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Whitby Free Press, 29 Aug 1984, p. 23

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PAGE 24, WEDNESDAY, AIJGUST 29, 1984, WH-ITBY FREE PRESS -Imm Whltby's Most WIdeIy Read CL ASSIFIED -ý FOVýES P R ENT S BPI.IS E *,,ARTICLES AMWAY VRfODuCTS. Caii66& SCUBA QED 4265 eflor 6 p.m. boot, back 1 - regulator. C bESTERIFIELD suites, 'love. $30Phono seita, sectionais, 1088 than %k prico. LargoesioctIon. McKoon FOR SALE Furnituro. 524 Simcoo St. S., Good for 1 Oshawa. 725-5181. swimming p mation ciii 7 WASHER & DRYER boha tomatîc, HEROES of god auodItIn. book avallab good ondiion. ing & Office Asklng $500 pair. 683-9. Evenlngs Or tdltd. Weekends L 427-6922 MOVINO E $250. 16 cu. f building weiç INGLIS DRYER, very good con. Point ciotheg dition, $99. Phone 668-4104. now. Bauer S 62, $20. Assi CECK OUR 10W EVERYDAy F Ot C e hsefedbdomstcl poMqM pqmpq MAINTENACE-INDOOR AND OUTDOOR Palntlng and Decoratlng Reasonable Rates - 576-0507, day or nlght ON4E DEDROOM APARTMENT In mai Whtby bulding. Adulte only. Includea frIdgo, stovo, hydro and parking. Cible TV and laundry facilitlos avaliable. Phono 668-6372 between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. J.G.P. GARDENING and Main. tenance, patio, Interlock, fencing, PIA[O4J RID fee sat. Pleasecoeil 728-017. VAATON LESO3JI4S RENTSALS VACATION TIME or Just a D. Goodman,- weekend away. Leave your home ARCT and pets ln my care. Caii Elsa A.... -r LORIDA' mobile hms. a l, major atatoa hlren moleomes 2. a oolUs, tnicoeto beaches and Y ýU R C H IL D D E S E R VE S WOky.ma)t.n moe QUALITY DANCE 6350 INSTRUCTION 3 EEZ CALL FREE: Drop Int the cko -~ GAL DO FMAN Prlntlng & Office Supply store ln 668-1251 M COLOUR ANALYSIS Discover the colours & shades that com- pliment your skin tone & enhanceyour best features. OnIy $30 per Consultation 0.11 Sharon Taylor 666-2770 MATURE RELIABLE LADY wli do light housecieanlng, experlence over 15 years, own transpor- tation.. Ciii Barbaramat 725-9154. ~OMINGI SPECIALLY DESIGNED Summer Computer Courses for icademlcaily advanced In- dividuals. 683-2226. copy of their 1984 Metric Calen- dîr. Printed ln two colours, It makes for handy reference. 683- 1968, PROP à SKEG REPAIRS (5 day service). Expert boat repaire - do- it-yourself fibroglas supplies. Oahawa Glass Fibre - Raypiex. 341 DurhaM St., 579-1433. 1972 GREW 8&-130 FIbergiasa speedboat With 40 h.p. Moeoand Tilt trailler. Electrlc Stirt motor, AMIFM caaa, Ski bar, 2 gastanks and blige PUMP. $2795. Alao 65 h.p. Evinrude Outboard motor. Electria atari wlth aIl controis. In uae until recentiy replaced with uarger unit. Good condition. Asking $800 Caii 655-4069 CAR REPAIRS bodywork, lune- upe, paint job, etc. Reasoniblo rates. 668-7620 anytime. ASSORTMENT 0F ENGINES guaranteed for sale, aisa ln- stalied Ford truck parts, Iran. oMission, aiternator, starter and tires. Caii 576-0653. REBUILT -TRANSMISSIONS, moat modeis, $185-001 Ciii Bob - ~EDCATIiNAL SERVICES WFRAERSL 'DLST & 'GRAMMAR for people who hale FOIJNO grîmmar" le the idoal pocket 1976 MALIBU CLASSIC. As la, 0 .roference book for business $700 or best aI fer. Phono 668- LOST pure broed German people. $3.95 per copy and avili- 0081. Shopherd, black and tan, 2 years able ai Dlckeon Prlnting & Office _______________ old, named Browser. Reward Supplies In the Aax Plaza. Doaler $150. Phono 666-1097. onquiries invted 683-1968. 1974 VOLVO stationwagon. As le ____________________$400. Phono 668&4218. C)qCARPSOOLS BYRET "TRAILERS -- 1 M F OR SALE] A WHITBY STUDENT looklng for -e 8 OS RIE nsel amridest Humbser Clege683NorthCentr lakeside lot fuiiy furn. with 4 pc. ter 3 p.m bedroom and 2 bunks, 10x24' _____________________ 1 AT 1 dock and gardon shed. Located IM BEI I _USED - - o cugI sand.409 Asilng $6,500. ACCOMMODATION WANTED TO SHARE 3 bedroom townhouse ln Whitby. 2 bathrooms, patio, pool table, good area. $275 plus haif utillties. Ciii Randy 6889825. ANENCEMENTS_ c i- ý - 1 &CMIAL CONGRATULATIONS on your J OAERT I forthcoming mirrlage. PleaseFO AE EN vusw aur simples 0f engrîved wecdling Invitations il your loi- sure In our Ajax Plaza store. Dlck- son Prlnting & Office Supplies 683-1968. ~THANKS MA. AND MAS. JOHN NICKLE and fîmily would Ilke to thank ail the nurses and doctors at the J.O. Ruddy Hospitaliand Oshawa Genoral. Thank you 10 ail the co- workers, friends and relatives and 1o ail the nelghbours for being 80 good whiio John's stay n the hospitai. ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... STORE FOR RENT, downtown WhItby. 14'x60', availabie Sep- tomber 1, 1984, Phono 668-1228. WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for rent on professionai floor. Would be suitabie for iawyer, accountant, etc. Rent includesalal utilities and la negotiabie for an appropriate tenant. For further Information ciii 668-6372 between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday 10 Frlday. LARGE ROOM FOR RENT, tur- nished. Phono 668-8422 aftor 6 P.m. APPLIAN CES (Worklng or Not) WE BUY, SELL RECON DITION 131 *rw o ., Charlie is only a few steps away tram the Ajax Police Station and is ordering office supplies from Dickson Printing for his anticipated long confinement. CA S OAY 4 1 LARGE BOX TRAILER 4x8, juil lîko new. $300. Phono 579-2835. new chesîrfieldbedomsets, co&, ELMER'S FURNITUF 253 Bloor StE. (At Ritson) Oshawa ~728.3473 HOPE CHESTS and bianket boxes, for sale. Cali 433-8951. OGEOTYPE prose-on ietterlng now n stock ai Dickson Printing & 0f. lice Supplies In the Aix Shop- ping Plaza. Large solectIon of styles and aizea. Why pay more for a smiller shoot of letterlng? 683-968. BARRELS - Whiskoy, $25. Rum, $30. Guaranteed, wet, free delivery. 686-1645 or 688-0257. POTTERS ROOFINO se having a special on shingllng, 40 per cent savinga, we also do driveway aealing. For more Information caii 579-3078. - VISIT our used furniture ware- house, by appointment. Big savings on desks, chairs, filinç cabinets, etc. Caii Dlckson Print- ing & Office Supplies 10 arrange an appointment to vlow. 683- 00003SîVITAMINS Jameison: write or cmii Mr. Alton for your specil mail order price Ilii. Monay back N guarantea - In Durham we WE'VE BEEN deliver, 728-4894, 725-5310, WHERE P.O. Box 1082 "B", Oshawa. L 7 Y ARS! L1J 5Y9. TYPEWRITER rentai, manymîkes and models, by the weekend, week or monlh. Discounts avii- able. Dickeon Prlnting & Office Supplies in the Aax Plaza. Cai us for business machine repaira 683-1968. SERVICESj BABYSITTING EMERGENCY SERVICE. Excellent cire given by the day. Lots of toys and nutritious meais. 666-1647. RELIABLE MOTHER of throo would like 10 do day cire in my home. Age 2 and up, roferencos available. Slarting Septembor. 668-2338. EXPERIENCED DAY CARE In my home. Full or part-lime. Fonced n yard, hot lunches, roforencos available. Brock St. and Manning Rd. 666-2752. CLEAI DEMO ý TV s L.N.A.'E, Dishes, 30%(C One C( systemr 9533 ren recelvq degree N Sale Pri CALL 9 a.M. MATTRESSES haif price. MciM sImcoe street 725-5181. REEL TYPE Lb poner bod ai complete w made by mode in local shop, S FISHERMEN c and naturailt basi opens Sel Road North. LIGHT MOVllN provlded). Cie, ceilars, etc. For Dan anytime 721, AUC FUN THE fA FAk ATTEND ONE 1 A' Please check your advertisernent for e.-iors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wiII flot be liable for failure t0 publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publica- tion beyond the Cost of the space oCCupied by the error Up to a maximum cost of the fîrst insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right f0 classify or reject ail advertise- ments. Ads must appear in the oaper one day before they Can be changed or cancel led. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; 1lie each addit ion- ai word If pre-paid. You may charge your Classified Ad t0 ,TTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready when calling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12e each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 words; 12o each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 34ç per line. (No word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press wilI make every en- deavour f0 forward rel cept no Iiability regar through failure or dele not be responsible fc within 30 days. DEADIIeES: Monday cancel Cîassified Ads insert or cancel Ernpoi i ~~.---- ~ - - %cFqý m 1 c

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