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Whitby Free Press, 19 Dec 1984, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY, DECEMI3ER 19, 1984, WHITBY FREEIPRESS IlM E'E.. PR... Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject to the following conditions. SOW Q ARTICLES i"ARTICLES FOR SALE W FQ' SLEJ FOR SALE two beige standard EUREKA VACUUM cleaner with bucket sasswith bases> from a atiachments, new condition,, Ford Econoline, aimoat new, $50 $120. Singer sewing machine, an- each. Precision drafting set, tique, In excellent condition, compietewith ink pens, $40. Cal> $100. New tir siab oulsîde door, Mike 6«8.9702 alter ô p. m. $25. Antique end table, $50. ______________________ Ladies winter coat, good con- - dîtion, $25. Trunk, $40. Antigue COLECOVISION like new wiih îronîng board, $20. Beatty Atari conversion module, $200 or au îomatîc roner, $40. 688-2800. bast of fer. Atarl ana uolacovision cartridgas, $15' and up. Cal> Shawn aller 4 p.m., 728-9008, FOR SALE wlndow glass 3116" Temperd (slldlng wlndowa> - 36"x32"x3116, 16 places and acreens, 30"x20"x3/16, 4 places and acreens, 19½t"x18*x3/16, 8 Places and acreens, $60 for ail. Pair of men's skates, size il, new,,$15. Fire acreen, antique black, like new, 36", wîde x 26"1 hlgh, $25. Cali 688.0 GM 15" RIM AND TIRE, $10. Car heater, $10. House elecirlc panai c/w 40 circuits and 200 amp. dîsonneci, $95. FIreplace hast pipe Insert, $10. 8 Track cassette playar 12VI110V c/w great soun- ding speakers, $35. Çlning room llght fIxture, $10. Cross country skis and poles for 6 to 10 yrs.), $18. Mena 9h Rlecker buckle boots 'and press, $35. Cali 576- 7697 afler 5 p.m. FOR SALE portable pool table, $25. Sankyo Super 8 movie camnera wlth llghi atiachment, like new, $75. 668-8762. BOYS CLOTHING very good condition. Infant to 3 yaars snowsult, $7. Four hand knlttad sweaters, $250 each or ai l for $9. Five long leave t-shirts, $1 each. Three. panis, $1.25 aach. Five blankat sieepers, $2 each or ail for $9. Infant swing seat, $5. Brooklln 655-3735. STEREO cabinet modal, $175. White chest-of-drawers, $50. Framad glass mirror, $8. Aillin excellent condition. Phone 686- 1149. DOUBLE BED, $110. Cheat-of- drawers, $35. Exercise bike, $50. Smeli AMIFM record player, 2' speakers, $30. AM/FM radio, record player, 8 track playar, buili-In speakers, $80, Excellent condition. 686-4220). LADIES Muskrat and Raccoon coat, size, 14. $350. Phone 666 1387 afiar 6 p.m. DUNCAN PHYFE table, reflnished, lest, sas6, $185. Maple kitchan set, 4 chairs, drop leaf table, $145. Oak dlnlng table, leste, 2 chairs, $85. Mapie table, $50. Antique blrd's eye mapie, sideb>oard, reflnlshed, $225. Small hait moon walnut table, $35. Antique set of drawers, '$60. End tables, $15pair. Two chairs, 825/pair. Dishes, $10. Tools, $10. Phone 683-6638. COLECO VISION aimoat new, games lncluded. Donkey Kong, Donkay Kong Jr., Gorf, Space Panic, Zaxxon, Ventura, Lady Bug, Basebali, wlth 2 Joysticks, $250. Phone 666-1421 daytlme, 668-9946 eveninga. ANTIQUE Victorian chaise lounge,- $750. Antique radio and - Gerard phono and speaker, $150. Empire sofa, claw feat, $200. Pins dry slnk, $8. Singer consola sewlng machlng, $50. Single bed couch, re-uphoisîerad, $250. Food dehydrator, 10 irsys, 1 Tation aheet, 1 cookbook, $300. Electric loge, $25. Tali 08k 81001, $40. Chesterfield and chair, $350. Two Judo suite, size 3, $20 ach. One pair Edabyns skis, 170 cm., Pollas and boots, aize 8½o, $45. One pair Asnes skis, 190 cm., polea and boots, aize 8Wa, 65. Phone 655-4822. FOR