PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, SEIWEMBER 19, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS Police The Durham Regional Police Force will im- plement a new crime prevention program Oct. 1 that is designed to reduce the number 'of false alarms the force responds to from the business community while increasing the possibility of criminal THEIf THE BEST Insul Plus The New Steel Stoerm Door Systems comblnlng beauty and superlor Insulatlon. By PEACHTREE DOOR CANADAI eeWhitt 900FI Whitt 668-2 appreh Accoi Chief' the for, 5,514 1983. ( cent w "invali( Edwa these represe NE WE S7 1by..........m............S. HIopkins St. Iby, Ontario 2252 686-1 853-1 getting tc iension. of ail calls for police ýrding to Deputy service during the year Dave Edwards,. and consumed $37,500 in *ce responded to manhours. alarms during "Obviously, these )f these, 98 per figures are unaccep- rere found to be table and the force is ýd confident the new ards said that programs will flot only responses reduce the present nt five per cent number of 'false alar- ms' and therefore, the amount of rA ND manhour/dollars spent, but also ciminish apathy and complacen- cy sometimes associated with crying 'wolf' too often," Ed- wards said. The program is aimed at alarm users who abuse the system. Should an alarm tran- smit more than four 'false alarms"l to police (because of human error or other cause) during a 28-day period, the business involved will receive a caution notice. This notice advises the company that 'if more than, four "false alarms" are' received within any subsequent 28-day period within one ýhOwrOOM year of the notive being howroomserved, then police ser- vice will be suspended for seven days. 857 However, the business involved is granted 10 eugh onalarm abusers I4uJ'SEVTEMBER SPEITy 1 W STETC NEDLEI IN*/S