PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1984, WHITIRY FREE PRESS o mp w RE-AL ESTATE NE WS Whitby home on rural size lot priceed at $808, 750 This week's home of the week is located on Northview. Ave., just south of Dundas St. E.--- and adjacent to Whitby- Oshawa' border. It boasts 'a good location for local and GO buses, is within walking distance for shopping: and is close to the Hwy. 401 and Thickson Rd. S. interchange. This bungalow sits on an 85 by 200 foot lot and has three good sized bedrooms which measure 3.5 by 4.6 m., 3.7 by 2.8, and 3.7 by 3 m. respectively. The charming 4.3 by 4.87 m. living room has a hardwood floor and an attractive fireplace for those long winter evenings. The country sized kit- chen measures 6.93 by 2.67 m. and has separate working and dining areas that overlook the backyard.* There is also a main floor family room which measures 6.27 by 6.1 m. It is both comfortable and spacious. The full, unspoiled basement, can be finished off at the pur- chaser's discretion. The large backyard has the potential for a good sized vegetable garnage theddouble ~ j makes for lots of ample parking. This home's vendor will hold a mortgage with a» good. down paymerit. To view this charmiilg property in a quite residential neigh- bourhood caîl Andrew Wood of Family Trust Corporation Realtor at 668-8865 or 655-3169. LETS SEEYOU DO IT... OIJ[DOORS! Pc7rTiCiParn 1 SUPPLIER 1 SALES REP 1. CALL DELIVERY W#IEN YOU WANT IT/OWJTATIONS WMEN YOU NEEO THEM/PROMPT ATTENTION s e * 683196 e.Y 0 LETIERHEAD 0 tNVEtOPES. 0 BUSINE SS F-ORMS 0 INVOICES 0 CATAOGUEfS * CAL ENOARS * BOOKBINDLNG " SNAP SETS " CONTtNUOUS FORMS 0 BUSINESS PORMVS " ANNOUNCEMENTS " TICKETS 0 8INOE-flS 0 COLOFI WOR>< " INVENTORY CARS 0 S4HIPPING TAGS " LABELS " NEWSLETTERS " NCR FORMS " SCRAT CtiPADS " CI*ATIVE DESIGN *CHEOUES *PRICE LISIS " BROCHURES " RAISED PRINTIfl3 * INSTANT PRINTING 9 GOLO STAMPING 0 PHOTOGRAPHY A COMPLETE PRINTINO SERVICE FOR THE PURCHASINO AGENT OR BUYER FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE e PICK-UP & OELIVERY * COPY DESIGNI,& PREPARATION THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY PLANNING DEPARTMVENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Monday, October 1, 1984, 8:30 p.m. Meeting Hall, Whitby Municipal Building 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario A Public Meeting of the Administrative Committee of the Corporation af the Town of Whitby will be held ta consider an amendment ta the Whitby Of- f iciaI Plan. The proposed amendment will incorporate "Community Improvement Policies" ln the Whitby OfficiaI Plan. Such policies willi nclude the goals, objectives and means of implementing Cam- munity Impravement projects and the criteria used ta Identify four pQtential Community lm- provement Areas. The four potential areas for Cammunity Improvement praposed ta be designated by the amendment are: (1) the Dawntawn Commercial Core; (2> the aIder residential area around the core; (3) Port Whitby; and, (4) Broaklln. The purpose of the public meeting is ta present the proposed amendment ta the public and ta permit interested persans an apportu'nity ta make submlssions. If you are unable to attend the meeting, your written submissian may be filied with the Planning Department by October 1, 1984. ROBERT B. SHORT Director of Planning Corporation of the Town of Whitby WE'RE THE NEIGHBOURMOOD Çonhv, PROFESSIONALS. 824 Brock St. N., Whltby 17 0 WI® 668-6221 GOLD JACKET REALTY LTD. member braker (Acrass f rom the Curling Rink) OTTER CREEK SPLIT-LEVEL L.R. overlooks sep. D.R. w. cathedral ceil., fam. size kit. w. S.G.W.O. ta priv. fenced yard and deck, cozy F.R. w. brick F.P. Asking $93, 00. Lillan North 668-6221, 668-7479. y