SALE Gibson Ripper basa, excellent condition, $40 and Imitation Stratocaster, $300. In- cîuding hardshelî case, hardly used. Cal after 1 p-m.. 723-2579 ask for Karen. KITCHEN SET, whie oval table, white swivel chairs wth beige seats, $200. Comblnailoin swing gym set, 2 swings, swlnging ban- ch, gildes and alide, $20. Freezer, 10 cu. ft, needa comprassor, $50. Insulation, 4 batse plnk fibergiasa, paperback R12, 150 sq. fi., $20 par batt. Antique space heatar, large heatar bulbe, cosi ron wlth coppar reflector, real show place and ht works, $250. TV, black and white, works, $25. Cali 668-8528. FOR SALE swlvel rocker, white leaiherata, excellant condition. $150 or basi offer. Phone 725- 8159 after6e p.m. ONE PAIR PioneerPeeariesa Tweaters. One pair Jensen Triax 2-6x9. XR70 Sony AMIFM casset- te stereo. XM55 Sony sterao power amp. Can ba heard worklng, completa wih boxas and' bis, $500. Phone afiar 7 p.m., 668-2495. SAVE ON TUNE-UPS, A/C Delco Diagnostic centre, racenily rebuilt, HEI harnesa, added 34 functions, wlih extras. $1.200 In. vested. Sali $575 or beat offar. 668-5064. FOR SALE Boy's skates, size il, $5, size 12, $12. aiza 1, $15. Cali 668-1116. FOR SALE kitchen sel, Arborite table wlth stainleas steel trame, 30" wide x 54" long, bench seat wiih beige vinyl coverlng, 2 chairs, ail in excellent condition, $150. Chandelier dining room light fIxture, 5 ights, brasa coioured wlth crystal, $80. Smal> Yamnaha guitar wilh' case, sultabla for beginnar, $45. Ca»l 668-4686. EXECUTIVE STYLE desk, ex-. cellant condition, 34"lx60', solid blrch, receniiy reflnishad, 6 drawars, $125. GM baby loveseat, 1 yaar otd, $30. Phone 655-8026. UNIQUE COFFEE TABLE antique wagon wheel wlth glass top, bareiy used, muai be sean. $400, beat offer. 668-5038. uu There is no rea- son to, keep things you don't need or enjoy be- cause they're valuable. There are customers willing ta pay good rîqoney for things you've tir- ed of. Contact the "Recycler of Unwants", the classified depart- ment of the Whitby Free Press. You wili be pleased with the quick resuits. As fast as a phone caîl, re- suîts happen! I .-Pl LA L' ï>p A àEn_ A A.1intian 2jA1Jmtimi When the advertised item is soîd, disposed of, or unavailable for whatever reason, the item will be deemed to bave been sold and a commission will be charged baaed on THE A[)VERTISEr> PRICE as ilîustrated below, regardiess if price is stated with "best offer". If the item la NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wîll be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 will apply payable in advance of publication of the firat ad. Otherwise a $7.50 charge will apply if billed which must be paid upon receipt of bill. The above minimum charges will be applied to the final commission due but in any case the higher amnount will be charged. Minimum charge: $600 pre-paid, $7.50 billed. Maximum commission: $10000. Ail advertisements must ha placed on an exclusive basis With the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atleast one month if not sold. 5% o adertsedpric uptus4o.ooRATES (if article is sold 1: EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertised for $120.00. Commission due $6.00 i(minimum charge la 86.00) Private advertising only! Please notify the Whitby Free Press immediately when item is sold so that we may delete ht from the foUlowing issue. AIl ada not fitting the Emporium guidelines will be treated and charged per week as regular classîfied ada on a pre-paid basis such as:-services, help wanted, clothing, real estate, and personai .nessage type ada, or ada flot quoting price or quantity. Private classified ada may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIF'IED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. BOX 20f Wlitby. LIN 5Sî iflndoubî caîl: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: î:31 Brock St. N. Whltby, iOnt. