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Whitby Free Press, 21 Nov 1984, p. 24

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PAGE 24.1 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 198.4, WHITBYFREE PRESS Whltby's Most WIdeIy Read __CLSSIIEDALS Tl TR LE S ,,,ARTICLES RIESTND S WAIYREI~NT FOO RALESFOR SALE g FOjRTSALES __RICEFORYIENSALELE WANTED antique., old furniture, 361 HOUSE TRAILER on ecenl ONCSEfreoîu o 5 H.P. DIESELaicopeor IF E U O E Nchina and glas.. Phione 655-3528. lakeelde lot fully lum. wlth 4 pc. cage for large dog. 3 fI.ecreen $2500 or beet offer. Portable * GIFED UROEANbath, frldge, stove, etc. Meter door, good for cottage. Cmli 608.- andblaer, $350. Two ton CARD AND PALM READER i bedroom and 2 bunka, 10x24 9M.5 Vuican air floor jack, $375. One JANITORIAL We'ii ask you no questions, yet read youlCnr on Scugog Island. Aeking $6,500. EOTYPE press-on letterîng now and mage, $250. 653503 I elri 1 1r.liAar-naaI Are you flnally fed up with everything that r 'e using to control t? ecan heIp- 110%. CALL our Hotline No. 1-814-231-1800 HOASES BOARDED large box atalle, Indoor arena, heated barn, lounge, dally turnout and ln- dividuai feed programa. 655-4889. NAJLA MADY, ýPaychlc' Broad- caater/Author . la înow ',In Miaalaaauga and taklng appoin- timenta for private readinga, daya, even 'Inga or Saturdaya. Cali 276- 1070 or 273-7999. BEAUTIFULLY YOU. Proteaalonal colour analyaia and coametlc' conaultant. This Chriatmaa b. aa beautîful as you MASTER fCRAFTSMAN Complete Remodeling Service Bath., Kit., Rec. Add., etc. One cal does it alhi Free Estimates Ref erences Avallable Gilbert Harvey 579-1138 ,COLOUR'ANALYSIS, Discover "the, COlurs & shades' that com- pliment your 5kmn tone & enhance your best features. Oniy $30 parOonauitation Ca277 WANTED USED APPLIANCES> (WorkIlng r Not> WE BUY, SELL & - ML RECON DITION t'TMTIVE U~REPIPARTS CAR REPAIRS bodywork, lune. upa, paint lob, etc. Raaaonabie ratea. 668-7620 anytime. DONT LISTEN 10, anyone aiea, we pay top dollar for acrapcara and trucks. 668-712. GARDENINO TRANSMiONS AND SUPPLIES Most Models, $1865.00 MISTER TRIM LAWN and Garden 68J Service. Eaveatrough cieanlng-8301 pruning, fertlllzing, iandacapIng, top dreaaing, fall dean-up. Free eatimatea. 57948571. PALLOCK OýRCHARDS tGRO.WERS WHITBY Featuring appies, pears, cider, Honey potatoes etc. Everyday '10w prices. Firat entrance north 0f FRossiand on Hwy. 12 eest sîde. Open .Daily. TelDUmanne 655-1464.-- RLGST & BELL. &BELL.- General Oointrac- ABFUN 1 -* tora, ren'a., Impras. loba,rbig andy amail. For free eat. Jamnea Bell LOT OG- EAR Col 655-4497. LS O EADCli _____________________ Shepherd -mix. tan and- black W E I /A j/ female. Loat In Harwood/Taunton ,11m..-mm. .m..¶ Hwy. 2 area. Anawera 10 the name ~JANN uNcEM NTsI Shannon. 683-4393. THE FAMILY 0F Tony and Dora PETS & Veatera of Whtby Invite frianda SUPPLIES and' relatives 10 attend an open (D houe on the occaion Of their FREE PUPPIES, 10 go 10 good 501h Weddlng Agnnvereary 10 b. home. For, further information held et 209 Anderson St., Whitb'y., écaIl 655-4. Pr,,f.I 1984. Beat wlahee only pleaae. CONGRATULATIONS on your forthcomlng marrnage. plae. view Oursaimplea of engraved weddlng Invitations aI your lai- aura ln our AjaxPluaastore. DIck- son Prlntlng & Office supplea W3.1968. ROOMS FOR RIENT downtown Whilby, large yard, $50 a week. 066-3121 afler 4:30 p.m. ACOMODATION ANNOUNCEMENTs WANTFn fum 4n t.. KOZLENICO - Paul and Karen nea Godfrey> are dellghted ta, -an- nounce the blrth of thair second chlld, Malilaa Dewn,- on Frlday, November 16, 1984, at Ajax. Pickering HoaPital, waighing 7 lbo. 13 oz. A baby eMater for Trevor. Thanke 10 Dr. D. Mander. aon and nursing etaff ai Ajax- Pickarln Hospital. FREL« Dop Imb 1h. Dickaon PrIntlng & Office Supply store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up a freer copy of their 1984 Mtric Caien- dur. Prlntsd ln two colours. » Il make. for handy referance. 683- 1968. WAOUN. IWOBLD IMIIUU UUOUM apartmant for February laI. Prefer Ajax area or, Whltby. Ex- cellent raferancea.,Cali Jean 686- 2001 daya, 579-9871 eveninga and weekenda. ~WISORN1 FR E SELF-CONTAINED three room apartmant, downtown Whitby, $375 par month, utillîlea ln- ciuded, refarancea required. 