tAGE 16. WEDNESDAY. JULY 25. 1984, WWTTBY FREE PRESS * REAL ESTATE NEWS Beautiful Otter Creek home seling for $87,900 Tis beautiful home, at 115 Guthrie Cres., is situated on a professionally ]an- dscaped 50 by 120 foot lot. There is an existing $60,000 mortgage at 13 per cent for -four years which can be assumned without qualifyrng., The home has four bedrooms - the master has wall-to-wall closets and walk through to the bathroom. Ail bedrooms are a good size. There are also two A distinguished rentai project for active seniors bathrooms - one four- piece and one three- piece. The dining and living rooms are separate. The liv ing room is sunken and newly decorated in nuetral tones. It measures 171/2 by 11½ feet and boasts a bay window. The dining roorn is tastefully decorated and wainscotted. The kitchen is bright and cheerful, cornes with a built-in dish- washer, a new window, new cushion flooring and a natural trim have recently been added. The 21 by 13 foot family room has a fireplace and, sliding glass walkout to a 26 foot interlbck patio that has a privacy fence and standard lighting. There is also a 21 by 15> foot wood deck and the en- tire yard ia fenced and laýndscaped. ý ,)5 5 - - The home also bas an extra large size single car garage with a door to the deck and yard. The driveway is double size and paved. This is an immaculate family home and shows to perfection. For more information .cal Maureen LaBarre of Family Trust Realtor at either 668-8865 or 668- 9883. LaBarre will host an open house this Saturday from 12 noon to3 p.m. HOBBY FARM $149000. Century homne S. of Brooklln, Approx. 32 acres, Ig. barn for boarding stable etc. Owner flnanclng. Mike Beer 688-6221, 655-3884. ByJohn G. Sayers. CA The uncertainty of our in- flationary limes has laid 10 rest the traditional mort- gage where the horneowner paid a Faxed interesi rate (and hence had fixed monthl% interest and princi- pal payrments) for the entire 25 vears il normally takes to pay for a home. Now the homneowner is able to budget for a maxi- mumn of five vears - - and often onlN, three or two vears or even one vear - before having 10 renew the Dollar Sense olfers general financial advire h mern- hers of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario. John Savers is with Dunwoody & Comp- any. Chartered Arrount- anIs. Toronto. 225 Brook St. North Whitby 668-6171 668-1821 WENDY RONNY DIAMOND KLAASSEN The management and staff of W. Frank Real Estate Limited, 225 Brock Street North, Whitby are pleased to welcome Wendy Diamond and Ronny Klaassen to their Sales Team. Wendy and Ronny have successtully com- pleted their educational requirements, and coupled with their experience, would be happy to assist you in your Real Estate needs. Thsy invite their friends and'acqualn tancesa ta cali thsm ai 668-6171. morîgage at the market rate prevailing aI the time. In this situation the pers. on who must renew a mort-. gage .- or who is consider- ing the purchase of a home .must make a decision that takes two factors mbt account: Present interest rates and their future trends, and the commit- ment to a specific time frame (the terni of the mortgage.) The problemn is further muddied by the availabilitv of the variable-rate mort- gage. which provides fixed payments for a specific terni but gives the- mort- gage lender the right tb à l. ter 'the rate charged as of- îen as once a month. (The principal is moved up or down to compensale.) There are no easy answer but it is usually desirable for the homeowner who can afford 10 take out or renew a mortgage at current int- eresî rates to choose a rixetý rate mortgage of t he long. est possible terni (that is, five years). Even though this rneans paying an inter- est rate a bit higher than that available on shorter. terni rortgages, you will be glad you made the choie if inîeresî rates start clumb. ing again. If rates decline -- and ex. pect thei to go much lower because of the large under. lying "real" inflation rate . you will stilI have the oerl. ainty of as sured' monîhly payments for the five years, and you can budget more easily. Variable-rate mortgages have the advantage of flex. ibilîy in that you can con. vert 10 a fixed-rate mort. gage for a small fee, and this is someîhing that would be desirable if inter. est rates show signs of ris. ing precipitouslv. >But tbis advantage is more than offset by the un. pleasant possibilitv th at, il vou fail tb spot Ibis upi lending rates and quickly take advantage of il, you rould see your principal .ini. crease instead of decrease. ;.a.,,,~., .~.. -.-- --------~... -----------------~-- --~.---.---.~..-.-..--------- DOLLAR $EflE Modemmortgage market offers variety of choices_ Centrally located in Whitby ONE AND TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS in two small 6-storey buildings MO DEL SUITE OPEN FOR VI EWING WEEKDAYS -- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. SATU RDAY -- 10 a.m.. to 4 p,.m. SUN DAY -- i p.m. to 4 p.m. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: MODEL SUITE 666-3220 OUT 0F TOWN CALL COLLECT Af fer Hours: Cali Joan Rundie 668-9018& Heather Muckie 668-6982