PAGE.20, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 112,1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS Whltby's Most WidoI1y Read CLASSý1FIIEDjALIS SERVCESAVMTIVE ARTICLES ARTICLES ARTICLES EA U~EPIAPAFORAPAT SALEFO SALE FOR SALE NOTICES DON'T LISTEN to Bflyoflelse, DARK PINE and glass end tablesWahr&D r FOR SALE Cabbiage Patch dol TCET Iwe pay top dollar for scrap cars and coffea table, $250, Ilke new. Wse re clothes, large selectlon,NO IET TRS-80 COLOUR COMPUITERS USERS antrcs6&71.Fle unwihtahmt, both automatic, G.E. 2spaed, raasonable prlcea. Cli666-1955. CREDITORS AND Upgrade your COCO f rom 16 to 64 Kbytes $and.trucksat666-9712. FlWteralisencwcthattachments0.OTHERS Cail for appolntmnent 6635,evenîngs 6$150. 0wt tre,$0.O i 5 cyce, ViihgPter,10 $500.sagint h 6635 3~*DSharg, knu g Powe ASV A al 2" I 5Dlasntle I ___________ ugunrosagas &SIEOKtbe2~x4 L am gls h ~~AUTOMOBILES b onln his Salad bar, oak. Ett fRdî az SL EOTYPE press-on Ietterlng now Phillps Modular 4wlth Massive oak bar, 1if. x20ftL.and also known as Rudotph JESSI CLEANING SERVICE wlll MASTER CRAFTSMAN Complete FORSAE in stock at Dlckson Printlng & Of- converter, $300. more. Phone 579-1138. Kaaz and also known as dlean your home to your satlsfac- remodeilng service, bath., kit., pigPaa ag, lcino uy Kaaz, late of the tion. wth manv extras. Cali me to rmc.. add. etc..oneflA < oes lj, ll. 1982 BICK CENTURY LTD. 4 p-g az. Large-seletion of.R.d haip over the holldays, have many refarencea, 4346198. GLENDALE PLUMBINO, faucats, fixtures, repaira, 'DIW In- stallations, 30 yaars exp. 686- 1654. HORS8Ed BOARDED large box M-saills,Indoor arana, heated barn, lounge, daily turnout and In- divIdual faed programa. 855-4889. NAJLA MADY, Psychic Broad- castarlAuthor la now ln Mississauga and taking appoin. tments for private readInga, days, evenInga or Saturdays. Cati 276- 1070 or 273-7999. COLOUR ANALYSIS Discover the colours & shades that com- pliment your skln tone & enhance your best features. Only $30 par Consultation Cali 666-2770 PTS & SU lPLIES ONIEFRIEE PUPPY to go t0 good homa. For further Information cali LOST - brown Parago stroliar at Whitby Harbour, Dec. 2. Reward. 839-0627. FOUND -black, long-haired fenmata. cetIn I-arrllnc Street area Free estimetes, referencea avaliabte. Gilbert Harvey, 579- 1138. BELL liBELL.- General Contrac- tors, rania., lmpr's. jobs, big and smali. For f ree est. James Bell 655-4497. UNEMPLOYMENT HELP CEN- TRE: Need heip? Workers' Com- pensation, Welfare, OHIP assistance, Unempioyment In- surance, or Criais referrals to other agencles, cali: 579-.1821. clc FngernaIse "'27001 Betty Ann GM. RINGS bought and sold or wlll trade' for old gold. Beat pricea for oid jeweîry. Trade up or down. 728-0906. WANTED USED APPLIANCES (WorkIng or Not> WE BUY, SELL RECON DITION 668-2796. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT COMING fi EVENTS WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for rent on professionel floor. Wouid be CHRISTMAS CRAFT SALE and open house. Set. and Sun., Dec. 15 and 16, 9 s.m. 10 4 p.m. 1875 Giendele Dr., Pickering. For f urther Information cati 831-5049. CONGRATULATIONS on your forthcoming marrnage. Please view our sampies cf engraved wedding Invitations et your tel- sure ln aur Aax Plaza store.' Dlck- son PrInting & Office Supplies 683-1968. OPPTUNITESI B3E YOUR OWN BOSS 184 BUSINESSES ANVONE CAN STARTAND MAKE A LOT OF MONEY This 377 page book could Change your life. To order* seend $15 to: BrlckîeY oolons, Box 340, Nastings, Ont., KOL 1YO. suitable for Iawyer, accountant, etc. Ranti ncludes ail utilties and la negotieble for an appropriae tenant. For further Information cai 668-672 batween 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mondey 10 Friday. STORE FOR RENT Dcwntown Whitby location, used as a Beeuty Shcp for the last 10 years. CaiI668-2757 for Info., door, automnatic, p.a., p.b., iuxury Interior, bucket seate, console, onty 37,000 km., $8.500 or best cf- fer. 668-2909. 1979 GIA MUSTANG, 8 cyl., p.s., p.b., good condition. Aaking $2.100 or beat offer. 427-7890. 1969 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 4 door, ru nning condition, sai as la, $300 or best of fer. Phone 668- 0513. Charlie has decided flot to make his own paper from pulp but to rather order it fram Dickson Printing & Off ice Supplies where the prices open your eyes. FREE: Drop into the Dlckaon Printing & Office Suppiy store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up a freea copy of their 1984 Metric Calen- dar. Printed in two coloura. * t makes for handy reference. 683- 1968. SERVICES "GRAMMAR for people who hate grammar la the ideal pocket reference book for business people. $395 per copy and avait. able at Dickson Printing & Off ice Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Dealer enquiries Invited 683-988. ARTICLES FOR RENT TYPEWRITER rentai, marlymakes and modela, by the waekend, week or month. Discounts avait. able. Dickson Printing & Office Suppliesain the Ajax Plaza. Cai us for business machine repaira 683-1968. styles and sizea. Why psy more -for a smaiier sheet of lettarIng? 