PAGE 22, WEDNESDAY,,NOVEMBER 21, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS REAL ESTATE NEWS w I Goodfellow bousle sen'ing for $ 199,000 '~ Z ~ FAMILY TRUST CORPORATION r NIEALTOR 623-6622 SPACIOUS'AND PRIVATE, BUILDING LOT wlthln Whltby town lmits, preferably on ravine or backlng on greenbelt. Betty Smlth, Famlly Trust Corp. Realtor, 623-6622. room, with built in china cabinets witb leaded glass fronts, 15 of a size large enough for formai and gracious enter- taining. Crystai ýknobs on ail doors, and leaded, glass windows, com-, piete this elegant main, level., but for the Hollywood type kitchen running along the .back of the bouse, and an ad- jacent 2-piece washroom witb pedestal sink. Up the expansive staircase to tbe second floor, you wiii first come to a famiiy . room witb fireplace, completely wainscotted in pine and running off from bere you'Il find a many win- dowed sun room. Aiso on tbis level is the master bedroom witb five-piece ensuite bath, and two other buge bedrooms plus tbe main four-piece batb. Up once again to tbe FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES FLOOR SAMPLE c LIARANCIl BUY NGW AND SAVE o'PRICES EFFECTIVE THIS WEEK ONt Y!! 7 PIECE PINE BEDROOM Set consiste of wlng mîrror, triple dresser, door chest, 2 rilght tables, 54" headboard, footboard w/raIls. Avallable In hoooy or tobacco pîne, hutch mîrror also avaîlable. Ro,. Pdce '1991 BRENTWOD- Traditional 2 plece sofa & chair. 1 00/o acryllc fabrics. Assorted floral patterns. Reg. '12981 CLEARANCE MUE $79900 BODIGARD Adjustopedic mattresses. Ouilted, long wearing cover, match- lngftoundations optional. Reg. Il1590, CLEARANCE PRICE $9700 SKLAR-PEPPLER eontomporry3 pleo sofa, love- st& char. Sid oak trm, Ssyntheotmlxtuçufabrlc. Bee only. Bqs.'900 ~ CEAAN0 2079"0 Ouson Anne chairs, 1 Ã")"'. nylon ordray4on. Beige or taupe. CLEARANCE PRICE $9980 KRGEHLER Swivel rockers, 100%! acrylic pile. Brown, beige, rose. Reg. '3890, CLEARANCE ~ S REFLECTIONS 7 pc. chrome kitchen sel. Large table M"M6", finished in Sylvan oak, 6 well-padded chairs n saddle vinyl. Rg 691 CLEARA NCE $90 PRICE $ 9 0 LAR SAVINOS THROUGHOUT OUR STORESO SHOP NOW! third floor, , there are two more spacious bedrooms and anotber four-piece bath. An ideal retreat area for-a purchaser wbo does not require ail five bedrooms. Piumbing, wiring, and the heatinig system are ail ver~y recen t-and the roof wsrpaei 1983. The basement is large and has possibilities <for recreation fac*iliti es'. Last but nt least',,this faitastie home has a This stateiy oid Whit- by residence, located at the corner of Athol St. and Trent St., has recently been iisted for sale with Famiiy Trust Corporation Reaitor, Whitby Office, at a iist price of $199,900. Buit in 1914, by a renowned publisher of the times, the house was presented to Graydon Goodfeilow and his bride as a wedding gift from his parents. The massive foyer with its original wood- work bas solid oak beveiled glass French doors leading both to the living and formai diming rooms. The hugh living rooms boasts a gorgeous firepiace as a focal point and stili another set of French doors leading from it to a gracious roofed verandab, in the tradition of a grand oid manor home. Tbe dining FOR SALE --ýl LES REALTOR IOSfMWA &33-Ugli R:M# lijr-e 0 1 . WHITBY $75,000. 3 bedroom bungalow on large lot weIl located,- close-toschools and ,shopping;t'only, 2 years old. FRED GILES REALTOR,901 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA - 433-1114. secondary staircase, from the kitchen to the second floor. This home has bigh ceilings tbroughout and is decorated in a tasteful manner. Floors are hardwood, cushion floor and luxuriously posh carpeting. For an appointment to viewthisremarkale, property,>cai hirey Sinden of, Famnily T.'ýrust Corporation Reaitor atý 668-8865 or at 668-5190,.. j 1 & 2 Bedrooms Loeated In Parkland Setting Central Whitby " Two Smà li 6Storey Buildings " Activity Centre, " RentGuaranteedTo Jan. '86 " Ail Utilities cine. Except Telephone & Cable TV " OutsideParking mIne. rn i 4L'9-5 DAILY -.10-4 SAT. &SUN. (416) 683-9557 lTtLSlà A NEW CONCEPT IN.LIVING for 55 and OVER FAMILY TRUST CORPORATION REALTOR 101 Brock, St. Se Whitby 668-8865 DU IIMSSt. E FURNITURE ~~tmuky AND APPLIANCES ST. E..,WHITBY 725-1133 ~ 32 COULTON COURT VERY POSH $109,900 - n lovely area of executive homes. AIl brick, main floor family & laundry rooms. Spiral oak staircase. Plush broadloom through- out. A real pleasure to vîew. LOADEDI! $87,900 Brick '-Bungaloiw ln West Lynde wlth huge basement apar- tment. Central air & vac. Lots of pine ln- cluding main floor' Florida room. 18 CALAIS St. $83,9w00 TERRIIC< PRICIEI 4 bedroorni P storcy in West Lyride. G~oodfeUlow flouse WE'RE THE NEIGHBOURHOOI PROFESSIONALS. 824 Brock St. N., Whltby ~EETfL 0.668-6221 GODJCKET REALTY LTD. (Across from the Curling R lnk) "SUPER LOT" 199 FT. S Three bedroom in desîrable Otter Creek, flnlshed R/R wlth f loor to celing F/P, decorated thru-out. Ail this for less than $8,000 down. Karen Geary 668-6221, 668. E: 1~ I M~~< VOGIEL CLAANE$34900 FREE LAYAWAY e FREE OELIlVERY --T- 1 »».L. ---r- ÃŽF N 1