dogs supply one- 1 Open wiener-wrap toasted and dough is nicely hird of a child's daily packages and unfold. browned. Yield: 5 serv- equirement of protein Press aiternate seams to- ings. t at ail the options. Elec- trie heating offers many choices - heat pumps, baseboards, forced air furnaces, hydronie boilers and 'dual energy' systems (a combination of electrie NI with oil). We'il give ,you a detailed pictureof your electric heating options and the government's "4Off-0il" -program. Consider the future- and get the facts noW. EWCASTLE GOLF COURSEI 18 HOLES - PAR 70 -*Electrie Cart and Club Rentais *Dress Code ENDS MIDWEEK $9 18 holes $7 $7 9 holes $5 4:30 $7 Twilight 4: 3o $5 ewcastle village, off Hwy. 2, on Golf Course Rd.) ,TwYw1WXTI rU'LTEUP.Al' Il 987-4851 o THE HEAT PU Escape the swelter of summer heat. Keep your home cool with an electric heat pump. You con choose a heat pump that can do ail your cooling and winter heaiing. Or one that wiIl do the healin1g with some help from your exising furnace. There's a dcean, easy-to-install p heat pump just night for your home. And after a long cool summer, you'll appre- ciate the economy of the heat pump in winter. Phone today aÉmut economical year-round comfort. WEEKI 18 holes 9 holes Twilight4 (2 mles E. of Ni WHITBY HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION 128 B ROCK ST. S., WHITBY 668-5878 -J T r;'.7yY*'. ""r' . 4 3 ~ ~ & wê'ê ~&I I~33 & BS 3 US ~4 ~ LA LA A A -~ ~A'A'AAAA'ALAA A £ A A A ~ 4 4 ~ .V.,.,J.!.#.1. 1.1.~,Y. t. ?.IV.tl .1 -