PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16,1985, WHITBY FREE PRESS TOWN0F WHITBY' PARKS AND RECREATION. WINTER PROGRAMS MARCO BREAK P@WER SKATINR SCH@L (Ages7*l4years> Power Skating teachea youngatemg contrat, batance and manaeuverablllty on skates. This program la especialty benefîclal ta young hockey players wha wlsh ta Improve their skating. This la not a Iearn ta skate progamm PELAE: Iroquols Park Arena I!L Manday Tuesday Wednesday&Thursday Frlday 2:30-3:30 2:00-3:00 3:00-4:00 1:30-2:30 fL $2000 COMMencing March il th, 1985 (8 years and otdert This program la designed for chitren and actutt aaike. Profesionats wilt Instruct you in the fundamentats of skating. PLACE: Luther Vipanct Memorat rena TIME: Tuesday. 4:00p.m..5:OO p.m. FEE*. $45.00 for 10 tessons Commsnclng January 22-April 2,1985 HOCKEY SCOL (Ages 7 -14 years) This course emphas/zes skating sk/lts and the ability to handie a puck in order ta prepare the children for more advanced hockey ptay. Chitdren should be able ta skate and must suppty fthe followlng equ/pment: skates, helmet, and face guard, sticksand gtoves. PLACE: roquais Park Arena TIME: Monday. 4:00-5:OOP.m FEE: $4500 for lOweeks Commenclng January 21-April î,1985 PROGRAMS W@MEN'S MOON MOUR FITNESS Dance Intashape wtha br/sk 112 haurworkout et lunch t/me, Swlmming slaasoavallabte. Twceweekly. PLACE: roquais Park Comptex, Whitney Hall TIME: Tuesdaysand Thursdays, 12:15-1 2:45 p.m FEE: $30.00operpersontfor 10 weeks Commenclng Tuesday, January 22,1985 SLIMISWIM A 12 week Instructionat esercise and fitness program taltowed by a sw/m and sauna. Once a week for 12 weeka. one hour of exercise in Whitney Halltolowed by a 112 haurswim and sauna et the pool. PLACE: roquais Park Comptes TIME: MondayORWednesday. 1:00-8:00 p.m (These times avaitabte on bath n/ghtst FEE:' $30 .00 par persan for 12 weeka Cammencing Monday, January 21 &Wednesday, January 23, 1985 AQUATICS The Anne Ottenbrite Pool Swlm Instruction: Ctasses commence fthe week of February 4th, 1985. 12 Weeks-1 2 tessons. Please note: Casses are filted on a'"frstcame, frstserved' basiseu The casses betow are lted progresslvety. each day and lme represents one class at 45 min. FEES: Mom and Me-$2.00 ... Cfidren2300Adults..$26.00 R.L.SS.-$30.00 ..Leaders-$30.00 .. .lnstructrs-$80.oo - 1 Auab.cs lWalim Exrcasesi Moday 230 p m à TO,,sday 9a0Osa m tTwice Weaiiiy) $30,00 PRE-SCHOOL LEARN TO SKATE Prafesionat insfructors wltt teach yau and your pre- schoater the fundamentats of skating. Bath parents and chltdren wlll be fattowing the C.F.S.A. National Skating Test items. PLACE: rpquols Park Arena TIME: Wednesday, 9:00 a.m.-1 0:OOa.m. FEE: $45.O0or fOtessons Commsnctng January 23-Match 27 PLACE: Luther Vlpond Memorlat Arna TIME: Friday, 2:00Op.m.-3:OO p.m. FEE: $45.Oofor lOtassons Coamenclng J&nuà ry25-Morch 29 HOCKEY LZARN TO SKAà TE- LARN TO PLAY (Ages4-7years) A basic ton, teamlng esperlence for the youngster lnferested ln teamlng the fundamentats of skating and hockey. Equipment necessary: skates and stick, hetmet with face guard, glavea. PLACE: Luther Vipond Memorl Arena TIME: Thuraday,4:OOp.m.