Offici*ai count shows Fenneil won a clear majority fl.... -M n.,,,- JL 1 - --. "imeoiicaLi U1resuits of last Thursday's voting has given Scott Fenneli an even bigger majority in Ontario Riding than previously thought. According to Ann r inan, Ontaio Riucng returning officer, the re- elected Progressive Conservative backben- cher earned 35,163 votes. In the 1980 federal election, Fennell was No support for hangmg CONT'D FROM PG. 1 office under Prime *Minister-elect Brian Mulroney next Monday afternoon, won't deal with the matter. "We shouldn't be presuming that they're not going to do anything.)y Batten. sided with Brunelle and said that council should- be discussing the matter with local federal MP mo tio n Scott Fenneil. "I agree with you, " he told Drumni, "I think we should have capital punishment for premediated murder. But this is a matter tl~at should be haudled by the (federal) government. " The issue will comne up again at Whitby Town Coundil's next meeting, which will be held Sept. 24. returned to the House of Commons with slightly less than 20,000 votes. The local Liberal Par- ty candidate Gary Herrema came in second with 14,519. The level of local Liberal support declined marginally over the 1980 election. The New Democratic Party's Geoff Rison held onto his party's' support base earning 12,995 votes. Finan said that of the 80,699 eligible voters in Ontario Riding, 62,677 cast their ballot. ouly 207 ballots were rejec- ted. That means this year's voter turnout was about 75 per cent, a sub- stantial increase over 1980. The resuits show that for the first time in his Ho use break-m There was no sign of forced entry when a Cawker Crt. home was broken into somnetime last week. According to a spokesman for the Durham Regional Police Force, the owners were out shop- ping at the tume of the break-in last Thursday evening although they believe one 0f the doors was left unlocked. Taken was a quantity of jewellry and a box- bottle of wine. The total value was $1,268. kit j à rà à Th eatre draw winner takes the cash The Whitby Theatre Company's winner of their draw to raise money to improve their Centre St. S. theatre was presentei with his prize a few days ago. Instead of taking the trip for two to New York City, Terry Day of Cadilise Ave., Oshawa (at right) chose to take the $1,000 cash prize. He is seen here receiving his cheque from past-president Mike Roantree and president Doreen Smyth. ______________________Free Press Staff Photo Young cartoonist exhibit at library Throughout the month of September, 10 youngsters from the Durham Region Family YMCA's car- tooming prograni will be exhibiting their work in the auditorium of the Whitby Public Library. The course is taught by well known local artist Ken Lennox who 15 also familiar to Free Press readers as our cartoonist. Here Lennox is seen with two of his students, Michael Neff, il, and Jason Deehan, 15, both of Whitby. Both boys have been members of Lennox's group for about a year. The exhibition will be open for viewing during normal library hours. Free Press Staff Photo w ~ill soon be upon us. r*~* WiII you be ready? $'~ We at '« j invite you to choose your new wardrabe (or add ta the ::: aid one) from one of the iargest collections of Fai and 3:::Winter Fash ion in the area. j::.ego e;::With such a variation in style, fash ions and accessorieS:: I we see the return of exciting -new looks withi a bien d Of Sthe aid favaurite. ::Please take time ta look at what we think is aur mast :ex citing collection yet. To give you IIi!~ a littie incentive we are featuring from ..*ego Sept. 10-Sept. 22 s...% 3:::e...reg JI!pr$imecandise S.....143 Brock St. S. le::7Downtown Whitby SCe 31,-1 6816 -,W-- - ý 1 - -- --- SEPTEMBER SPECIAL, L 1