PAGE 20, WEDNICSDAY, NOVEMBERU 28.1 984. WHITnV F PR PDq LETTERS TO THE EL )IOR Morenale tial iscrim inatd gainstCanadian ctzn Dear Sir. I would like ta respon- se to the Morgentaler trial and the articles I read in the paper. The jury selection was done with the intention of ex- cludlng the follawing: Regular church-goers; Housewives; *Young people; and, Older professionals, fram jury auuy wor Lme iorgen- taler's trial. With regard ta the abave, I would like ta submit the following: 1. As a Canadian citizen, I feel that thousands of mny On- tarian brothers and sisters, of whatever faith, were discriminated against in the Morgentaler trial. One of aur sacred con- stitutional right is the freedom ta practice religion. To disqualify church-goers is a tan- temount ta, taking away Our basic right and privilege as guaranteed by aur constitution. Why shauld we be excluded in the proclf es fjr CHRISTMAS GIFT BASKETS $10O00TO $2500 CHEESE TRAYS $2 Minimum order$12.50 $2 PER PERSON Mail order available for cheese only - 2% lbs. and up CIA XTON FRUIT CAKE $395 1 LB. %at82% fruit & nut content. Avaliable in $7610 2 LB3. - ('alae darkoriight. 3B NEW HOURS: Monday ta Saturday, 10 a.m. - 6 p-. 128DUNDASST.W. WHITBY,ONT. 668-1 621 selection? Is it justified ta have church-goers be prejudiced and preven- ted from their duty ta serve as jury just because they happen ta. exercise their basic canstitutional right? 2. Many wanien feel that their place is in their homes. They are homemakers who dedicate themselves niostly ta the welfare of their famiies. Many 0f themn do valuntar comnmunity wark when time permits. Sa why leave them'out ta serve as jury? 3. Were Farga and Marks leery of the possibility that aur future' generatian, aur YOung Peaple, are aware af the fact that approximateîy 40,000 in accardance with the Walnut St. anti-abartian marchers Whitby. Solway should heed local feelings dioperating an illegal abortian climic in Toron- ta" is a law-breaking act? Were they afraid that aur- young may sway the final vating in favaur f, preserving life? 4. And why were aider professianals, such as dactors, teachers etc. ignared? Are they taa, intelligent and capable of making the correct decision in abeying the judge's instruction that an affence had taken place; that the law had been- broken, (even Margentaler admitted this)? Were they ap- prehensive that these aIder prafessionals will be able ta persuade the jury ta reach a verdict law of aur country? Was it then, nat Ob- viaus that the jury was selected with the inten- tion that eventuaîîy they will fail ta recognaze the facts that the law bas been breached and show sYmpathY to the ac- cused and bis project. Their "no gullty", ver- dict is not the refléctian of the choice of the people of Ontaria. It merely was a decision af the group, wha was pot compased of church- gaers, nar dedicated hausewives, nor the Young peaple, nor the aIder prafessianaîs. The People af Ontario bas shown ' what, they want. Were there nat at Queen's Park an Oct. 1983? Were there not aver 100,000 signatures collected in respanse ta the "Na Abortian Cinies" advertising campaign? What about over one million signatures petition calleà cted and given ta, Ottawa, aur federal government. Does this not clearly indicate what the people of Canada want? Maybe we shauld speil it out; We do nat want nor need, and certainly nat paY for any abortion clinics in Canada, and especially nat in On- tario. Betty van Hezewyk r)qu i01- I read with dwindling interest the comments in your paper made by Mr. Solway concerning initiatives- taken by local business people. ta imprave the downtown ENJOY EUROPEAN CUISINE IN O UR K INING Rn O J Cabbage Rolls Home MVade Soup Shish kebabs ,r Deli Sandwiches Perogies Borscht Soup Chicken Kapusta je Ribs Shrimp & Scallops FULLY LICENSED FAMILY RESTAURANT M 576 RITSON RD. S., OSHAWA M 571-2055' M Open 7 Days A Week M BRING A FRIEND, A LARGE APPETITE AND TRY MTHE ROOSTERDELUXE ..Adelightful mixture of Mcabbage rolls, shish kebabs, perogies, koibasa, kapusta served with soup or salad. M WE GUARANTEE YOU WON"'T LEAVE HUNGRY M LET US DO THE COOKING FO'R YOUR CHRISTMAS PARTY EAT-IN OR TAKE HOME IN - IR VE -DAILY LUNCIJEON SPECMAL core of our community for ailof Whitby's citizens. Mr. Solway States that he is a persan wha enjoys the big city life and aIl the hustle and bustle that is a part of it. Perhaps Mr. Salway is simply a persan in the wrong place at the wrong time. It is ap- parent from his com- ments that he does not approve af this cam- Ceanadir: On D earSirf:oya Oaan beîaf Roal- eh12 Canai Leg ianBran chx11eWhitbyIdwish a epress atoofur eea- Remepreian afy aurpe eioimeeaceiDayh Fre ed ressaginsheo FreePressissuea ("Take tme 1984't remember an Sun- Sday"). Yaur comments were bath apprapriate and * timely; and, in aur opinion cantributed in no small measure ta the Sincreased citizen atten- ~dance with us at the Cenatap site f ARy. Th otea aet Reiin f18i' R N byCnda rt oni1 CM EA O YOR.L e iH COACSTOLUG DONTISO H munity and its initiative ta imprave the core and support aur local mer- chants. One gets the general feeling that it is nat as much that he daes nat support the change, but does nat feel that it can be dane by "RURALS" such as we have on aur Downtown Board. Perhaps he should pay greater heed ta. the Legion sai weather!H, and ta the overall success 0f the DID YOU KNOW that to a quaiified ownier who drives less than 3 miles one way ta work, a poiicy le availabie providing $500,000.00 iiability, accident beneflts, $25000 deductible collision and $50-00 deductible camprehensîve for' an annual premnium af $337.Ç«, (84 Chov.Celebrity 4 door uaed as example>. A fur- ther discount 18 allowed ta abstalners. VFor Furthor Detalis Coli: VICK INSURANCE 101 Dundee St. W. 1936 le Suit. 302, Whitby 66&.3579 ideas, commentaries, and criticisms ex- pressed an bis (now defunct) local talk show. The lack of' response shauld in- dicate ta himn the general feelings of the residents of this cam- munity taward bath him and hils u.nfounded critics. iys thanks- Sincerely, Faat and friendly Sservice and good food is the arder of M~ Sthe day at the SFireplace. 0fOur menu In. cludes a wide range ofpapular items ln. cluding banquet Sburgers, Western sandwiches, steak on a kaiser, sub. marine sandwiches, Sand chickç, f ingers. SWe are aiso open for breakfast. We peel>- the Potatoes aur- selves ta give you.e Sthe best hamemade Sfries.M SAnd the coffee is: Salways freshîy Sgraund and brewed. SJoin Us for lunch or Sgive Mam a break for supper. O)pen 7 days a wsek . 308 ThIÉckson Rd.S. Whutb 1 f zmmp RS 0 H Pear Sir - ta 1% lail à -ý