666- 3121 aller 4:30 p.m. ATTE] Pleese check your advertisement for errors' on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will noi be liable for failure to publish, an ad, or for typograpâiic erors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or rejeeit al edvertisements. Ads mus tappear in the paper one day beforethey cen be changed or canceiled. CLASIFIED RATES:- $3.50, for 20 words; lit each ad- citionial word fpre-paid. You may charge your Classified Uliallv lin I MeUpepleai Dickson Prînting & off ce Sujplies fust es refrasiinga ipi ool. Yau wilJIto OFF ICSPA FR. REIENT WHITSY OFFICE SPACE for rent on profeaaional floor. Would be aultable for lawyer, accountant, etc. Rent Includea ail ut1iiitiea and la nagoiabia for an appropelale tenant. For further Information Cal ,668-672 'batween 9:30 a.m'. and 5 p.m. Monday to FrIday. rYPEWRITER rentai, mnanyrnakea and modela, by the weekend, week or month. Placounta avali. able. Dlckaon Printing & Office Supplilea in the Ajax Plaza. Calil ua for buineas machine repaira 6n3'1968. ÇDISPLAY 1982 DATSUN Pick-up. -Back with goid atripa, AMIFM caaaet-' te, 30,000 kiiometera,, $5,100o. Phone 655-3178 betwean 6 and 10 p.m. EDUCTI0AL S~ECE 40GRAMMAR for people who hate gramniar" la the ideal pockat reference book for busineas people. $3.95 par copy and avait- able at Dickaon Printlng & Office Supplie. In the Ajax Plaza. Dealer enqulriea-invited 683-1968. Instcki at umoxeon Prlntlng & Of- fice Supplieealn the Ajax Shop- ping PUla. Large aelectlon of styles and aizea Why pay. more for a aMailer aIheet of lettering? 683-19w8. MATTRESSES end box aprlnga et haîf prIce. McKeen Fumiture, 524 ailmcoe Street South, Oehavl& CHECK OUR LOW EVERYDAY PRICES- ELMER'S FURNITURE FI REWOOD FOR SALE ALL SEASON HARDWOOD 576-8340 or 723-2021 FUR NITURE STIPPING Refinishing & Custom U ph olstery ANTIQUES BOUGHT&SOLD Open 7,Days a Weéek Funitre4 41.3 Dundas St. E. Whitby Ont.668-r5481- VISIT our uaed furniture ware. -house, - by .apkmn ~Big eavinga on'dea'ke,"chaira,, filing cabinets, etc.Oelil Diciceon Print-' Ine & Office Suppllis 10arrange; an appointment 10 view. 683. 1968. MASSIVE OAK table 24"x24". Lounging chairs. Saiad bar, oak. Maaaive oak bar, il fi. x 20 ft. and more. Phone 579-1138. DARRELS - Whiakey, $25. Runi, $30 . Guaranteed, wat, free dellvary.688-1645 or6888-0257. I FOR SALE *Deiver Anywherel 70554-8260 r Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Pleese have your Visa cerd ready when calling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words; 12t each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the fir- st 50 words; 12e each additional word. AUCTION SALES -37e per line. (No word adsalelowecl) BOX NUMBERS:- Box numbers'are available et an ad- ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press wiil make CHESTERFIELD auliesa, love- eea, act'oaePlèethan ½W price. Large aaeotion. ,McKeen Fumiture. 524 Simcoe St. S." -OÏhawa. 725-5181. WASHER & DRYER FuIIy eutomatic, fine workIng order, whiite, G.E., $500 Negotieble. EvenIngs or Weekends * 427-6922 "HEROES of 1he Bible" colourlng book available et Dickeon Print- ing & Office Supply,'Ajax Plaza, 683-1968. Deamier inquirlea ln- vited. NEAALY NEW portable dieh- waaher, aimond, $225. Tacimine claaeicel guitar, $200. Phone 668- 4614 affer 6 p.m. PHOTOCOPYING High quality photocopying whiie you wait. WHITBY FREE PRESS 131 Brock Street North, Whîtby J OSK, U iv. a.iy ipave ougni neIl I - vice on ail probiems of Ilfe. One reading wiii convince you of her great knowiedge. Readings are private and conf Idential, Seven days a week. For appolniment, 9 a.m. ta 9 p.m. 741-6019 RTISER every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we accept no liebiity regerding loss or damage aileged to arise through failure or delay in forWarding such replies. We wiil not be responsible for box number replies not called for within 30 days. DEADLINES:. Monday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Classified Ada. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ada. CALL 668-6111 Provide J anItoriai Services for a 2 year period at the Probation and'Parole' Off ice, 57 Simcoe 'St. S., OSHAWA, Ont. Tender No. ORI-84- 172 Sealed Tenders will be recelved until 2:00 P.m. local time oôn - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 301984., Tender Documents, may be obtained from the Ontario' Minlstry of Government Ser-. vices, Orillia District, Office, 24 James St. E.,' Box 790, OrIllia, Ont. Note: For further In- formation 'regarding the' tenders,, please caîl the Tenders. Of- fice at the above ad- dress, Telephone (705>325-7403. The iowest or any Tender not necessari ly accepted.ý. Ontario ELCRIC-AL Replace Security Fix- tures- at the Jeui n WH ITBY, Ont. Tender No. ORI..84- 170 Seaied Tenders ' will be received until 2:00 - p.m. local time on. TUESDAY, DECEM- 0E4 94. Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Ser-' viées, Orillie District, Office, 24 James St., E., Box 790, Oillia,, Ont. Note: For further in- formation regarding the tenders, pleas.e cali the-Tenders Of- fice et the above ad- dress, Telephone (705) 325-7403. The. lojwst' or any Tender" n ot necessariiy accepted. Ontario 1 CLASSIFIED ADV 1 A JLN-

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