-5:OOp.m. FEE: $45.OforlOleaaons Conmonclng January124-AprtII4,1985. MARCH BREAK SKAINGU SCMEDIILE Iroquois Park Arena-March 14th-1:OOp.m.-2:4b pm. MarchlS5th-330p.m.4:45p.m Luher Vpond Memorial Arena-March 1 2th-2:0OOp.m. 3:45 p.m Marchl3th-3;00p.m-4:45p.m P.D. PAYS SKATING AT IROQUOIS PARK AREMA1111fl Februaryl3-1:OOpm, 245p.m Februaryls5-3:3Op.m.-445p.m March 4-3:OOp.m .4:45p.m. March 29-3:30 p.m.-4:45 p.m. ADULTS-$1.25 CHILDFIEN-$1 Go0 SEMUPRIVATE SWIM LESSONSI Due to pubtic demand. only semi-private lessons wilt be offered in an effort ta accommodate as many patrons as possible in this poputar program, Each clas wi cons/st aI a maximum of two (2) participants. The classes are attered at hatflr/aur intervats, Saturday morn/aga, between fr/e hoursof 9:00 a.m. ta 12:00 noon. WINTER SESSION begînas sturday, Februery 9, 1985. FEE: Six (6) hall houressans-.$25.00/person. NOTE: As a resuit aIfr/he l/mîted Pool tîmes axa/table, tl wIl not be possible ta make up classes m/ssed, Theretore, betare reglstering. be sure yourch/ld canattendatl 6 tessons. Please read the information on tevels before reg/ster/ng your chId as there wii) be a transfer tee af $3.00 for retocating yaurch id PRRE-COMPETITIVI SWIM LISSONS Learn the Strakes, Starîs and Turns used ln competifive swim clubs, Bi-teraI Breathlng, and tncreased Endurance. Ait agesmeicome. Plus exposure ta Swim Meets. FEE: $3000 per persan for 12 tessons TtME: Saturday, 11:45 a.m. fCommencing Saturday, February th) S.C.U.B.A. COURSE STARTING DATE: TO SE ANNOUNCED DANCE.AER@BIC, An exercise clasa canducted ta music. Specifically designed ress camtortably and please wear white soled running shaes, PLACE: Iroquois ParkÇComplex, Whtney Hall TIME: Monda & Thursday ltwice weeklyl, 8 00.9 QO p.m, FEE: $55 0torl10weeks TIME: Thursdaysl(once weektyl, 7:008:Op.m. FEE: $40.00 for 10 weeks Commenclng the week of January 21 -March 25,1985 for Cardia-Vascutar conditioning.1 REGISTER BY MAIL - REOGISTRATION FOR ARENA PRO@RAMS COMMENCING, JANUARY l4th, 1985 -ProgramsstartJanuary2l, 1985. REOISTRATION FOR POOL PROORAMS COMMENCING, JANUARY 21 st, 1985 -Pragramssfart February 4th 1985 A) Participants may mail att farms directty ta the Parka and Flecreation Oepartment. Mait witt be f orwarded ta raquais Park Comples. Registration w/ll ot be accepted pr/ar ta the date indicatadabave. or)If yau wîshti t detiver a sealed envelape ta threIroquais Park Camplea, yau may do so an or ater the date indicated above. Envelopes wilI be marked received and the date of fthe delivery markedontheoutsideoftheenvetopes, 8:OOa.m.-8:OOp.m. C) Ati participants are requested ta pay by cheque or money arder. Vour returned chaque or your copy of your money order, wil serve asyaur receipt of î,ayment. D) Ati questions on programs wîll be answered by fetephoning 668-7765. Ift the Staff of the Parks and Recreation Oepartment are unable toaccommadate you in a particular ctass requested or your second chaice. they wilt then contact you by tetebhona ta inform yax. Atiîquestions retated to, programa should be canducted between fr/e r/ura 0f 9.00 a.m & 5.00 p.m. PLAENOTE: TWO SEPARATE LEASE REOISTRATION DATES: (1)ARENA PROGRAMS PLEASE CHECK STARTING DATE LtSTEO UNDER EACH PFfOGRAM!!! (2 WIMNGRGRM