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVJOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ~ RICE RTICLES UIA FOROSALELE INSTRMENTS WEST BEND electric griddla, SKIS, boots and poies, $85. Ski FO SAELwr gafl used once, $25. Charlescrafi hair iength 170 cm. Toboggan, 6 fi., Fie oRuSle LoeyOra, fui>t dryer, $10. Eiectric knife, $10. wood, $25. Two brasa temps, rhihmzeo enb adcopkt Eiectric heated tray table, $10. $38fpair. Oak china cabinet, $85 ryim ec$5Tin, b ec andbook Two eiectric motora 114 h.p., $5 Five oak chairs, $15 each. Cedar- like fr new $9 5 -hepefec5. ma each. Phone 668-2155. cheat, $95. Cali 683-6638.gîtfoanne65-9. MEN'S Dynasier skia, 207 cm wih bindinga- and poles, $50. Ladies ski boots, size 7, $10. Kenmora chlld's microwava bake oven, used once, $10. Tonka black jumbo truck, $10. Tonka 3 place jeep, boat and trallar. $3. Tonka jeep buggy, $4. Phone 668- 6185. LARGE flah tank with stand and ai> acceasorlea, $75. Phone 666. 2883. PAIR 0F HANDMADE Tai Ping area ruga in Adam design, living roomn 14x18, dinlng roomn - round 95" diamatar, In perfect con- dition, $12.500 pair, Aiso magnificani Viciorian Armoire with large crown and original finish, $1,5W. Caii eveninga bat- ween 6 and 9 p.m., 686-1223. COUCH AND ARMCHAIR, beige tweed, large size, good quality, excellent_ condition, $200. "Strolea Wea Care" car seat (in- fant 10 44 lb), excellent condition. Includles boit 10 aiiach to car trame, $28. Phone 725-1095. FOR SALE mans downflald coat, beige, with hood, aiza 40, tIke new, $60. Phone 668-2335. FOR SALE Hammond Piper alec- tic organ. Excellent condition, would maka a greas gifi for the antire famlly. $600. Cal> 668-7472 d N~USEH0TWI SUPPLIE SIOFA hiqut 71fi.ii-,n, fine fur, rec room or cottage. $100 or beat off er. 655-4073 afiter 5 p.m. FOR SALE Simpliciiy washerispin dryer, gold coior. 2 years oid, $175. Phone 655-4527 SOLID PINE BUFFET HUTCM, only one monih old. Asking $700. Willi diacuas prica. Cal; Cindy 668-0887 morninga or 723-0877 afiter 2 p.m. & MOOCCC71 1979 250 YZ Moiorcross, neyer raced, $800. Cal befora 2 p.m., 668-9466. FOR SALE 3 pairs of aliver diamond dovas ai $25 par pair. 668-2461. FOR SALE West African grey parrot, $600. Phone 668-7012. ~YNEEDS ELECTRIC BOTTILE ataritizer, $15. Bumper pada, $15. Baby seat, $5. Bathtub, $3. Tolait traîner, $8. Two touait traîner rings, $2 aach. Coat with hood, siza 18 months, $10. Wlntar boots, sîze 6, $4. Phone 427-7069. Meo! the ""Recycler 01 Unwants"v The Emoorlum Section 0t he WhlbY Free Pressi 1 have read the Emporium guidelines and wish to have the following advertise-J Iment placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. I - .--4dan't farget ta include yaur phone number) 1 enclose $6,00 to Caver the minimum charge. Charge $6.00 ta my Visa acount. Bill me $7,50 after f irst publication 0f my ad. Card No. Exp. Date Nam (pease print -f irst and last name) Street Address City- Postal Code MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Broclç St. N. Whitby Il N 551 AUVOMIIVE ~JEARPAsIR/PARTS 1973 à 1974 ASTRA: almoat new transmission, $125. Windshieid, $45. Two GT seats, $30. Gas tank, $15. Hood, $15. Hatchback, $40. TwoBset, $15. 