WHITBY FREE PREsnSMNsY eCEBR2,94 AE1 0 COME ALL YE FAITHFUL 0 corne, ail ye faithful, jJoyful and triumphant, O corne ye, O corne ye to Bethelehem; Corne and behold Him, Born the King of angels; Refrain O corne, let us adore Him, O corne, let us adore Him, O corne, let -us adore Him, Christ, the Lord! Sing, choirs of angels, Sing with exultations Sing, ail ye citizens of heav'n above; Glory to God in the highest Yea, Lord we greet Thee, Born this happy morning J esus, to Thee be glory giv'n;, Word of the Father, Now in flesh appearing O CHRISTMAS TREE (O TANNENBAUM) O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree! Thy leaves so unchanging; Not only green when sumrner's here, But also when 'tis cold and drear. O Christmnas Tree! O Christmas Treel Thy leaves are so unchanging. O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Iree! Much pleasure thou can'st give me; How oft en has the Christmnas tree, Afforded me the greatest glee! O Christrnas Tree! O Christmas Tree! Much pleasure thou can'st give me. O Christmnas Tree, O Christmnas Tree! Thy candies shine so brightly! From base to summit gay and bright, There's only spiendor for the sight. O Christmnas Tree! O Christmas Tree! Thy candies shine 50 brightly. 0 Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree! How richly God bas decked thee! Thou bidst us truc and faithful be, And trust in God unchangingly. O Christmnas Tree! O Christmnas Treel How richW ôlby&fi~ lt's always a pleasure to say, ",Season's best!" OTTENBRITE MEN'S WEAR 121 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-3261 IF I To you and yours at Christmas time! 308 Thlckson Rd. S. RtIE ~Whitby &Consumer Drive 433-0766 m m WHITBY FREE PRESS, MONDAY, DECEMBER 24,1984, PAGE 15 ùi