683-1968. BARRELS - Whiskey, $25. Rum, $30. Guarantaed, wet, free deiivery. 688-1645 or 688-0257. FOUR BOOKS 0F POEMS for sale. Prie $4.95 par copy. These books woutd make Ideal Christ- mas gifts. Heip support a local writer. Appiy 10 the author, Har- vey Sparks, 937 Donovan Cres., Whitby, LiN 3G4. FIREWOOD FOR SALE ALL SEASON HARDWOODI 576-8340 or 723-2021 ÉURNUTURE STRIPPING Refinishing & Custom Upholstery ANTIQUES BOUGHT&SOLD Open 7Days aW\/eek ê¶niture4 p41, Dundas St. E. Whitby Ont.668-58 FOR SALE veivet, red coiored chestertield and loveseat, 1 year old, $900 or best offar. Phone 728-7344 evenings. esk for Mer- Cie. FroC ut *CHRISTMAS TREESI * $8 to $16 102 Winchester Rd.,I *corner of Anderson & VISIT Our used furniture ware- house by appointment. Big sevIngs on desks, chairs, f iing cabinets, etc. Cati Dickaon Print- ing & Office Supplies 10 arrange an appcintment 10 view. 683- 1968. NEW CINDY DOLL flOUSE four floors cf original CIndy furniture, inciuding electric stove and run- ntng ahower and Cindy swim- ming pool with furniture. 655- 4917. CABBAGE PATCH DOLL for sale. 576-6004, cati aftar 6 p.m. MATTARESSES and box aprînga et haif prîce. McKeen Furniture, 524 6imcoe Street South, Oshawà . 725-5181.- VITAMINSI VITAMINSI We are a Canadian Company aellng quaiity Canadien made Jamiason vitamine et mail order pricea. Cai Mr. Aiton 728-4894, 725-5310 for your price lilt. Money back guerantea. WATKINS productsalaso availa bie. FOR SALE Speed Queen washer and dryer, goid color, washer In working condition, $150 for both. Kenmora portable dtshwasher, goid color, $50. 579-2532. "HEROES of the Bible" coiouring bock evailable et Dickson Print- ing & Office Suppiy, Ajax Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer Inquiries ln- vtted. CHECK OUR LOW EVERYDAY PRICES Onn rwhesterfieltds. bedroom sets, colonial diigroom.q, and kit<ehen.iiiie.. beds. etc EýLMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St. E. (At Ritaon) Oshawa I our OwnHoe, PERFECTNAL in 60 minutes ACRYLIO ....... 4I i TIPS WITH COATING .......3 FILL ............$15 C/,al G erisF -rse 43-76 1 Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wiil ne be liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typogrb tic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occr. ed by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first inser.ýn. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classif.,N or rejeet ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the pz-er one day before they changed or cancelled. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; l1e each ad- ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified j'r' -1IN Jr' IaJîJiiY- IUJ 8AbtI IfIlIiJ I-NIJ V LfI' Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready when calling. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words; 12t each additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the fir- st 50 words; 12t each additional word. AUCTION SALES -37t per line. (No word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box nurnbers are available at an ad- ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make FOR SALE mink stote, $200. Silver ptated Rogers tee server, 5 places, $300 (Burke). Phone M-8 3516. MARY KAY put your beat face forward. Caîl fora compiimentary facial - ln your own home - and ses why we say ... our la "The ccsmetlc thats more than a cover up". Nancy, 68-1100. ICHESTERFIELD suites, love-- seats, aactionais, leas than 'k prîca. Large saiection. McKeen Furniture. 524 Simcoa St. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. 5 H.P. snowbiower, eiectric start, $400 fIrm. Catil 688-1366., HELP FIGHT' KIDNEY DISEASE. 66-42 Town of Whitby, ln the Reglonal Municlpallty of. Durham, who died on or about the l9th day of September, 1984, must be f lied wlth the under- signed personal representatives on or before the lBth day of January, 1985; thereaf- ter, the underslgnedwill distribute the assets of the said Estate having regard only to the claims then f 1lied. DATED the lSth day of November, 1984. Harold Kaaz ZMon Road North R.R. No.'i Ennisklllen, Ontario and Jool Richard Palter 219 King Street East Oshawa, Ontario L1H 105 by their solicitors, Crotin, Palter, Barrîsters and Solicitors, 219 King, Street East, Oshawa, On- tario L1H 1 CS. ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damnage alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding such replies. We wiill ot be responsible for box nuznber replies not called for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to isert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Emporiumi Ads. CALL ~~N~EFORTRET bl A X7 S. d-IT A A lr%111L-%lC» WTQIL1117 Q