1974 Demon: hood, $20. Trunk iid, $15. Three 14" aiumInum alois for Chev, $35 each. Two 15" aluminum alois for truck, $50 each. Good condition. 688-4065. 1973-1075 CUTLASS 2-door outer door skIn (matai), wrapped ln Original package from G.M. Stored Indoors and dry, perfect condition, $150. Phone after 7 p.m., 668-2495. HEAVY TRIUCK PARTS ai> paria new. 1-GM ciutch for Chev, 5000- 6500 series wiih 350 or 366 cu. n., V8 angine, GM part No. 1400 1988, $100. 1-Tokheim eiectric submersible fuel pump, $85. 1. 16.5" brake drum (7.5' deep), $50. 1-Delco brake master cylinder, GM part No. 5467734; $100. 4. Brake reiining kits, 4" pada for 50-60 serlea Chev. $50 each. 4- Brake reiining kits, 3" pada for 7000 lb GM axie, $40 each. 655- 4995. HEAVY EQUIPMENT PARTS ail paria new. International bulldozer parts: 1-616125C3 carrier for T015B, 15C, 175B or 1750, $750. 1-619563C1 end bit for blâde for TD1,5B or 15C, $50. 2-324739 R91 Timkan bearing assamblias for biade winch, will fit modela TD25B or C and TD20B or 15B, $50 each. 1-4N6981 aiternator for Cal 3208 Induatrial angines, $200. 4-7440 Champion 'grader blade overlay end bita, $20 each. 4- 39CI00 J8VK Norton grinding atones, 2" .centre, 2.5" wvidth. 13.5 diameter, $100 each or 4 for $POO. Phone 655-4995. - - M es L R I LR S 42" CAMPER pick-up cap, $500. Phone 655-4241. 29FT. TRAVEL TRAILER, eieciric brakas, separate bedroom and ail convaniences, $8000 or neareat offar. 16f t. boat, 20 h-p., $800. Phone 668-2677. CONFUSED? Pieaae cail us anyý lime if the Emporium guidelines confuse you. Wa'ii ba glad to an- awer any questions yot. hava. Phone 668-6111 anytime. AUTOMOBIES WFORRASAELE1 1979 AUSTIN MINI. '3,200. Aso 1973 Lincoin MK IV, $4.200. Both low original mileage, drive and look like new, immaculate inslda and oui, angines and tiras ex- cetllent,.-certi fled, private sale. Mr Offer. 688-3839. 1976 CHRYSLER CORDOBA. 2 door, fully equipped, power siearIng, power brakes, air con- ditlonlng, $1,500 or besi offer. Phone 655-3176. 1976 FORD TRUCK, F1 50 (518 ton) 360 cu. Inch angine, 4 sp. for- ward, 1 reverse, heavy duty tran- smission, power siaering, power braks, fbrglasa cab, auxIlllary gas tank factory lnstallad, new tires front and rear, new brakes and hosas, traiter hltch, 50,000 original miles, excellant con- dition, $3,150. 655-8764, Brooklln. 1976 CHEVELLE MALIBOU Classlc, 1 owner, 90,000, 350 V8, vary good condition, muai sea, asking $1,000 or besi offer. ell af ter 6 p.m., 1-649-5464. FOR SALE 1976 Comnet, 2 door, standard, neda rad rpair, as la - whera la, $500 or besi offer. 668- 3123, afier 5 p. m. 1974 DATSUN B210, 4 apaad plus extra angine, transmission, $250. Phone 655-4829. 1974 DODGE CHARGER 400 SE, 2 door, Inierior spoileas, very dapandable, needa paint, comas with wintar tires, $1.500 or besi offer, certif lad, 668-4210. 1974 GREMLIN. Low mileage, body needa work, $250. 10-spaed, Norsiar Atala, $80. Phone 668- 4425. 1974 VOLKSWAGON 'Bug' ln good condition. As la, $1,000. 1974 0MEV NOVA 2 door, V6, ex- cellant runnlng condition, body excellent, standard staering and brakes, $1,000 or bet offr. 688- 1564. 1966 FORD RANCHERO (collec- tor. Book prica $4500 to $5,500, n good condition, must sali, giva away prica $2,000. Phone 668- 7546. 1962 CH EVROLET. 4 door Bel Air, running condition, requiras some body work, uncert. AskIng $450. Phone 668-2092. wý> cou us Now At 668«6111l Or Use This Form To Mail Tour Ad .'n .e Sick Room Equipment Loan Service I - i 2% of balance over 1400.00 (!mis

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