WITBY FREE FRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1984, PAGE'15 ÀAuto 9Guide CarInsu rance CIaims ICheck TransmisioVl j (C) - An automobile in- surance policy is a legal rcontract between youan your insurance company. The vast majority of claims are resolved through negotiation.1 However, as with any '~contract, the courts have final jurisdiction in 1) any disagreement between you and your company; or, 2) in any dispute between you and another party invol ved in the *same accident. In such cases the courts decide on responsibility in an acci- dent and can decide the ex- tent of damages to be paid by the responsible party or the insurance company in question. Company gives counsel Under your auto policy, your company provideE; legal counsel in any action against you for injury or property damnages, i.. if someone dlaims you are at fault in an accident covered by your policy and takes you to court, your company will provide lawyers te de- fend you. The time it takes to settie a cdaim depenïds mainly on how long it takes to deter- mine 1) the extent of dam- ages; and 2) the degree ofre- sponsibility of thepartiesto the accident. SIt is easy to see that two people involved in an auto- mobile accident may have different ideas on how the crash occurred, who was're- sponsible, and even how rnuch injury was caused. In simple cases it should take no longer than a few days. In -more complicated cases, especially those involving personal injuries, often it takes time to see how se- nious these injuries are. In such cases, if agreement cannot be reached between them, the parties invol ved may resort to the courts te determine who is responsi- ble and to what exten t. Immediate payments for loss of wages and medical expenses are another fea- ture of your policy in addi- tion to out-of-pocket ex- penses where injury is involved to yourself, pas- sengers or pedestrians whom you may hit. In many other cases where re- sponsibility is not in dis- pute, many companies will settle third party piroperty damage dlaims imme- diatély. Payments for injury dlaims faîl into two basic categories: 1) special dam- ages which can be ascer- tained, such as medical bills, lost wages, funeral and ambulance expenses and reimbursement te gov- erament agencies, where applicable, for medical treatment and hospitaliza- tion; 2) general damages which must be estimated, such as money to compen- sate for future disability and expenses, pain and in- convenience, and loss of life expectancy. If you are not responsible for an accident but you sus- tain property damage, you can have your car repaired under your collission cover- age and then arrange (through your company) to have the lawyer represent- ing your company also rep- resent you in recovering damages. The main payment fac- tor in a property damage dlaim aie replacementorre- pair of car parts (grilles, fenders, bumpers, etc.), materials (paint, finishing, etc.) and labor (body shop and mechanical) and other property (fences, poies, treesand buildings). "Beftorment" cosis When your car is bei ng re- paired, you may find it a convenient time to have ad- ditional work completed which did not result from. the accident. Such addi- tional work will normally put your car in better condi- tion than it was prior to the accident and you may be asked te contribute your fair share to such "better- ment" costs. For example -ifonly one side of your car was dam- aged and is being re- pninted, you may wish te use the occasion as an op- portunity to have a com- plete paintjobdone.Thead- ditional cost involved is not part of your insurance dlaim. Again, if a tire is de- stroyed, insurance may only pay for the value of the old tire, based on its pre- vious condition. If a new re- placement tire is installed, you may be required to pay the difference in cost. luilgr"l A warning from Car Care Concil is directed to motorists who have been inundated with snow during winter, especially those -who may bave been abusing their transmissions when stuck in the snow. According to the Council, one of the major causes for tran- smission damage is ex- cessive wheel-splnning and rocking ini the snow. The damage is caused by the fluid overheating and by wear of clutch surfaces. According to the Council, it's easy to determine if you may have a problem. The appearance and odor of burming transmission fluid is unmistakable. The reci fluid turns brown and has a burned smell. The Council reccom- mends that motorists in srnowbelt areas remove the transmission dip- stick and check its con- dition. If symptoms suggest overheating bas occurred, have the tran- smission pou changed and filter replaced. Bring this ad to Ziebarf for 11O0Off. SOFFER EXPIRES DECEM BER 15,1984. LIMIT'ONE OFFER PER VgHIC LE, ANDGETALIFETIME WARRANTY * %;,Zi ebart IE'iebart ViRust Protection I jnterior Protection 'Zi ebart TV Ziebart wPint Protection ~Splash Guards Compare. Zlebart lis No. 1 Zieber Wants ta protect your car #rom rusting, fading, stalning aod ahipping. With Ziebari Ruai Protection Our exclusive salanta, lacis and techniques proteci a*ainot ugly rust ...anmd t'a backed by a LIFErIME WARANTY *. Wbie6 Ziebai Peint Protection prevents fading, Our Spiesh Guards proteta@ainot chips end dingo. LAd vhen you add Ziebet Interfor Protection, YOur car Is ids wfiI be as beautiful as lis ex. Right now aiH fils protection la qpeclliy prlced et $100 off. For besilful protection with an equaiiy afttrtie Price. Out, tsar or rip fls Out and bing Iltic Ziebert. (Bm=rLrtZiebWrt 0 zigCALL TODAYMFme **AnY OUMerZebmn service moy be beiltutea. 0.4,Door lige Guardsor BodySk@ ouWings. ile NCE 5 [ à PfTECTaom SEnVICis AN APPOINTMENT 666-1811 440 HOPKINS ST (South'of Dundas St. E> WHITRV I.i ma .U 4 '4 ti E4 44 44 t 4< Q4 4j 444 4 $ ~ 4 4 4~fi4j4tf~t4 8$G tt it 5- * I ~> 4,* *,A A TOTAL CAR CARE CENTRE *Plastic Paint Seolant eintorlor Fabrlc ShieId *Rustprooflng .CALL NOW FOR GRAND OPENING SA VINOS 666-3 915 153 BROOK ST. N., WHITBY , .1 i